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EE 3561 : Computational Methods Unit 8 Part I Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations

EE 3561 : Computational Methods Unit 8 Part I Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations. Dr. Mujahed AlDhaifallah ( Term 342 ). EE3561:Computational Methods Topic 8 Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations. Lesson 1: Introduction to ODE. Learning Objectives of Topic 8.

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EE 3561 : Computational Methods Unit 8 Part I Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations

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  1. EE 3561 : Computational MethodsUnit 8 Part ISolution of Ordinary Differential Equations Dr. Mujahed AlDhaifallah ( Term 342) Al-Dhaifallah1435

  2. EE3561:Computational MethodsTopic 8Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations Lesson 1: Introduction to ODE Al-Dhaifallah1435

  3. Learning Objectives of Topic 8 • Solve Ordinary differential equation (ODE) problems. • Appreciate the importance of numerical method in solving ODE. • Assess the reliability of the different techniques. • Select the appropriate method for any particular problem. • Develop programs to solve ODE. • Use software packages to find the solution of ODE Al-Dhaifallah1435

  4. Computer Objectives of Topic 8 • Develop programs to solve ODE. • Use software packages to find the solution of ODE Al-Dhaifallah1435

  5. Lessons in Topic 8 • Lesson 1: Introduction to ODE • Lesson 2: Taylor series methods • Lesson 3: Midpoint and Heun’s method • Lesson 4: Runge-Kutta methods • Lesson 5: Applications of RK method • Lesson 6: Solving systems of ODE Al-Dhaifallah1435

  6. Learning Objectives of Lesson 1 • Recall basic definitions of ODE, • order, • linearity • initial conditions, • solution, • Classify ODE based on( order, linearity, conditions) • Classify the solution methods Al-Dhaifallah1435

  7. Derivatives Derivatives Ordinary Derivatives v is a function of one independent variable Partial Derivatives u is a function of more than one independent variable Al-Dhaifallah1435

  8. Differential Equations Differential Equations Ordinary Differential Equations involve one or more Ordinary derivatives of unknown functions Partial Differential Equations involve one or more partial derivatives of unknown functions Al-Dhaifallah1435

  9. Ordinary Differential Equations Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) involve one or more ordinary derivatives of unknown functions with respect to one independent variable x(t): unknown function t: independent variable Al-Dhaifallah1435

  10. Example of ODE:Model of falling parachutist The velocity of a falling parachutist is given by Al-Dhaifallah1435

  11. Definitions Ordinary differential equation Al-Dhaifallah1435

  12. (Dependent variable) unknown function to be determined Al-Dhaifallah1435

  13. (independent variable) the variable with respect to which other variables are differentiated Al-Dhaifallah1435

  14. Order of a differential equation The order of an ordinary differential equations is the order of the highest order derivative First order ODE Second order ODE Second order ODE Al-Dhaifallah1435

  15. Solution of a differential equation A solution to a differential equation is a function that satisfies the equation. Al-Dhaifallah1435

  16. Linear ODE An ODE is linear if The unknown function and its derivatives appear to power one No product of the unknown function and/or its derivatives Linear ODE Linear ODE Non-linear ODE Al-Dhaifallah1435

  17. Nonlinear ODE Al-Dhaifallah1435

  18. Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations Is it unique? Al-Dhaifallah1435

  19. Uniqueness of a solution In order to uniquely specify a solution to an n th order differential equation we need n conditions Second order ODE Two conditions are needed to uniquely specify the solution Al-Dhaifallah1435

  20. Auxiliary conditions Boundary Conditions • The conditions are not at one point of the independent variable auxiliary conditions Initial Conditions • all conditions are at one point of the independent variable Al-Dhaifallah1435

  21. same different Boundary-Value and Initial value Problems Boundary-Value Problems • The auxiliary conditions are not at one point of the independent variable • More difficult to solve than initial value problem Initial-Value Problems • The auxiliary conditions are at one point of the independent variable Al-Dhaifallah1435

  22. Classification of ODE ODE can be classified in different ways • Order • First order ODE • Second order ODE • Nth order ODE • Linearity • Linear ODE • Nonlinear ODE • Auxiliary conditions • Initial value problems • Boundary value problems Al-Dhaifallah1435

  23. Analytical Solutions • Analytical Solutions to ODE are available for linear ODE and special classes of nonlinear differential equations. Al-Dhaifallah1435

