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For Taurus Astrology, this are functional benefic planets which give results as according to their placements, aspects and conjunction andthey are. Read More - https://bit.ly/2pefOlJ
Taurus Horoscope Predictions Explained By Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt Birth Dates Range: Zodiac Sign Grouping: Characteristic Feature: Mutable Lucky Colors: Lucky Days: Lucky Numbers: Ruler of the zodiac sign: Venus Strengths: Weaknesses: Likes: Apr 19 - May 19 Earth Pink, pale blue, green, white and lemon Friday 06 Dependable, tolerant, practical, dedicated, accountable, steady Adamant, possessive, inflexible Nursery garden, catering, music, romance, expensive clothing, and artistic hobbies Dislikes: Volatile situations, snags, sense of insecurity, synthetic materials Taurus Horoscope (Ascendant) Here we will be using TAURUS HOROSCOPE instead of Ascendant as this are the generalized predictions and can varyfrom individual to individual which is further based on personal accurate birth details to get exact predictions. Functional Benefic Planet for Taurus Sign
For Taurus Astrology, this are functional benefic planets which give results as according to their placements, aspects and conjunction andthey are:- Mercury is the functional benefic planet as it lords 2nd (neutral house) and 5thhouse (Trine house) and thus it will act as a benefic planetfor Taurus natives. Saturn will be the stronger functional benefic planet in chart as it is not only the functional benefic planet but is also the yogakaraka planet in the chart. When any planet is simultaneously owns any Trine (1st, 5thand 9th houses) along with any quadrant house (1st, 4th, 7th and 10thhouses) , then that planet becomes yogakaraka planet in particular horoscope . As Saturn will own 9th and 10thhouses, itwill act as strong yogakaraka planet in chart for the Taurus horoscope. Here, One point that's needed to be clear is “Saturn Sade Sati " which is feared in India and name itself is enough to spread fear amongpeoples will not affect Taurus horoscope natives provided , Saturn is not afflicted or placed in bad houses due to the fact that Saturn isyogakaraka planet for Taurus ascendant natives and yogakaraka planet will not harm concerned person or chart. Here Sun being the lord of 4thhouse which is quadrant house lord and according to Maharashi Parashara , malefic planets in quadrantsshed their malefic nature and tends to give benefic results but in order to give benefic results , Sun should be with functional beneficplanet in chart in good houses without any functional malefic aspect. Here, Venus though ascendant lord for Taurus man/woman will act as a neutral due to the fact that Venus Mooltrikona sign lies in 6thhouse and 6th house is bad house in Vedic astrology but as Venus is Ascendent lord (1sthouse) is Trine as well as Quadrant house too , hereit will act as a neutral planet. Results will further depend upon its association or aspects in the chart.
Functional Malefic Planets for Taurus Zodiac Sign Waning Moon (From Full Moon to N0 Moon) as further due to the fact that it is 3rdhouse lord too but it will not give malefic results till thetime , Moon is not associated with any other Functional Malefic planet in the chart. Mars , here will act as malefic planet due to the fact that its Mooltrikona sign lies in 12thhouse and further its bad or good results willagain depends upon its placement, aspects and conjunction. Jupiter which is greatest natural benefic planet in Vedic astrology will be functional malefic planet for Taurus sign due to the fact that Jupiter is 8th and 11thhouse lord and both this houses are bad houses in astrology. Rahu and Ketu are always malefic for each and every horoscope and tends to give results as according to their depositor planet (sign lordof Rahu and Ketu respectively) and results of the associating planet in the chart. Taurus Horoscope for Education The 2nd and 4thhouses are prime houses for initial education. Here , If Sun and Mercury are placed in 9th house and Mercury is not combusted, then Taurus man/woman will have quite good education in there early years. The 5thhouse signifies "Higher Education”. If 5th house lord, Mercury is placed in good houses without any functional malefic aspects, thennative will have brighter higher education and one might chose the field of Telecommunication , Content Writing or Teaching line asMercury itself is natural significator of ”Education Matters and Mental Intellect ". On the contrary note , If Mercury is ill placed then one education might receives set back or concentration might be on lower side orinterest might not able to develop fully in education matters. Taurus Horoscope for Finances (Money) The 2ndhouse is the house that signifies “Investments & Money”. 11thhouse is the house that signifies "Financial Gains”. Here, if 2ndhouse lord, exalted Mercury is associated with Jupiter in 5thhouse along with yogakaraka Saturn, then Dhan yoga(Money yoga ) will beapplicable here due to the fact that functional malefic tendency of Jupiter will set to weaken being posited in good houses along withstrong yogakarak Saturn and strong Mercury. It is due to this placement that even Jupiter which is functional malefic will not able to give malefic results fully because of strongerconjunctions with functional benefic planets and that is why results vary from person to person which depends on how planets are placedin horoscope of the native.
