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Is A&E for me?

Is A&E for me?. Public and Patient Engagement Forum 9 July 2014 Results of the forum’s electronic vote about urgent care services. What gender are you?. Male Female. 1. What age group are you in?. Under 18 18 – 30 31 – 50 51 – 70 70 – 80 Over 80. 22. Are you…. Working

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Is A&E for me?

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  1. Is A&E for me? Public and Patient Engagement Forum 9 July 2014 Results of the forum’s electronic vote about urgent care services

  2. What gender are you? • Male • Female 1

  3. What age group are you in? • Under 18 • 18 – 30 • 31 – 50 • 51 – 70 • 70 – 80 • Over 80 22

  4. Are you… • Working • Not currently in employment • In full-time education • Retired • Other 25

  5. Have you attended A&E in the last 12 months? • Yes • No • Don’t know / can’t remember 1

  6. When did you attend? • Between 8am and 6pm on a weekday • Between 6pm and 8am on a weekday • Between 8am and 6pm on a weekend • Between 6pm and 8am on a weekend • Not applicable 24

  7. Roughly, how far do you live from A&E? • Less than one mile • 1-3 miles • 4-6 miles • 7-9 miles • 10 + miles 1

  8. How quickly can you get to A&E from your home using your own or public transport? • In under 10 minutes • 11 – 20 minutes • 20 – 30 minutes • 30 – 40 minutes • 40 – 60 minutes • Over one hour • Don’t know 29

  9. Thinking about the last time you used A&E, did you use it for… • A problem you had • A problem a child you care for had • A problem an adult you care for had • Other • Not applicable 1

  10. What mode of transport did you use to get to A&E? • Ambulance • Your own car • A friend or relative’s car • Taxi • Bus • Motorcycle • Bicycle • On foot • Not applicable 13

  11. Who advised you to attend? • GP • NHS 111 • NHS Choices • Friend or relative • No-one • Other 1

  12. What level of skilled professional did you expect to see? • Specialist Consultant • A&E Consultant or Registrar • Junior Doctor • Nurse • Other (e.g. Emergency Care Practitioner) • Don’t know 3

  13. How long did you wait in A&E before you were seen by a doctor? • Less than one hour • 1 – 2 hours • 2 – 3 hours • 3 – 4 hours • Over 4 hours • I wasn’t seen by a doctor 20

  14. How long did you wait before you were seen the professional who decided which action to take? • Longer than I expected • About what I expected • Less time than I expected 16

  15. Was the recommended course of action what you expected? • Yes • No • Don’t know / can’t remember 12

  16. Did a member of staff advise you what to do if the problem persisted or worsened? • Yes • No • Don’t know / can’t remember 1

  17. What was the outcome of your last visit to A&E? • Admitted to ward • Discharged with suggested follow up by GP • Discharged without follow up • Referred for treatment by clinic • Other 14

  18. For what possible reasons might you attend A&E? • I’m afraid I meet to be admitted • I’m anxious that I need immediate treatment • The advice I’ve received so far hasn’t worked/ problem has got worse • I don’t feel I can get appropriate treatment from another service • I think other services will tell me to go to A&E anyway • I don’t have enough information to allay my fears • I’m on my own with no support network 1

  19. Has this evening’s discussion altered what you would do next time? • Yes • No • Maybe • Don’t know 19

  20. What factors are important when choosing an Urgent Care service? • Close to home • Close to other services • Accessible by public transport • Accessible by car • Being seen quickly • Seeing a professional face to face • Being seen and treated in the same place • Whether or not I can be seen at my GP practice • Other 1

  21. If you were placed in similar circumstances, would you choose another service • Yes • No • Maybe 19

  22. If you wanted information about urgent care services, where would you look first? • GP practice • NHS 111 • NHS Choices • Phone directory • Internet • Local directory (leaflet through your door) • Health Centre / Clinic • Hospital • Library • Other 1

  23. If you needed advice during ‘office hours’, who would you contact first? • GP Practice • NHS 111 • NHS Choices • Hospital • Pharmacy • Friend or relative • No-one • Internet • Other 1

  24. If you needed advice ‘out of hours’, who would you contact first? • GP Out of Hours service • NHS 111 • NHS Choices • Hospital • Pharmacy • Friend or relative • No-one • Internet • Other 7

  25. Are you registered with a GP practice in the Vale of York? • Yes • No • Don’t know 15

  26. At your registered GP practice, are you able to see a GP or Practice Nurse • On the same day • Within 1-2 days • Within a week • None of the above • Don’t know 1

  27. Would you expect people to attend A&E if they can’t be seen during GP practice opening times? • Yes • No • Don’t know 2

  28. If you were caring for a child who had a high temperature, and your GP practice was closed, would you… • Wait until the practice was open • Call NHS 111 • Attend a pharmacy • Attend a minor injuries unit • Attend A&E • Other 4

  29. If you were anxious about acute back pain, and your GP practice was closed, would you… • Wait until the practice was open • Call NHS 111 • Attend a pharmacy • Attend a minor injuries unit • Attend A&E • Other 6

  30. Does the pharmacy you normally use have an area where you can discuss your concerns in private? • Yes • No • Don’t know 18

  31. Do you think you keep a good range of medicines / first aid supplies at home? • Yes • No • Don’t know 21

  32. What kind of things do you usually keep in your medicine cabinet? • Pain relief • Indigestion tablets • Cough medicine • Sticking plasters /bandages • Anti-histamines • Sting relief • Antiseptic creams • Eye drops 18

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