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대한민국 ( S outh K orea)

대한민국 ( S outh K orea). By: Joshua F luker & Traci cook. Appropriate Gestures . Koreans wave by wiggling their fingers with their palm down. Waving with the index finger is considered rude. Facial expressions are more important that body language when communicating. Body Language.

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대한민국 ( S outh K orea)

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  1. 대한민국(South Korea) By: Joshua Fluker & Traci cook.

  2. Appropriate Gestures • Koreans wave by wiggling their fingers with their palm down. • Waving with the index finger is considered rude. • Facial expressions are more important that body language when communicating.

  3. Body Language • Tissues are used but if one does not have one its no surprise to see someone block one nostril and blow a hard clean quick shot. Koreans view it as a matter of body cleansing. • At dinner you can burp, and slurp but one thing the Koreans don’t like is for you to blow your nose at the table.

  4. Korean gifts • Gift giving is very common in Korea. Offer and receive a gift with both hands. Wrapped gifts are never opened in the presence of the giver. • Wrap your gift nicely. Bright colors are preferred for wrapping gifts. Yellow and red or green stripes are a traditional Korean wrapping paper design. Avoid wrapping gifts in dark colors or red.

  5. Dinning manners! • At first, taste soup or kimchi juice, and then try rice or other dishes. Use spoon for rice and liquid foods, such as stews or soups; use chopsticks for other foods.  • Do not make noises with spoon or chopsticks hitting the rice bowl or other food containers.  • Do not hold the rice bowl or soup bowl in your hand during the meal.  • Do not poke around the rice or side dishes with the spoon.  • Do not pick out what you don't like or shake off seasonings.  • Do not leave any trace of food on the spoon while eating. 

  6. clothing • The top part called a jeogori is blouse-like with long sleeves with the men's version being longer, stretching down to the waist. • Women wear skirts (chima) while men wear baggy pants (paji). • Clothes for the upper classes were made of bright colors and indicated the wearer's social status. Various accessories such as foot gear, jewelry, and headdresses .

  7. Korean transportation! • Taxis • Air Travel • Train • Bus and Car

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