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<br>Hypertension is generally a silent condition. Many people wonu2019t experience any symptoms but silently it can damage your major organs like brain, heart, kidneys etc. Manage your BP levels with u201cHBP Care Gelu201d by Vidza RiseHigh-Vedistan. Order now at: http://bit.ly/2kHyCLx
11/1/2019 Control High Blood Pressure without Any Medication.htm Control High Blood Pressure without Any Medication High blood pressure (hypertension) - Diagnosis and treatment Your heart pumps blood through a network of arteries, veins, and capillaries. The moving blood pushes against the arterial walls, and this force is measured as bloodpressure. High blood pressure results from the ?ghtening of very small arteries called arterioles. Arterioles regulate the blood flow through your body. As these arterioles ?ghten (or constrict), your heart has to work harder to pump blood through the smaller space, and the pressure inside the vessels grows. High blood pressure can affect your health in four main ways: file:///C:/Users/user/Desktop/Control High Blood Pressure without Any Medication.htm 1/3
11/1/2019 Control High Blood Pressure without Any Medication.htm Hardening of the arteries: Pressure inside your arteries can cause the muscles that line the walls of the arteries to thicken, thus narrowing the passage. A heart a?ack or stroke can occur if a blood clot blocks blood flow to your heart or brain. Enlarged heart:High blood pressure increases the amount of work for your heart. Like any heavily exercised muscle in your body, your heart grows bigger (enlarges) to handle the extra workload. The bigger your heart is, the more it demands oxygen-rich blood but the less able it is to maintain proper blood flow. As a result, you feel weak and ?red and are not able to exercise or perform physical ac?vi?es. Without treatment, your heart failure will only get worse. Kidney damage: Prolonged high blood pressure can damage your kidneys if their blood supply is affected. Eye damage: If you have diabetes, high blood pressure can cause the ?ny capillaries in the re?na of your eye to bleed. This condi?on, called re?nopathy, can lead to blindness. HBP Care lo?on by Vidza RiseHigh provides natural treatment to human body to reduce constric?on of vessels and improve blood flow across the body to prevent HBP. file:///C:/Users/user/Desktop/Control High Blood Pressure without Any Medication.htm 2/3
11/1/2019 Control High Blood Pressure without Any Medication.htm Our ayurvedic medicine for high blood pressure (HBP Care lo?on) to reduce hypertension has a set of natural ingredients such as Arjuna myrobalan, Withania somnifera, Bacopa monnieri, Convolvulus pluricaulis etc. These herbs work as neuro relaxants. The phyto ingredients help in reducing depression that in many cases is directly linked to the condi?on of high BP, even though, depression is s?ll not considered to be factor for HBP by the conven?onal system of medicine. Where to get your HBP Care lo?on? Click here to get HBP Care online directly from us or one can order offline at: www.vidzarisehigh.com Vidza Rise High Private Limited Phone: 1844-659-1635 (USA), +91 8527 - 122 – 149 file:///C:/Users/user/Desktop/Control High Blood Pressure without Any Medication.htm 3/3