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Understanding the Science of Rocks through the Rock Cycle

Explore the formation, alteration, and reformation of rocks in the rock cycle. Learn about igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, and the natural processes that drive the cycle.

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Understanding the Science of Rocks through the Rock Cycle

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  1. Homeroom Warm Up11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich.

  2. Academic Enrichment Warm Up11-3-14 Which of these is a characteristic of a mineral? • It has a noncrystalline structure • It exists in a liquid state • It is a natural substance • It has a varying chemical composition

  3. Science Warm Up11-3-14 The way a mineral reflects light is called its • Texture • Cleavage • Luster • streak

  4. Homework Diagram of the rock cycle on a poster board with the 3 types of rocks and all the processes that drive the cycle. Due Thursday 11/6/14 worth 200 pts

  5. rGLE 0707.7.2 Summarize the basic events that occur during the rock cycle. ocks Caution:

  6. Rocks A rock is a naturally occurring solid mixture of one or more minerals and organic matter. It might be hard to believe but rocks are always changing…..

  7. Which rock will it stay?Can you Figure it Out?

  8. From One Rock to another On a RECYCLINGRoute But never in a hurry

  9. The Rock Cycle Igneous metamorphic Sedimentary

  10. What is theRockCycle ? The rock cycle is a sequence of events involving the formation, alteration, destruction, and reformation of rocks as a result of natural processes such as magmatism (melting of rock into magma), erosion, transportation, deposition, lithification, and metamorphism. Glossary of Geology, Bates & Jackson, AGI

  11. The mantle, crust and surface of the earthcan be thought of as a giant recycling machine; rocks are neither created nor destroyed, but redistributed and transformed from one rock type to another. http://www.science.ubc.ca/~geol202/rock_cycle/rockcycle.html March 2000

  12. TheRock Cycleinvolves the recognition of three main classes of rocks. The three rock types are …

  13. SedimentaryRocks MetamorphicRocks CEMETERY METABOLIC INGENIOUS IgneousRocks Right?

  14. Minerals combine to form Rocks

  15. Some Rocks are made up of just one mineral - like rock salt (made up of the mineral halite) Others Rocks are made up of many minerals - like the granites and gneisses (made up of feldspars, quartz, and other minerals)

  16. Rocks and Natural Processes make up the RockCycle weathering Metamorphic Sedimentary pressure, heat melting Igneous

  17. The Rock Cycle Igneous Igneous means “born of fire”

  18. Metamorphic Sedimentary melting Igneous TheRock Cycle Igneous Rocksform from molten rock or magma cooling in the subsurface or from lava extruded at the surface

  19. But then the EARTH’S elements Won’t leave The poor rock alone!

  20. Ice • wind • Water ice wind water

  21. They break up the stone

  22. sediment

  23. weathering Metamorphic Sedimentary Igneous TheRock Cycle Rocks are weatherederoded,Compactedand cemented formSedimentary Rocks Some common sedimentary rocks are Sandstone,shale,limestone,halite, andgypsum

  24. The Rock Cycle Igneous metamorphic ? Sedimentary

  25. Plate TECTON-ics!

  26. hOT!

  27. Metamorphic Sedimentary pressure, heat Igneous TheRock Cycle Heat & Pressureand fluidscause preexistingmaterials to becomeMetamorphic Rocks iron ore, staurolite schist, slate,quartzite,marble andgneiss

  28. weathering Metamorphic Sedimentary pressure, heat melting Igneous TheRock Cycle The Rock Cycle does not go in just one direction. Any given rock can go through any part of the cycle any number of times.

  29. The Rock Cycle Igneous metamorphic Sedimentary

  30. always changing…

  31. Science Closure 11-3-14 Which best describes one way igneous rocks form? • Sedimentary rocks erode. • Sedimentary rocks are compacted. • Metamorphic rocks are melted, then cooled. • Metamorphic rocks are deposited and cemented.

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