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Cellular Respiration Harvesting Chemical Energy

Cellular Respiration Harvesting Chemical Energy. ATP. Energy needs of life. Animals are energy consumers What do we need energy for? ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________.

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Cellular Respiration Harvesting Chemical Energy

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  1. Cellular RespirationHarvesting Chemical Energy ATP

  2. Energy needs of life • Animals are energy consumers • What do we need energy for? • ____________________________ • ____________________________ • ____________________________ • ____________________________ • ____________________________

  3. Where do we get energy? • Energy is stored in organic molecules • _______________________________________ • Animals eat these organic molecules  • digest food to get • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________

  4. What is energy in biology? ATP Adenosine TriPhosphate Whoa!HOT stuff!

  5. ATP food ATP + 6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + 6O2 O2 Harvesting energy stored in food • ________________________________ • ________________________________ • ______________________ • ______________________ • “aerobic” respiration • usually digesting glucose • but could be other sugars, fats, or proteins _______ + _______  _______ + _______ + _______ _______

  6. food O2 ATP CO2 H2O What do we need to make energy? Make ATP!Make ATP!All I do all day…And no oneeven notices! • The “Furnace” for making energy • ___________________ • Fuel • ______:carbohydrates, fats, proteins • Helpers • ___________________ • ___________________ • Product • ___________________ • Waste products • ___________________ • then used by plants • ___________________ enzymes

  7. Mitochondria are everywhere!! animal cells plant cells

  8. fuel(carbohydrates) CO2 + H2O + heat ATP O2 O2 food(carbohydrates) “Burn fuels” to make energy combustion making heat energy by burning fuels in one step ________________________ making ATP energy (& some heat) by burning fuels in many small steps ATP + CO2 + H2O (+ heat)

  9. Using ATP to do work? ATP • Can’t store ATP • Too • only used in • Only • carbohydrates & fats are long term energy storage work Adenosine TriPhosphate Adenosine DiPhosphate _________ A working muscle recycles over 10 million ATPs per second Whoa!Pass me theglucose & oxygen!

  10. { • growth • reproduction • repair { • glycogen(animal starch) • fat A Body’s Energy Budget 1 { • energy needed even at rest • activity • temperature control eatfood ATP 2 (building) 3

  11. O2 What if oxygen is missing? • No oxygen available = can’t complete aerobic respiration • ___________________________ • also known as ______________ • ____________________________ • ____________________________ • no oxygen or no mitochondria (bacteria) • can only make very • large animals cannot yeast bacteria

  12. O2 Anaerobic Respiration • _________________________ • ________________________ • yeast • _______________________________ • make beer, wine, bread • ________________________ • bacteria, animals • _______________________________ • bacteria make yogurt • animals feel muscle fatigue Tastes good…but not enoughenergy for me!

  13. Light Energy • Light travels in ________ • _____________ is the distance from 1 crest to another crest

  14. Visible Light Spectrum • A small portion of all the possible wavelengths • Sunlight is called “_______ light” • If you put white light through a prism you get? • All the colors of the rainbow, This is known as the • ________ ________

  15. ENERGY Light Particles • Each particle of light is called a _____ • The shorter the wavelength, the more energy it has Red Violet

  16. Pigment • A Substance that _________ light • You only see the light waves that are _______ off a substance • All the other light waves are absorbed by the substance

  17. Colorblindness Test

  18. What color blind people see: http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/lightandcolor/humanvisionintro.html

  19. Online Test • http://colorvisiontesting.com/online%20test.htm

  20. Think… • Why do leaves change color in the fall?

  21. Photosynthetic Pigments • There are photosynthetic pigments in each chloroplast • Chlorophyll a • Primary photosynthetic pigment • Absorbs all light waves • Chlorophyll b, Carotenes, & xanthophylls • Absorbs all light waves but red, yellow, and orange • Absorb light and

  22. Chromatography • Separating

  23. Chromatography of Spinach

  24. So why are leaves green? • There is A LOT more chlorophyll ____ • So it hides the other pigments and the leaf appears _______

  25. So why do leaves change colors? • In spring and summer time • Leaves have chlorophyll a & b, carotenes, & xanthophylls • All colors except most green is absorbed • But during the fall • Chlorophyll a _______ cells • Only Chlorophyll b, carotene, & xanthophyll is left • Leaves __________ orange, yellow, or red

  26. Photosynthesis:LifefromLight andAir

  27. Plants are energy producers • Like animals, plants need energy to live • Unlike animals, plants don’t need to eat food to make that energy • _____________________________ • _____________________________ • _____________________________

  28. How do plants make energy & food? • Plants use the energy from the sun • _____________________________ • _____________________________ • glucose, sucrose, cellulose, starch, & more sun ATP sugars

  29. H2O CO2 Building plants from sunlight & air sun • Photosynthesis • 2 separate processes • _______________________ • collect sun energy • use it to make ATP • _______________________ • take the ATP energy • collect CO2 from air & H2O from ground • use all to build sugars ATP + sugars carbon dioxide CO2 water H2O sugars C6H12O6 +

  30. (ATP) = used to build the sugar carbon dioxide sun energy  glucose + oxygen + water + sun energy  6CO2 + 6H2O + + 6O2 C6H12O6 Using light & air to grow plants • ______________________________________ • ______________________________________ • ______________________________________ • ______________________________________ • ______________________________________ • ______________________________________ • ______________________

  31. CO2 H2O sugars What do plants need to grow? • The “factory” for making energy & sugars • __________________ • Fuels • __________________ • __________________ • __________________ • The Helpers • __________________ Make ATP!Make sugar!I can do it all…And no oneeven notices! sun ATP enzymes

  32. H2O CO2 sun Photosynthesis _______ _______ _______ ATP ADP _______ _______ _______ used immediatelyto synthesize sugars sugar

  33. Chloroplasts are only in plants animal cells plant cells

  34. CO2 Chloroplasts __________________________ Leaf sun Leaves Chloroplastsin cell Chloroplast _______________ Chloroplasts contain Chlorophyll __________________________

  35. light energy  6CO2 + 6H2O + + 6O2 C6H12O6 So what does a plant need? • Bring In • ___________ • ___________ • ___________ • Let Out • ___________ • Move Around • ___________ leaves shoot roots

  36. (vein) (water) (sugar) Leaf Structure

  37. Leaf Structure

  38. Transpiration • Water evaporates from the stomates in the leaves • pulls water up from roots • water molecules stick to each other • more water is pulled up tree from ground

  39. xylem (water) stomate guardcells Transpiration H2O CO2 O2 • CO2 in • O2 out • water out • so it gets to leaves from roots O2 H2O CO2

  40. Function of Leaf Structures • Cuticle • ________________________________________ • Epidermis • ________________________________________ • Palisades layer • ________________________________________ • ________________________________________ • ________________________________________ • ________________________________________ • Spongy layer • ________________________________________ • ________________________________________ • ________________________________________

  41. Stomates & Guard Cells • __________________________________ • ______________________________ • ______________________________ • ______________________________ • gets to leaves for photosynthesis • __________________________________ • ______________________________ guard cell stomate

  42. Guard cells & Homeostasis • Homeostasis • keeping the internal environment of the plant balanced • ________________________ • ________________________ • ________________________ • ________________________ • ________________________ • ________________________ • ________________________ • ________________________ • ________________________

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