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OUTLINE • Meaning of Memory • Types of memory • Memory and learning • Memory Strategies
DEFINITIONS • (Oxford Concise Dictionary: 2009) defines memory as 1a person's power to rememberthings 2the mind regarded as a store of things remembered3the power of the mind to rememberthings. • (Atkinson:1999) defines memory as the the ability to recall or recognize previous knowledge • (Michelle et al:2002)defines memory as an active system that receives information from the senses, organizes, stores it away, and then retrieves the information from storage.
TYPES OF MEMORY • • Sensorymemory (milliseconds) • • Short-term/working (seconds to minutes) • • Long-term memory (minutes to years)
Maintenance Rehearsal Long-term memory Sensory Memory Working or Short-term Memory Encoding Attention Sensory Input Retrieval MEMORY STAGES
SENSORY MEMORY/ REGISTER • Sensory memory - the very first stage of memory, the point at which information enters the nervous system through the sensory systems. • Capacity – everything that can be seen at one time. • Duration -200–500 milliseconds after an item is perceived • The ability to look at an item, and remember what it looked like with just a second of observation, or memorization, is an example of sensory memory. • Sensory memory forms automatically, without attention or interpretation • Attention is needed to transfer information to working memory
The first experiments exploring this form of sensory memory were conducted by George Sperling (1960) Subjects were presented with a grid of 12 letters, arranged into three rows of four. After a brief presentation, subjects were then played either a high, medium or low tone, cuing them which of the rows to report. Based on these partial report experiments, Sperling was able to show that the capacity of sensory memory was approximately 12 items, but that it degraded very quickly (within a few hundred milliseconds). Because this form of memory degrades so quickly, participants would see the display, but be unable to report all of the items (12 in the "whole report" procedure) before they decayed.
Sperling’s Experiment Demonstrating the Duration of Sensory Memory In George Sperling’s (1960) classicexperiment, (1) subjects stared at a screen on which rows of letters were projected for just one-twentieth of a second, then the screen went blank. (2) After intervals varying up to one second, a tone was sounded that indicated the row of letters the subject should report. (3) If the tone was sounded within about one-third of a second, subjects were able to report the letters in the indicated row because the image of all the letters was still in sensory memory.
Sperling’stest phase • medium
Sperling’stest phase • low
SHORT TERM MEMORY • Short-term memory (STM) (working memory) - the memory system in which information is held for brief periods of time while being used. • Duration of STM - lasts from about 12 to 30 seconds without rehearsal • Example of STM: • Dialing a phone number and having no idea what number you dialed. You are using a new phone and can’t find the re-dial and • cramming for an exam, afterwards, you have no idea what you studied. • STM is susceptible to interference • (e.g., if counting is interrupted, have to start over).
Increasing STM capacity • Memory capacity can be increased through these procceses: • Chunking: bits of information are combined into meaningful units, or chunks, so that more information can be held in STM. • Which is easier to remember? 4 8 3 7 9 2 5 1 6 483 792 516 • Maintenance rehearsal:-Mental or verbal repetition of information allows information to remain in working memory longer than the usual 20-30 seconds
LONG TERM MEMORY • Long-term memory (LTM) - the system of memory into which all the information is placed to be kept more or less permanently • Long term can be days, months, years, or decades. The question is more of being able to find information you had stored and know you used to be able to remember it.
LONG TERM MEMORY • Transferring information from short term to long term: • Repetition • Organizing information • Connecting information to previously known information
LONG TERM MEMORY WHY WE FORGET? • The loss of information from long-term memory is referred to as forgetting. We forget because what we are learning at the present time interferes with our ability to remember information we learned at an earlier point in time • Example: • During the normal school day, students are presented with new information,, approximately every 45 to 60 minutes. A child may have a 45-minute math lesson during which the process for adding fractions was introduced. Then, before this information has had time to consolidate in long-term memory, the student moves on to science where the process of photosynthesis is introduced. This situation produces fertile ground for "forgetting".
REMEMBER • Sensory and short-term memory are associated with the process of encoding or registering information in memory, the long-term memory system is associated with the processes of storage and retrieval of information from memory.
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MEMORY AND LEARNING • The relationship is entirely one sided! • We can say: • Memory is a behavioral change caused by an experience. • Learning is a process for acquiring memory • (organisation of long-term memory) • Learningresultsfrom InformationProcessing and CausesChanges in Memory
REMEMBER • Having a good memory makes it easier to learn things in the future because you can just pick up on the subject and go from there without having to start all over • What you learn today becomes tomorrow's memory. • No memory= no learning retained
Strategies to Improve Learning and Memory • REPETITION :(advertisers have said that if they can get you to watch something 80 times, you have it for life!Have you noticed commercials that are repeated immediately.) • Reciting: Recite formulas or other pieces of information you need to remember • Make a song, saying, or mnemonic
Strategies to Improve Learning and Memory! 2. Intent to Remember/ purpose: You need to want or intend to remember something: An example might include reading for a while and realizing you have no idea what you have been reading. So,whenyou get ready to study. Think about the assignment. What is the purpose? Look at the chapter title, headings, structure. If there are questions, look at the summary, questions, and any vocabulary or side notes. Now that you have taken two or so minutes to set a purpose for what you are to do, begin reading. Try to organize what you are reading with the end in mind—the summary or questions you saw. Make notes
Strategies to Improve Learning and Memory! 3. Meaningfulness: What you are learning needs to have some meaning. Instead of saying “I need help with section 6 of chapter 2, it would benefit you more to realize you are asking for help in addition The more you can attach meaning to what you are learning and areas where you are having problems, the better equipped you become to fill gaps in information and learn.
Strategies to Improve Learning and Memory! 3. Categorization & Labeling: Organizing information in a way that you can consciously label the new information and know where to store the new information to find it when you need it.
Strategies to Improve Learning and Memory! • 4. Visual Imagery • This helps memory enormously, but much of memory does not consist of concrete nouns • In everyday life we need to understand complex ideas and concepts
Strategies to Improve Learning and Memory! 4. Association/Connecting to familiar information: Association and Connection is where you build on what you already know. It uses your prior knowledge as the foundation for you to continue to build and add. As you gain in knowledge and understanding about yourself, you become more aware of what you know, what you need to know and can begin to make better decisions about how to get there.
Strategies to Improve Learning and Memory! • 7. Mnemonic devices: • What are they? • When should you use them? • Can anyone name some? KQZ NLR XOJ BTK YSW
Strategies to Improve Learning and Memory! • Do smart cramming! • Review only • No new material • Focus only on areas you want to try to remember • Practice a Memory Dump to unload things you fear you will forget
Strategies to Improve Learning and Memory! • Improving Your Memory • Concentrate • Comprehend • Remember
CAN YOU ANSWER THIS QUESTIONS? What are some factors affecting how long we will remember something?