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Unveiling Voodoo: Demystifying Practices and Dispelling Misconceptions

Explore the authentic practices and rituals of Voodoo and challenge Western misconceptions. This paper delves into the methodologies, analyses, and literature reviews surrounding Voodoo, shedding light on its true essence.

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Unveiling Voodoo: Demystifying Practices and Dispelling Misconceptions

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  1. Voodoo- The Practices and Rituals of Voodoo and how it is viewed through Western eyes

  2. Why Voodoo?? Voodoo has a lot of negative connotations in the modern western world that lead to misconceptions. This paper will reveal the real practices involved in Voodoo.

  3. Methodology This paper will explain and analyze the practices and rituals involved in voodoo and the western connotations of it. Explain- The report will be divided in to different sections that focus on the specific sub topics of Voodoo. Analyze- The western conceptualization on Voodoo

  4. Literature Review What is out there?? • Major Source: Voodoo Rituals- a users guide. • Owusu, Heike. Voodoo Rituals- a user’s guide: Sterling Publishing .Co, Inc, 2000 • This is a book I found through Google Scholar. • Talks about : • -Gods of Voodoo - Spirit Servants • - Voodoo Dolls - Demons, - Elemental Spirits - Sphere Creatures • -Symbols • -Magic Aids • -Magic Exercises.

  5. And… Encyclopedia of Death and Dying - Voodoo One webpage dedicated to the background of Voodoo including its origin and overall meaning.

  6. Encyclopedia Americana # 28 Pg. 233. - Gives brief overview of Voodoo. Provides solid background information and leads in to the more significant aspects of Voodoo, including the deities and origin of voodoo dolls.

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