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Warm Up: August 3, 2012. Vocabulary. 1. Plunder: to take (property) by force, especially in warfare. 2 . Valor: great courage, especially in battle. 3 . Formidable: causing fear, dread, awe, or admiration as a result of size, strength, power, or some other impressive quality
Warm Up: August 3, 2012 Vocabulary 1. Plunder: to take (property) by force, especially in warfare. 2 .Valor:great courage, especially in battle. 3. Formidable: causing fear, dread, awe, or admiration as a result of size, strength, power, or some other impressive quality 4. Guile: slyness; craftiness; skillful deception. 5. Ponderous: having great weight or bulk; heavy. 6. Profusion:plentiful amount; abundance. 7. Shun: to keep away from; avoid. 8. Ardor: passion; intensity of emotion; enthusiasm. 9. Dwindle: to gradually lessen; diminish. 10. Tumult: commotion; uproar.
Warm Up: August 6, 2012 For each vocabulary word below, you are going to complete a vocabulary square. 1. Plunder 2. Valor 3. Ponderous Vocabulary Word Synonym/ antonym Definition Write a Sentence Using the Vocabulary Word
August 7, 2012 Warm Up: Grammar Mini Lesson: Nouns
August 8, 2012: Warm Up: SAT Vocabulary Complete a vocabulary square for the following vocabulary terms: 1. Guile 2. Profusion 3. Shun 4. Formidable Vocabulary Word Definition synonym/ antonym Sentence
Five Types of Nouns: Singular:noun that names oneperson, place, or thing. Example: teacher, mouse, hat Plural:noun that namesmore than one person, place, or thing. Example: apples, crayons, books Common: a noun that names a common person, place or thing. Example:student, school, store Proper:a noun that names a specificperson, place, or thing. Example:Georgia Aquarium, Fox Theater, Mrs. Stanley Possessive:Singular:a singular noun showingownership. It usually has a's at the end of the noun.Example:the girl's house, the dog's bone. Plural:a plural noun showingownership.It usually has s' at the endof the noun.Example:the cheerleaders' pom-poms, the football players' jerseys.
Pick out the nouns in the paragraph below. On your own paper, write down each noun that you see. "Now that I've found the way to fly, which direction should I go into the night? My wings aren't white or feathery; they're green, made of silk, which shudders in the wind and bends when I move--first in a circle, then in a line, finally in a shape of my own invention. The black behind me doesn't worry me; neither do the stars ahead." -- Matched by Ally Condie.
Warm-Up: August 10, 2012 SAT Vocabulary Write a story of at least 8-10 sentences using at least 5 of your vocabulary words using the picture below:
Warm Up: August 13, 2012 Vocabulary 1. Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story of that man skilled in all ways of contending, the wanderer, harried for years on end, after he _________ the stronghold on the proud height of troy. 2. But not by will nor ________ could he save them. 3. I am Laertes' son, Odysseus. Men hold me __________ for __________ in peace and war: this fame has gone abroad to the sky's rim. 4. I had touched the spot when sudden fear stayed me: if I killed him we perished there as well, for we could never move his __________ doorway slap aside. 5. I held this in the fire's heart and turned it, toughening it, then hid it, well back in the cavern, under one of the dung piles in __________ there.
Warm Up: August 15, 2012 Vocabulary For each of your vocabulary terms, write a synonym and antonym.
Warm Up: August 16, 2012 Grammar Mini Lesson: Verbs Types of Verbs: Helping verbs:or auxillary verbs are used in conjunction with main verbs to express shades of time and mood. Examples:will, shall, may, might, can, could, must, ought to, should, would, used to, need Adverbs:are words that modify: verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. These words normally end in -ly or they answer how, when, where, and why. For example: although, after, before, because, lovely Linking verbs: do not express action. They connect the subject of the verb to additional information about the subject. For Example: Mrs. Stanley is a shopaholic. Creekview's mascot is a Grizzly bear.
Write three sentences using the four types of verbs. You may use the picture below for inspiration.