On the other hand, If Mercury is placed in 8th house along with Jupiter , then native might had to face f inancial pressures or even theftcannot be denied as here malefic Jupiter will become stronger and functional benefic planet Mercury will be weaker. Mercury here willnot able to protect its stronger significations and end result will be financial crisis. Taurus Horoscope for lmmovable Assets (Property) The 4thhouse is the house that signifies gains in relation to immovable assets. If 4thhouse lord, Sun is placed with Saturn in 9thhouse thenthere are stronger chances of gain from immovable assets as Sun will be placed with yogakaraka planet Saturn. Saturn is itself significatorof "lmmovable assets " and being placed with 4th house lord in good houses will leads to gain from immovable assets in Sun-Saturn periodsand Vice —Versa. Again it can be noted that how natural enemies can work well for the native provided they are house lord of good houses and placed ingood houses without any affliction. On the contrary , If 4thhouse lord Sun is placed with Jupiter in bad house ,then 4thhouse attributes will tend to suffer and ultimate resultwould be losses in property matters and as 4thhouse also signifies "Domestic Happiness" and thus family happiness will be down andaggression can creeps in quietly for Taurus ascendant natives. Taurus Horoscope In Relation To Siblings Here Moon is the lord of 3rdhouse (house of younger brother). If Moon is of waxing phase which means it is natural benefic and further ifplaced with Mercury in good houses then Taurus native will have good relations with brother and Sisters as Mercury is karak of ”Sister " inastrology. Here Taurus natives will get benefit from brothers and vice —versa. On the contrary note, if Moon is placed with Jupiter in bad house, here "Gajkesari yoga” will be ineffective and instead of good results,bad results in form of bad relationships with brother will come into picture for native. In this way, it can be judged that how even benefic "Gajkesari yoga” will be ineffective for some ascendants or horoscope and even naturalmalefic planets tends to give good results which again varies from ascendant to ascendant and there placements and associations in thechart.
Taurus Horoscope for Children The 5thhouse is the house that signifies children area for Taurus chart. Here, if 5thhouse lord, Mercury is exalted and posited in own sign in 5thhouse,”Bhadra Yoga” will be forming for the native and end result will be success in progeny matters. One child will be quiteintelligent, graceful, affectionate and lovable too. One child will have sharper mind which will helpful in his/her studies too. On the other hand, affliction to Mercury or if Mercury is placed in bad house then opposite results will tend to come by. One childmight not listen to Taurus native or one might not able to have cordial relations with there loved ones. Taurus Horoscope for Health The 6thhouse is the house that signifies "Health". If 6thhouse lord, Venus is placed with yogarakaka planet, Saturn in horoscope in good house, then , Taurus native will enjoy good health provided 3rd , 6th and 11thhouse lords are well placed as well. On the contrary note, if 6th house lord, Venus is placed with Jupiter in bad house then Taurus sign native health might suffer and there isneed to look and take proper care of their health especially in Venus- Jupiter period-sub period or vice versa. Taurus Horoscope for Marriage (Taurus Love Horoscope) Here 7thhouse lord, Mars is 12thhouse lord too and Mars Mool trikona sign lies in 12thhouse and hence Mars is functional malefic planetfor Taurus ascendant natives. Here if Venus is weaker in chart and Mars
is placed with functional malefic planet Jupiter in bad house, forTaurus natives, marital life will suffer and on extreme if there is no functional benefic aspect on Mars and on the 7thhouse, onerelationship might get break up or chances of getting married might be difficult for the native. Here Manglik dosa (which is formed when Mars is placed in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or in 12thhouse from ascendant) if applicable will bebad for the Taurus native marital life. In this case, it would be better if Taurus zodiac sign natives marries to manglik person or getmanglik puja done before marriage by taking other things into consideration as well. Taurus Horoscope for Inheritance The 8thhouse is the house that signifies “Inheritance matters ". If 8thhouse lord, Jupiter is placed with yogakarak Saturn in 10thhouse, thenchances of inheritance matters can build up for the native. Similarly , if Jupiter is getting functional benefic aspect and functional beneficplanet Mercury is giving aspect to 8thhouse , then also chances of successful inheritance can come to the native in mercury main period orsub period of Mercury with Saturn main period, provided Saturn is stronger in chart. On the other hand, if Jupiter is placed badly in bad houses without any functional benefic aspects , then chances of inheritance might notbe there and even if slightest chances of inheritance comes, issues side by side might also pops up as well. Taurus Horoscope In Relation To Litigation The 6thhouse is the house that signifies "Litigation Matters”. Here if Venus is placed badly with Mars in bad house, chances of litigation cancome especially with spouse or in relation to Marital life as Mars is 7thhouse lord for Taurus natives.
