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唐冠軍教室 珠璣集. 26. Even though you have no money, you still have the right to choose family happiness. 26. 即使「沒有錢」 , 你也有權選擇讓家庭幸福 Precious advices to success - 13 secret codes 導向成功的金玉良言 --- 成功秘碼 13 條
唐冠軍教室 珠璣集 26. Even though you have no money, you still have the right to choose family happiness. 26.即使「沒有錢」, 你也有權選擇讓家庭幸福 Precious advices to success - 13 secret codes導向成功的金玉良言 --- 成功秘碼 13條 If you want to grow rich, let’s see what a rich dad or mom is going to tell us.如何致富?且聽聽看富爸爸富媽媽是怎麼說的。 Click for next page
“Good house and bad house”, both are houses. The house, which can create a happy family, is your “gold house, cheerful house”. 「好屋壞屋」都是屋 只要能創造幸福家庭的屋,就是你的「黃金屋 、 快樂屋。」 If you are contented, full of gratitude at heart and know how to cherish blessings, you are a happy man. 「懂得知足、感恩、惜福,就是快樂的人。」
If you highly esteem family value, you do a right choice. If you choose family value, you have chosen happiness. If you choose happiness, you have chosen success.「若你重視家庭幸福,這就是你正確的選擇。選擇家庭幸福就是選擇快樂;選擇快樂就是選擇成功。」When you cannot get what you really love and feel heartbroken, don’t sacrifice your health, happiness and family value with it.「不要因為得不到一件心愛的東西就把健康、快樂、家庭幸福一起陪葬掉。」
To cherish whatever you have now is far more important to recall what you have lost. Let by-gones be by-gones! Never ever let your present happiness and health become by-gones too. 「珍惜你現在擁有的東西,遠遠勝過你去懷念失去的東西, 失去的東西就讓它失去吧! 千萬不要讓你現有的幸福 與 健康也跟著失去。」 You are the most blessed man, if you cherish your blessings. You are the most joyful man, if you feel the real joyfulness in your heart. 「知道自己幸福的人最幸福 。感覺自己快樂的人最快樂。」
You have chosen success, if you esteem your family value. Your heart will be filled with happiness, if you know how to cherish blessings and do grateful things.「重視家庭幸福就是選擇成功 ,懂得感恩惜福你就充滿快樂。」 If you do what you are capable of, you will have neither pressure nor trouble. There is no need to puff yourself up to your own cost. 「 量力而為 ,既沒壓力 ,也沒煩惱 ,何必一定要去做打腫臉充胖子的事呢?」 Money and assets are external things. They are not the most important part in our lives. To choose family happiness is really a sensible choice. 「錢財乃身外之物 。它不是我們生活的全部,選擇家庭幸福才是聰明的決擇。」
A luxury house may not be suitable for you. Whatever house is suitable for you will be your home sweet home. Do what you are capable of. Do not compare with rich people. Whether it is a big house or a small one, the one that can let you live and work in peace and harmony is the house for a happy family. That house is your “luxury house”, your “gold house, and cheerful house”. 「豪宅不一定適合你住 ,適合你住的一定是你自己的家。」 能按著你的能力行事,不要去跟富人比 。住大房子也好,住小房子也好,只要能使你安居樂業、和睦同居、家庭幸福的房子 ,那幢房子就是你的「 豪宅 」你的「 黃金屋 、快樂屋 。」
If we don’t make investment today, we will have no reward in the days to come. Then we have to pay the price for wasting the time in ten or twenty years to come and regret “we should have known…”. Instead of being short sighted and chasing after little profit, we must make up our mind to be smart enough to take actions, so that we don’t have to regret again. 「今天我們 不投資,以後我們就沒有收獲 ,為了這以後10 、20年 時間上的損失,我們要付出「後悔的‧‧‧早知道。」 今天我們要立志做一個有行動有智慧的人,不要做一個近利短視的人,否則你以後就會變成後悔的早知道。」
Living in luxury house may not make you happy. You will feel really happy, if you take the house you are living in as luxury house in your heart. 「住豪宅不一定會使你快樂 ,只有你把現在住的房子當做是你心目中的豪宅,那你才會真正快樂。」 Ever though you have no money, you still have the right to choose family happiness. Because happiness does not come from external wealth, it comes from your heart’s contentment.「即使沒有錢,你也有選擇家庭幸福的權力,因為幸福不是來自外在的財富,而是來自內心的滿足。」
Don’t get discouraged, if you have failed once. If you can stand up again, this failure is not the end of your life, it is the beginning of your triumphant success. 「曾經有過失敗的人不要灰心,只要你重新站起來,這次失敗就不會是你生命的結束,而是你勝利成功的開始。」 EscFor Exit