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Forventningsafstemning. KLASSERUMSKULTUR. En klasse udvikler sig over tid fra: Det første møde Efter få måneder Efter år Over denne tid kommer klassen igennem tre udviklingsfaser: Tilhørerfasen Kontrolfasen Nærhedsfasen. Tilhørerfasen.
KLASSERUMSKULTUR En klasse udvikler sig over tid fra: • Det første møde • Efter få måneder • Efter år Over denne tid kommer klassen igennem tre udviklingsfaser: • Tilhørerfasen • Kontrolfasen • Nærhedsfasen
Tilhørerfasen Her er den enkelte optaget af at blive en del af klassen – finde ud af, hvem de andre er og hvad det hele går ud på. Man frygter for at blive udelukket og er spændt på, hvilken plads man kommer til at indtage. Kvaliteten af det man producerer i gruppearbejde er begrænset p.g.a. denne usikkerhed.
Kontrolfasen Kontrolfasen er gruppeprocessens vanskeligste, idet man ikke længerer er så ’pæne’, men træder frem med egne meninger og holdninger og her udfordres de som i starten havde taget magten i gruppe p.g.a. at den mest populære, smarteste eller den smukkeste. Kampen om den kulturelle norm er begyndt. Her kan der sje forskellige gruppedannelser. De grupper der kommer igennem denne fase uden klikedannelse/mistænksomhed – glider automatisk over i den mest modne fase – nærhedsfasen.
Nærhedsfasen I nærhedsfasen har medlemmerne fået en realistisk opfattelse af egne og andres styrke og svagheder. Man accepterer hinanden og støtter hinanden menneskeligt og fagligt. Modtager og giver kritik på en konstruktiv måde. Det gir’ højere kvalitet i arbejdet og et godt klasserumsmiljø, som gør skoleårene en positiv oplevelse.
DOING WORK What’syourstrategy? • Avoid – it’stooscary/difficult • Wait for the excitement – I workbest under pressure • Wait with the decision - I want to do it right. Dr Piers Steel from Calgary University
‘GET THINGS DONE’ STRATEGIES • It’slessscary if youslice it: do thingsstep-by-step • It’s more exciting if youenjoy the steps: start from whatseems most interesting/work in an attractive set-up (with yourfavouritemusic on, on a sofa, together with a classmate over pizza) • Don’taim at perfection: try to work on a draftfirst, if youwant to collect info: set a deadline for that, afterwardswriteyourdraft • Work in time slots of 25 minutes (set an alarm clock) – in those 25 minutesdon’tansweranybody – yourphone and sound areswitchedoff! • Rewardyourself – if you finish on time, youwillwatch a movie/ go out/ go to bed early…
STUDENT A • fails to attendclassesregularly(never on time oftenabsent) • starts his vacationsearly and returnslate • inattentive in class(back row, hoping to chat, do his homework or doze) • assignmentslate or never handed in • revises at the last moment (gives up on othersubjects)
STUDENT B • attends all her classes and daydreams her waythrough the day • never asks a single question • hands in all assignments (whichusuallycontainsome of the most obvious points taken from the teacher/textbook) • revises for examswhen her parentstell her to by staring at the book and teacher’s notes
STUDENT C • never misses a class (determined to do well) • constantlyasking the teacherquestionsabout his performance, and whatheshouldimprove • wants to meet all reguirements of his assignments • examprovokeshiminto a frenzy, hewantseverythingrepeated over and over again
STUDENT D • never misses a class (determined to do well) • constantlyasking the teacherquestionsaboutassignments: howmany pages? whatcolour? what font? • exammakes her plan even more: howmanyhours a dayshouldsherevise?
STUDENT E • never misses a class (determined to do well) • constantlycomplainingabouteverything • ”teacher X. does not explainthingscleary” • ”the chapter in the book isn’tverygood” • ”this is toodifficult a topic to do”
STUDENT F • highly intelligent • pays attention to what the teacher is saying (asks and comments) • delights in classdiscussions • writtenwork is alwaysdisappointing (either not on time or lackingevidence of hardwork) • ”Don’tworry, ” hesays, ”my final examination grades willbegood.”
SUCCESSFUL STUDENT • is motivated to succeed • is aware of whatneeds to be done to achieve his goals • actuallygetsstarted • is activelyinvolved in the process of self-education • becomesinterested in the subjectsbeingstudied • has the persistence and selfdiscipline to carry his effortsthrough to the end