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v 4.2

User Manual. Fixed Assets Management solution. v 4.2. PDF copy. Tragging Fixed Assets solution consist from:. Desktop Application with database server Handheld application ( Windows Android ). The handheld and desktop machines should be on the same network during synchronizing

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v 4.2

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  1. User Manual Fixed Assets Management solution v 4.2 PDF copy

  2. Tragging Fixed Assets solution consist from: Desktop Application with database server Handheld application (Windows\Android) • The handheld and desktop machines should be on the same network during synchronizing • Handheld app has some of desktop features but not all

  3. Getting Start with the Desktop Application • Software installation and initial configuration • Settings pages • Import \ export • Create and navigate locations • Create and navigate assets • Action tabs • Report tabs • Extra Features

  4. Software installation and initial configuration Be sure that your server is ready with the pre-requisites (check: Installation Guide ) Download setup file TraggingFixedAssets, and run it. Be sure that you are connected to the internet and enter the activation key. Choose the DB server you want to connect to. Choose the structure that is compatible with your locations. Enter your location details (optional, can be done later) Login as: (User: admin, Pass: admin) for the first time then change the password.

  5. Settings pages • Assets Settings • Assets Partitions • User groups • User Management • Backup & Restore • Custom Fields • Reports • Activation • About • User Details • Company details • Location Settings • Scanner type

  6. Utils (Import\Export tools) • Import data from Excel sheet (Asset, Locations, Types, Suppliers…) (template) • Assign Tags tools for implementation help (check: implementation guide) • Database Sync, push and pull data into and from DB (check: DB_Sync_Guide) • Print Tags, it is prepared to generate xml and txt for any RFID printer and decoder

  7. Create and navigate locations • Locations added under the structure chosen previously • Locations can be sorted: ByDate(Ascending, Descending), Alphabetically • Use “No Default Location” for movable assets • Last structure level can have a tag for easy access • You can enter the Location Accounting info • Locations can be edited or deleted (unless it contains assets) • Press Edit icon or right click on location to edit.

  8. Create and navigate assets • Assets listed with color and icons indicators • Assets can be sorted: ByDate (Ascending, Descending), Alphabetically, Grouped by Type • Assets group can be created to better view and find asset • Custom fields and Reminders can be set to each assets • Right click on asset to: • Asset History Report • Depreciation History report • Set asset as found here • Make Similar Assets

  9. Assets Colors and indicator • Colors: • Asset with no default location • Asset found in another location • Asset found here but assigned to another location • Asset found • Asset not found Icons: Asset in maintenanceConsigned Asset Untraceable Asset Asset Group

  10. Action tabs • Actions: • Move • Dispose • Remove • Waste • Sold • Donation • Group • Consign • Maintain • Features: • Friendly and easy access • Record all actions as transactions • Smart filtering • Schedule reminder

  11. Smart filtering • Give you the ability to filter assets with any type of info. • You can add as many filters as you want.

  12. Report tabs • Asset Tracking • All Assets • Assets History • Grouped Assets • Inventory • Lost Assets • Misallocated Assets • Sold Assets • Wasted Assets • Removed Assets • Donated Assets • Assets in Maintenance • Maintenance Details • Maintenance History • Consigned Assets • Consigned History • Assets not un-consigned on Due date • Transaction Details • Assets Consumption • Snapshot: • System Overview • General Overview • Disposed Objects • Accounting: • Depreciation By Category • Depreciation Schedule • TB by Category • TB by Subcategory • TB by Type • TB detailed by assets • Unaccountable assets • Unused Assets • Warranty Expiration • Warranty List • Statement of account • QB synced Assets • Cost Center • Error Logs • Error Logs • Scannerlog • QB Sync Log

  13. System overview

  14. General Overview

  15. Error Logs • All errors my occur during software process is recorded in a file for easy and fast support • Error file can be easily sent to Tragging Support team by one click • Also all errors may occur during scanner or integrated software is recorded

  16. Extra Features • Custom Fields • E-Gate • Version Customization • Reminder Service • Emailing Service • QuickBooks Integration • Multi Languages (Arabic already implemented)

  17. Custom Fields

  18. E-Gate * E-Gate feature is an additional feature, not included by default

  19. Software Versions • Software version specify when buying the activation key, can be changed later by Tragging • Versions changes are: View, Colors, Naming, Actions …

  20. Reminder • Remind for: • Asset(s) should be sent to Maintenance • Asset(s) should be Returned from Consigning • Asset(s) Warranty Expiration • Asset(s) Usage info should be updated

  21. Custom Reminder • User can add Custom Reminder as much as he need • User can Add\Edit\Delete reminders

  22. Emailing Service TraggingFixedAssets Generate 8 emails for notice admin or users for action assignment or results, the 8 Auto-Generated emails are: • Inventory Result: sent automatically after inventory done to admin email • Error Log: sent manually from Error Log report tab under Support request • Maintenance action assigned: sent automatically to assigned to employee email • Maintained assets return: sent automatically to assigned to employee email on return • Consign action assigned: sent automatically to responsible employee email • Consigned assets return: sent automatically to responsible employee email on return • E-Gates result: sent automatically after stopping Gates scan • Gate result: sent gate scan result manually by pressing on email gate result button

  23. QuickBooks Integration • Sync Fixed Assets General journal with QuickBooks (check: QuickBooks sync guide) • * TraggingFixedAssets app published on QuickBooks app store under his Featured Applications • https://desktop.apps.com/apps/228288/

  24. Helpful links Helpful Docs www.tragging.com • Installation Guide • Implementation Guide • Android Handheld Guide • Windows Handheld Guide www.fixedassetsoftware.net www.fixedassetsmang.com www.RFIDLebanon.com Traggings.a.r.l Lebanon: +961 6 42 42 99 NY USA: +1 347 535 44 97

  25. Contact Us By email sales@tragging.com info@tragging.com For more information or to request POC, please contact Tragging Sales Team By phone +961 6 42 42 99 +961 76 44 22 66 PDF copy

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