Same thing will be applicable for Venus-Jupiter combination as well in bad house and source of reason might be in relation to finances ormoney. If Venus is placed with Saturn or Mercury in good houses , then chances of litigation will be negligible for Taurus sign natives. Taurus Horoscope For Career (Taurus Career Horoscope) The 10thhouse is the house that signifies “Professional life”. Here Saturn is 10thhouse lord which is yogakaraka planet in Taurus chart andmost often Taurus persons have good professional life , unless and until, Saturn is severely afflicted or placed in bad houses in the chart.Here Taurus persons reach to dizzy heights in their professional life by their efforts and hard work. Here if Saturn and Mercury are associated in 5th or in 10th house, Taurus education and professional life will be quite brighter which inturn will be helpful for their financial life too in indirect way. On the other hand, if Saturn is combusted in 8thhouse and is posited along with Sun, then in that case , one profession will be severelyaffected and even by hard work , results will not come in professional life and one might had to confined with low paying job despite bestefforts. In worst state, Taurus zodiac sign native can lose job too and that is why each and every thing whether it is placement, aspects orassociation had to be looked in the chart to predict results which varies from ascendant to ascendant. Taurus Horoscope For Travels The 12thhouse is the house that signifies "Traveling abroad”. Mars is 12thhouse lord and if it is posited in 10thhouse along with Saturn andfurther Mercury is conjunction them , then one might travel abroad in connection to job or in relation to studies or in relation to marital life.
On the contrary, if Mars is posited with Jupiter in bad house, then one chances for going abroad will get dim or one will lost his moneyabroad or success might not come at abroad which will give stress and indirectly will affect health as well. Colors That Are Suited For Taurus Zodiac Sign White, Blue, Green Numbers That Are Good For Taurus Zodiac Sign 5,6,8,14,15,17,23, 24,26 Favorable Week Days For Taurus Zodiac Sign Wednesday, Friday And Saturday. Taurus Zodiac sign remedies: Though remedies can be prescribed only after looking birth chart but this are the general remedies that can strengthen Taurus chart andthey are :- •Donation of White food items or white clothes to needy on Friday. •Reciting Vishnu Shestranaam on Wednesday. •Donating Black clothes and food items on Saturday. Worshipping Lord Saturn on Saturday by recitation of Shani Strotam on Saturday. By Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt has successfully completed 15 years in Vedic Astrological Practices. Born and brought up in a Brahmin family from Karnataka, he has been deeply associated with Vedic and Astrological practices throughout the life as a family tradition. He considers himself to be lucky to have been under guidance of 11 well-known names of Indian astrology and considers his father “Pt. Bheemsen Bhatt” has his Guide and Guru who great Vedic scholar. He is true believer and follower of “His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi”. He has completed the research work in variety of topics in Vedic Sciences, he has researched on variety of topics like Vedic Science of Yagya as healing technique in Vedic Astrology and Gemstones and their effects on Human Physiology and Consciousness and has been applauded for them.
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