Warm-Up: August 20, 2012 SAT Vocabulary 1.Peril- danger; risk; something that may cause injury or destruction. 2. Quest- to seek; search or pursue in order to find something or achieve a goal. 3. Shroud- to cover, as with a veil or burial cloth; conceal. 4. Supplication- earnest or humble request or prayer. 5. Insidious- slyly treacherous or deceitful; scheming. 6. Adorn- to decorate; add beauty, honor, or distinction. 7. Restitution- compensation for something that has been lost, damaged, or taken away. 8. Contentious- quarrelsome; argumentative. 9. Flout- defy; ignore; scoff at. 10. Wantonness- reckless or lack of restraint
Warm Up: August 30, 2012 After watching The Odyssey, you are to write a summary of at least 8-10 complete sentences of what the story is about. After you are done please turn these into your box.
Warm Up: September 4, 2012 Vocabulary sentences 1. Penelope spent many hours weaving the funeral _________ for Odysseus. 2. The priest sank to his knees in _________ to God. 3. The Navy Seal's uniform was _________ with numerous medals of honor. 4. She demanded __________ from the store after her oven broke. 5. Vandals were guilty for the _________ destruction of the school property.
Warm Up: September 5, 2012 Vocabulary Sentences: Unit 2 1.The prime minister has deliberately __________ the rules to allow rich men to fund his craving for power. 2. Odysseus sets out on a __________ to the land of Ithaca in order to find himself. 3. Odysseus comes up with an ___________ plan to deceive the Cyclops so that he and his men would make it out of the cave alive. 4. Knowing the _________ that lies before him, Odysseus prepares his men to encounter the Sirens. 5. Hunting with hounds is a highly ___________ subject of great interest to people who live in rural areas.
Warm Up: September 6, 2012 Vocabulary Synonyms and Antonyms Synonym: a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the same language. Antonym: a word opposite in meaning to another. For each vocabulary word, you need to write down a synonym and an antonym.
Warm Up: September 10, 2012 In 8-10 sentences, please write a summary of Part 1 and Part 2 on a separate sheet of paper. When you are finished please turn these into your box. Please be specific and detailed!
Warm Up: September 11, 2012 Odyssey Review You Tube Video: Theme 1 Write down theme one from the video, and then in your own words, explain other examples in the story, where you see Odysseus or his crew portray this theme.
+ Warm Up: September 11, 2012 You tube: Theme 2 Odyssey Write down theme one from the video, and then in your own words, explain other examples in the story, where you see Odysseus or his crew portray this theme.
+ Warm Up: September 12, 2012 You Tube Clip: 60 Second Recap: Motif 1 Motif- is a reoccurring subject, theme or idea especially in literature. After you watch the you tube clip, write down motif one and give examples of this motif in other parts of the story.
Warm up: September 14, 2012 Odyssey 60 Second Recap: Motif #3
Warm Up: September 24, 2012 SAT Vocabulary Unit 3 1. Cower- to crouch or shrink back, as in fear or shame 2. Impudence- speech or behavior that is aggressively forward or rude 3. Mortified- deeply embarrassed, shamed, or humiliated 4. Rebuke- to scold sharply; criticize 5. Guise- outward appearance; false appearance 6. Renowned- famous; widely known 7. Commandeer- to seize by force or threats 8. Justification- a reason for an action that shows it to be just, right, or reasonable 9. Omen- a sign or event thought to foretell good or bad fortune; forewarning 10. Contemptible- deserving of scorn; disgraceful
Warm Up: September 25, 2012 SAT Vocabulary Squares Unit 3 Complete a vocabulary square for each of the following words: Cower Impudence Mortified Rebuke Guise
Warm Up: September 26, 2012 SAT Vocabulary Unit 3 Vocab Squares Renowned Commandeer Justification Omen Contemptible
Warm Up: September 27, 2012 SAT Vocabulary Sentences 1. The Capitol uses __________ methods to control the people of Panem. 2. Katniss was __________ when Peeta confessed his love for her on television. 3. The father was able to _____________ the knife and keep it safe until the police arrived. 4. When Prim's name was called out in the drawing, she _________ in fear of the fate she knew was hers. 5. When Katniss found the Mockingjay pen in the Peace Keeper's black market, it was a/an __________ of the events to come.