  24. Numerical Solutions • Numerical method are used to obtain a graph or a table of the unknown function • Most of the Numerical methods used to solve ODE are based directly (or indirectly) on truncated Taylor series expansion Al-Dhaifallah1435

  25. Classification of the Methods Numerical Methods for solving ODE Single-Step Methods Estimates of the solution at a particular step are entirely based on information on the previous step Multiple-Step Methods Estimates of the solution at a particular step are based on information on more than one step Al-Dhaifallah1435

  26. Summary of Lesson 1 • Recall basic definitions of ODE, • order, • linearity • initial conditions, • solution, • Classify ODE • First order ODE, Second Order ODE,… • Linear ODE, nonlinear ODE; • Initial value problems, boundary value problems • Classify the solution methods • Single step methods, multiple step methods Al-Dhaifallah1435

  27. More Lessons in this unit • Lesson 2: Taylor series methods • Lesson 3: Midpoint and Heun’s method • Lessons 4-5: Runge-Kutta methods • Lesson 6: Solving systems of ODE Al-Dhaifallah1435

  28. SE301:Numerical MethodsTopic 8Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations Lesson 2: Taylor Series Methods Al-Dhaifallah1435

  29. Lessons in Topic 8 • Lesson 1: Introduction to ODE • Lesson 2: Taylor series methods • Lesson 3: Midpoint and Heun’s method • Lessons 4-5: Runge-Kutta methods • Lesson 6: Solving systems of ODE Al-Dhaifallah1435

  30. Learning Objectives of Lesson 2 • Derive Euler formula using Taylor series expansion • Solve first order ODE using Euler method. • Assess the error level when using Euler method • Appreciate different types of error in numerical solution of ODE • Improve Euler method using higher-order Taylor Series. Al-Dhaifallah1435

  31. Taylor Series Method The problem to be solved is a first order ODE Estimates of the solution at different base points are computed using truncated Taylor series expansions Al-Dhaifallah1435

  32. Taylor Series Expansion nth order Taylor series method uses nth order Truncated Taylor series expansion Al-Dhaifallah1435

  33. Euler Method • First order Taylor series method is known as Euler Method • Only the constant term and linear term are used in Euler method. • The error due to the use of the truncated Taylor series is of order O(h2). Al-Dhaifallah1435

  34. First Order Taylor Series Method(Euler Method) Al-Dhaifallah1435

  35. Euler Method Al-Dhaifallah1435

  36. Interpretation of Euler Method y2 y1 y0 x0 x1 x2 x Al-Dhaifallah1435

  37. Interpretation of Euler Method Slope=f(x0,y0) y1 y1=y0+hf(x0,y0) hf(x0,y0) y0 x0 x1 x2 x h Al-Dhaifallah1435

  38. Interpretation of Euler Method y2 y2=y1+hf(x1,y1) Slope=f(x1,y1) hf(x1,y1) Slope=f(x0,y0) y1=y0+hf(x0,y0) y1 hf(x0,y0) y0 x0 x1 x2 x h h Al-Dhaifallah1435

  39. Example 1 Use Euler method to solve the ODE to determine y(1.01), y(1.02) and y(1.03) Al-Dhaifallah1435

  40. Example 1 Al-Dhaifallah1435

  41. Example 1 Summary of the result Al-Dhaifallah1435

  42. Example 1 Comparison with true value Al-Dhaifallah1435

  43. Example 1 A graph of the solution of the ODE for 1<x<2 Al-Dhaifallah1435

  44. Types of Errors • Local truncation error: error due to the use of truncated Taylor series to compute x(t+h) in one step. • Global Truncation error accumulated truncation over many steps • Round off error: error due to finite number of bits used in representation of numbers. This error could be accumulated and magnified in succeeding steps. Al-Dhaifallah1435

  45. Second Order Taylor Series methods Al-Dhaifallah1435

  46. Third Order Taylor Series methods Al-Dhaifallah1435

  47. High Order Taylor Series methods Al-Dhaifallah1435

  48. Higher Order Taylor Series methods • High order Taylor series methods are more accurate than Euler method • The 2nd, 3rd and higher order derivatives need to be derived analytically which may not be easy. Al-Dhaifallah1435

  49. Example 2Second order Taylor Series Method Al-Dhaifallah1435

  50. Example 2 Al-Dhaifallah1435

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