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Public-key based. Public-key Techniques based Protocols may use either weak or strong passwords high computation complexity (Slow) high deployment cost Security degree is higher than password-based
Public-key Techniques based Protocols • may use either weak or strong passwords • high computation complexity (Slow) • high deployment cost • Security degree is higher than password-based • The security assumption of most signature schemes are based on some well-known computational problems, such as the discrete logarithm problem and the factoring problem.
Authenticated key agreement without using one-way hash function (cont.) • The MQV key agreement protocol has been adopted by the IEEE P1363 Committee to become a standard. The MQV protocol used a digital signature to sign the Diffie-Hellman public keys without using any one-way function. Here, the MQV protocol is generalized in three respects. First. signature variants for Diffie-Hellman public keys developed previously are employed in the new protocol.
Authenticated key agreement without using one-way hash function (cont.) • Secondly, two communication entities are allowed to establish multiple secret keys in a single round of message exchange. Thirdly, the key computations are simplified. • This paper is the improved version of MQV.
Protocol • Assume A and B want to share multiple secret keys in one round of message exchange. For simplicity, we assume that A and B want to share four secrets.
A B Generateshort term secret key kA1,kA2 and public key rA1, and rA2. Compute signature SA Generateshort term secret key kB1,kB2and public key rB1, and rB2. Compute signature SB {rA1, rA2, SA, certf(yA)} {rB1,rB2, SB, certf(yB)} yB=rB1rB1rB2rB2aSB mod p ? computes K1= rKB1A1mod p K2= rKB1A2mod p K3= rKB2A1mod p K4= rKB2A2mod p computes arA1rA2mod p verifies {rA1, rA2}, and computes K1= rKA1B1mod p K2= rKA2B1mod p K3= rKA1B2mod p K4= rKA2B2mod p • Finally, A and B generate four secret key K1~K4. • Certif(yA) is the public-key certificate of yAsigned by a trusted party. • A computes the signature SAfor {rA1, rA2}based on any signature variant as listed in Table 1. So as B. • a is a primitive number if GF(p)
Fully-fledged two-way public key authentication and key agreement for low-cost terminals • The server is assigned the unique identity j by the CA. • The server picks a Rabin secret key (pj,qj) and gives the corresponding public key (Nj= pj*qj) to the CA. • √denotes modular square root operation. (to sign a message.)
Fully-fledged two-way public key authentication and key agreement for low-cost terminals • A terminal is assigned a unique identity i, the network public keys, and signature system parameters. • then it chooses a random secret key Si, and generates the associated ElGamal public key Pi. • The CA provides the terminal with a certificate ci.
Fully-fledged two-way public key authentication and key agreement for low-cost terminals • The terminal chooses a random secret r, and performs the precomputations.
The server sends its identity, public key, and certificate to the terminal. • The terminal verifies the certificate by squaring it modulo the CA’s public key, and comparing to a hashing of the concatenation of the server’s identity and public key. • Terminal picks a random number x, considered to be a concatenation of random portions xL and xR combined with some expected ‘colour’ (say, k low-order zero bits, denoted 0k) • Terminal encrypts x using server’s public key.
The server sends a random challenge containing some expected ‘colour’ • The terminal verifies the expected colour that is present after conventional decryption. (it also verifies the session key) • Terminal sends its identity, public key, and certificate, along with an ElGamal signature on the random challenge. • The server verifies the certificate and signature.