Warm Up: October 1, 2012 SAT Vocabulary: Sentences 1. Katniss knows not to give in to the other districts rude and ___________ behavior while she is in the arena. 2. Because Katniss challenged the game officials in the arena, President Snow _______ her for her rebellion. 3. The crowd was mystified by Peeta and Katniss' ________ as they entered on their chariots. 4. Katniss and Peeta became _________ after their glorious victory in the Hunger Games. 5. When Katniss is addressing the game show host, she gives him a ____________ for saving Peeta in the arena.
Warm Up: October 2, 2012 Run-on Sentences Please write down the sentences below and make the appropriate corrections. 1. In my high school we like to go to football games I love to cheer on my classmates during big games. 2. I cannot wait to go to college because I will have my own place, I want to attend Georgia Tech.
Warm Up: October 4, 2012 SAT Vocab Unit 3: Synonym and Antonym For each of your Unit 3 vocabulary words, write a synonym and antonym.
Warm Up: October 4, 2012 Grammar: Correcting Sentences: Run-On 1. The Pulitzer Prize is awarded each year, it awards excellence in journalism, letters, and music. 2. The awards were established by the powerful publisher Joseph Pulitzer. 3. Pulitzer owned the St. Louis Post-Dispatch he purchased the New York World in 1883.
If you do not have your book GO GET IT Read The Scarlet Ibis Beginning onPage 257 and answer questions 1-14 on Page 268.
Warm Up: October 8, 2012 SAT Vocabulary Unit 4 1. aberration- something that is not normal or is not very typical at all. 2. balk- refuse to comply 3. calamity- an event resulting in great loss and misfortune 4. dapper- marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners 5. edify- make understand 6. fabricate- put together out of artificial or natural components or parts 7. gaffe- a socially awkward or tactless act 8. hackneyed- repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse 9. idiosyncrasy- a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual 10. jejune- lacking interest or significance or impact
Warm Up: October 9, 2012 Run-on Sentences and Fragments Label each sentence either as a run-on (RO) or a fragment (FR). If it is a run-on or fragment, then you need to fix it so that it is a complete sentence. Some might be correct. 1. As if in a daze. 2. Each prize is $1,000, except the prize for public service, which is a gold medal. 3. Hiking on lichen-covered rocky slopes. 4. She worked on many projects, she wrote short stories, an autobiography, and more novels. 5. This work was recognized with a Pulitzer Prize, she continued to write novels.
Warm Up: October 10, 2012 SAT Vocab. Unit 4 Please create a vocabulary square for the following vocabulary words: Aberration Dapper Edify Calamity
Warm Up: October 17, 2012 You need to get a grammar workbook from my shelf behind the door and complete the following pages: *Please DO NOT write in the Workbooks. * Write the sentences. Unit 4: Clauses and Sentences pg. 101-102 Ex. 1-2 (Write Sentences) pg. 103-104 Ex. 1-2 (just put simple or compound) pg. 105-106 Ex. 1-2 (Write sentences) `
Warm Up: October 11, 2012 SAT Vocabulary Squares Unit 4 Fabricate Gaffe Hackneyed Idiosyncrasy Jejune
Warm Up: October 18, 2012 SAT Vocabulary Write a synonym and antonym for each of the unit 4 vocabulary words. Gaffe Jejune Hackneyed Dapper Fabricate Edify Aberration Calamity Balk Idiosyncrasy
Fill in the appropriate vocabulary word for each sentence. 1. He realized that he had committed an awful _________ when he mispronounced her name. 2. The concept of an evil corporation is pretty ________________ at this point. 3. I started to believe that Bob's story about wrestling the crocodile was a ______________. 4. He had some odd ________________, like asking people to take their shoes off before entering his office. 5. His outburst in court seems an ____________, considering his usually calm demeanor.
Fill in the appropriate vocabulary words for each sentence below: 6. He ________ at the teacher when she told him to move seats. 7. Professor Hazlett's _____________ lectures often left students dozing in the auditorium. 8. Venison comes relatively unadorned, in __________ little rectangles that are tender and salty. 9. These books will both entertain and _________ readers. 10. There, especially in the wake of disaster, it often serves as a cruel second ______________.