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Molecules of Life

Molecules of Life. Molecules of Life. “Organic Molecules” Carbon based Found in living systems Made from very few elements Composed of “building blocks” joined together Include 4 different classes of molecules. Molecules of Life. Very few elements needed

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Molecules of Life

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  1. Molecules of Life

  2. Molecules of Life • “Organic Molecules” • Carbon based • Found in living systems • Made from very few elements • Composed of “building blocks” joined together • Include 4 different classes of molecules

  3. Molecules of Life • Very few elements needed • 97.5% living matter composed of just 4 elements • Carbon • Hydrogen • Nitrogen • Oxygen • 98% living matter 2 elements added • Phosphorus • Sulfur • Vertebrate organisms also contain 2% calcium

  4. Molecules of Life • 4 Different Classes of Organic Molecules • Proteins • Carbohydrates • Lipids • Nucleic Acids (see ch. 23)

  5. Molecules of Life • “Building” Organic Molecules • Single building blocks = monomer • Join 2 monomers = dimer • Join 3 monomers = trimer • Join many monomers = polymer

  6. Molecules of Life • Proteins

  7. Molecules of Life • How do “amino acids” join to form protein? • Amino acids have 2 ends • amino group (NH2) • carboxylic acid group (COOH) • H atom from the amino end joins with an OH group from the carboxylic acid end to form “H20” • The H20 molecule moves away & the 2 amino acids are joined by a “peptide” bond • More amino acids join in the same way and a long chain is formed

  8. Molecules of Life • Proteins include: • Physical structures such as hair & muscle • Enzymes which speed up chemical reactions • Complex molecules such as hemoglobin

  9. Molecules of Life • Proteins have 3 or 4 levels of structure • Primary – sequence of amino acids in chain • Secondary – way sequence kinks or bends • Tertiary – shape of the folded protein • Quaternary – 2 or more chains joined together (only some proteins have this level of structure)

  10. Molecules of Life • Carbohydrates

  11. Molecules of Life • Carbohydrates • include simple sugars like glucose • include polysaccharides such as starch and cellulose (plants) • include polysaccharides such as glycogen (animals) • are molecules which provide energy and/or support

  12. Molecules of Life • Lipids • Made from units containing fatty acids + glycerol • Saturated (no double bonds) or unsaturated (at least one double bond) • Include fats, waxes, oils, phospholipids • Provide energy, insulation, weather-proofing, cell membranes

  13. Molecules of Life • Also necessary for life in small quantities • Minerals • Calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, iodine • Not organic • Vitamins • Complex organic molecules • Water-soluble, renew daily • B family + C • Fat-soluble, can be stored • A, D, E, K • All but D must be supplied by our food

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