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The National Physical Laboratory of Israel in 2005

The National Physical Laboratory of Israel in 2005. Contents. Visiting card (slide 3) Location (slide 4) History (slide 5) Logo (slide 6) Organizational chart and contact persons (slide 7) Staff (slides 8-9) Calibration scope (slides 10-19) Price list (slide 20) Links (slide 21).

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The National Physical Laboratory of Israel in 2005

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The National Physical Laboratory of Israelin 2005

  2. Contents • Visiting card (slide 3) • Location (slide 4) • History (slide 5) • Logo (slide 6) • Organizational chart and contact persons (slide 7) • Staff (slides 8-9) • Calibration scope (slides 10-19) • Price list (slide 20) • Links (slide 21)

  3. The National Physical Laboratory of Israel (INPL) The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Danciger “A” Bldg, Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904 tel.: +972-2-5661856; fax: +972-2-6520797

  4. Location

  5. History of INPL and the Metre Convention • established in 1950 as a national metrology institute (NMI) by analogy with National Physical Laboratory in UK; • representing Israel since 1985 at BIPM and other forums of the Member States of the Metre Convention (MC); • signed in 2003 the Mutual Recognition Arrangement of National Measurement Standards and of Calibration and Measurement Certificates Issued by NMIs(drawn up by the CIPM under the authority given to it in the MC); • accepted in 2004 by EUROMET as a corresponding NMI.

  6. Logo The following ideas are used in the logo: 1) the known metrological “pyramid” with increased uncertainty to the bottom (from a measurement standard to the field measurements); the pyramid illustrating traceability chains, built in opposite to uncertainty direction (from a field measurement to the standards); such two triangles form the David’s Shield – the historical symbol of Jewish people; 2) white and blue colors are the colors of the Israeli flag.

  7. Organizational chart of INPL (a department of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Labor) and contact persons Scientific Director Dr. Ilya Kuselman Technical Director Mr. Grisha Deitch Quality Manager Dr. David Kisets Lab. of Physical Standards(length, temperature, mass, electrical parameters, plane angles, pressure, optics) Mr. Claude Apfeldorfer Lab. of Frequency and Time (calibrationof oscillators, atomic clocks and GPSs) Dr. Nadya Goldovsky Lab. of Materials(chromatography, spectrophotometry, atomic absorption, gravimetry, volumetry and electrochemistry) Dr. Ilya Kuselman Lab. of Field Measurements (calibration of analyzers “on-line”, sampling and environmental analysis) Mr. Shamay Shpitser

  8. Staff

  9. Staff - continuation

  10. INPL calibrationscope. Length

  11. INPL calibrationscope. Mass

  12. INPL calibrationscope. Frequency and time

  13. INPL calibrationscope. Electrical parameters

  14. INPL calibrationscope. Temperature

  15. INPL calibrationscope. Temperature - cont.

  16. INPL calibrationscope. Plane angle

  17. INPL calibrationscope. Pressure

  18. INPL calibrationscope. Standards under development: physical fields

  19. INPL calibrationscope. Standards under development: amount of substance

  20. Price list Calibration price list and other information in Hebrew are available in the webpage of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Labor: http://www.moital.gov.il/NR/exeres/2F38C195-3662-4274-9A85-C61671D8C5E4.htm For more information please contact Dr. Ilya Kuselman by e-mail: ilya.kuselman@moital.gov.il

  21. Links to national and international organizations collaborating with INPL International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) - European Collaboration in Measurement Standards (EUROMET) - National Conference of Standards Laboratories – International (NCSLI) – Co-operation on International Traceability in Analytical Chemistry (CITAC) - Israeli Metrological Society (IMS) - Israel Society for Quality (ISQ) - Israel Analytical Chemistry Society (IACS) - www.bipm.fr www.euromet.org www.ncsli.org www.citac.cc www.science.co.il/ims www.isq.org.il www.forumsci.co.il/analchem

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