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PL/SQL. Procedural Language for SQL (PL/SQL) is an extension of Oracle SQL. The basic intent of PL/SQL is. increase the expressiveness of SQL. process query results in a tuple-oriented way. develop modular database application programs. reuse program code, and.
Procedural Language for SQL (PL/SQL) is an extension of Oracle SQL • The basic intent of PL/SQL is • increase the expressiveness of SQL • process query results in a tuple-oriented way • develop modular database application programs • reuse program code, and • reduce the cost for maintaining and changing applications. • The basic construct of PL/SQL is a block • constants and variables can be declared, and variables can be used to store query results. Statements in a PL/SQL block include: • SQL statements • Control structures (loops) • Condition statements (if-then-else) • Exception handling • Calls of other PL/SQL blocks.
Each block builds a (named) program unit, and blocks can be nested. • The structure of a PL/SQL looks as follows: (brackets [ ] enclose optional parts) [<Block header>] [declare <Constants> <Variables> <Cursors> <User defined exceptions>] begin <PL/SQL statements> [exception <Exception handling>] end;
Consider the following simple code: Needed to display output Our local variable of data type DATE Get today’s date and store it in our variable Display the contents of the variable Program Output
Bind Variables: • Host variables: • Declared in the SQL “Host Environment” • Remain active for the length of the SQL Session • Can be displayed with the SQL Print Command • Can only be accessed in the program when prefaced with a colon (:)
Control Structures: IF-THEN-ELSIF: (Note Spelling)
SQL in PL: • We must be careful about single record/field queries and multiple return queries
Single Return Queries: The data type applied to field studentname is automatically applied
Remember our problem about calculating a student grade? • Variable Declarations: /* This program calculates a grade */ declare cursor studentgrade is select lastname, firstname, quiz1, quiz2, quiz3 from grades; studentlastname grades.lastname%type; studentfirstname grades.firstname%type; q1 grades.quiz1%type; q2 grades.quiz2%type; q3 grades.quiz3%type; average number; sgrade grades.grade%type; nblanks number; blanks char(5);
Remember our problem about calculating a student grade? begin dbms_output.put_line('Student Name Grade'); dbms_output.put_line('------------------ -----'); open studentgrade; loop fetch studentgrade into studentlastname, studentfirstname, q1, q2, q3; exit when studentgrade%notfound; average := (q1 + q2 + q3)/3; nblanks := 20 - (length(trim(studentfirstname)) + length(trim(studentlastname))); if average >= 90 then sgrade := 'A'; elsif average >= 80 then sgrade := 'B'; elsif average >= 70 then sgrade := 'C'; elsif average >= 60 then sgrade := 'D'; else sgrade := 'F'; end if; dbms_output.put_line(trim(studentfirstname) || ' ' || trim(studentlastname) || lpad(' ',nblanks,' ') || sgrade); update grades set grade = sgrade; end loop; close studentgrade; end;
Exceptions: • Act as error handling routines
Types of Exceptions: Exception Name Description No_data_found Single row select returned no data Too_Many_rows Single row select returned multiple rows Zero_Divide Attempt to divide by zero Value_Error Arithmetic, Conversion, Truncation error Storage_Error PL/SQL ran out of memory or memory corrupted Login_Denied Invalid Username or password Program_Error Run Time error Access_Into_Null Attempt to assign values to uninitialized object Invalid_Cursor Illegal cursor operation Rowtype_Mismatch Cursor variable involved in incompatible return types --- And Others ---
Procedures: Remember our Grading program? • We could have created it as stored Procedure:
Functions, which are called by procedures, can also be created and stored:
Triggers: • A stored block which is implicitly called when an event occurs • A triggering event is based on a Data Manipulation Language statement such as: • INSERT • UPDATE • DELETE • Execution of the trigger is known as firing the trigger
Recall our problem about determining whether or not a student had enrolled for two classes at the same time • Information about students in a class was found only in the table enrollment • Information about when a class met was found only in the table class • If the information were in one table we could apply a constraint which would not allow a student to enroll in both classes:
However, even if we had created this table, it still would not stop a student from enrolling in two classes that meet at the same time • Enrollment in a class is done by entering a record in table enrollment (not table temp_table) • One way to stop dual enrollment is to set a trigger which tries to insert the record (from enrollment) into table temp_table (which contains the constraint) • If the record can be inserted into temp_table, it will then be inserted into table enrollment • If the record can NOT be inserted into temp_table, it will NOT be inserted into table enrollment
The trigger might appear as: • FOR EACH ROW is a row trigger which fires once for each row inserted: • :NEW refers to the new record to be inserted
Suppose we look up the Spring 2003 (semester = 102) schedule for Yao Ming (studentid = 21098765): • There is one other class that meets at the same time