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TOWARDS INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF MUSHAR COMMUNITY. PROJECT OBJECTIVE. The project aims to ensure poverty elevation of 704 Musahar households by means of low input sustainable agriculture practices, economic and food security entitlements and social upliftment by end of December 2010
PROJECT OBJECTIVE The project aims to ensure poverty elevation of 704 Musahar households by means of low input sustainable agriculture practices, economic and food security entitlements and social upliftment by end of December 2010 The major objective is to provide equitable access to economic assets, entitlements, and benefits from common property resources and enhance livelihoods
THE STRATEGY FOLLOWED…………….. • Enhancement of Structures Strengthening Livelihood • Support Processes Building organization among Musahar community-CBO’s Training in leadership and financial management, Awareness prog on rights Agricultural intervention through on-farm and off –farm trainings Empowering women by formation of SHG’s, skill based training and credit linkages Ensuring food security , NREGA, IAY, Patta entitlement through action based advocacy, Bridge course and mainstreaming of dropouts, health progs.
Project Output-1 Eight competent Community Based Organizations established that spearhead community actions on issues related to livelihood, rights and entitlements, health and education and caste based violence Result Indicator-1 48 competent issue based CBO representatives in place in the project area. Results Achieved: 8 Fully functional community based organizations formed and registered in 1860 societies registration act . All the 8 CBO's have been trained in the issue related to livelihood rights and entitlements, health and education and caste based violence. 64 competent issue based CBO representatives in place in the project area . Training of the CBO’s in progress
Process Indicator-1 Participation of the Musahar community in the Gram Sabha increased to 50% in the project villages. Results Achieved: Overall participation in the Gram Sabha meetings has increased to 80% Increased representation of Musahar community in village level committees, and panchayat raj institutions .In villages of Kanbiswan, Badiya and Kalnahi the newly elected Pradan is of the Musahar community with 100% representation and participation of the Musahar community in these villages. The CBO of the respective villages started initiation of the Gram Sabha meeting for demanding their rights and entitlements The process which followed in involving the Musahar community and motivating them to take part in the grass root administration was started with conducting the cluster level meetings with the CBO and PRI members. The project has seen more representative in the village panchayat and Samitis come up from the Musahar community. Prabhu of Kalnahi , Dinesh in Kanbiswan and Aday of Badiya are the examples of Musahar winning Panchayat election.
Project Output-2 Increase in annual income by Rs 4,480 from existing income indicator of Rs. 14000 among Musahar families owning productive land Result Indicator-1 176 musahar families adopt low external input sustainable agriculture technology in their farming practice Results Achieved: 140 Farmers have been trained in LIESA techniques In the first round of the training conducted at Campierganj. 144 farmers have received training in the second round of training & 151 in 3rd training. The seeds and Pump sets have been distributed among Musahar community. Community based organization's livelihood representative conduct monthly meetings with the farmers and a list of the beneficiaries was made for application for the govt boring and tube well schemes Out of the 176 farmers 94 have adopted vegetable cultivation and 80 using compost in their fields.
Result Indicator-2: 32% increase in annual income of Musahar families owning land from existing income of Rs.14000 per annum Results Achieved: 10%-12% increase in the income of the families owning land from the vegetable cultivation . However there had been substantial increase of annual income of sugarcane farmers by using compost and organic farming. Also farmers have been trained in new techniques of sugarcane cultivation Being a cane growing region and maximum farmers have the skills and interest in the sugarcane cultivation .With regards to vegetable growing the market does not fetch more profit as compared to the cane. However in villages of Ledi , Kanbiswan and Kalnahi the farmers have also carried out the marketing of vegetables. Few farmers of Badiya and Kalnahi have shown innovative approaches like intercropping of vegetable with cane . The growing of commercial crops like haldi has also been done by the Musahar families
Process Indicator-1: 50% reduction in input costs has eventually increased the net gain in productivity Achieved Results: The farmers has been trained in effective farm planning, composting techniques. 80 farmers have been employing such techniques in field and input cost has decreased considerably. The inputs of 80 farmers have been reduced by more than 50% and there have been an increase in the productivity of crops Process Indicator-2: 40% of the musahar owning land adopt Low cost Poly House technology to farm off season vegetables Achieved Results: 1. Poly house demonstration done in the fields for educating the farmers on the benefits of polyhouse such as maintenance of temperature and moisture, protect plants from diseases and pests and guarantee 95% growing plants which can be later transferred to the fields 2. Farmers have done nursery cultivation and marketing of seeds 3. 48 out of 176 farmers adopted polyhouse and nursery cultivation in their field
Project Output-3 Improved access to economic asset ( productive land) among landless Musahar family's by means of land patta distribution scheme Result Indicator-1 40 % of landless Musahar families have access to economic asset (productive land) by means of land patta distribution scheme Achieved Results 10% of the landless Musahar Families had received the land patta from the government scheme(52 land patta received in project period) 200 application for the above mentioned land patta scheme has been submitted by the CBO in their respective panchayats to the Pradhans, BDO, SDM, ADM and Commissioner. The main bottleneck in achieving the above mentioned indicator was the unavailability of the land in the village panchayat which can be got under the ceiling . However an appeal of getting the land which is illegally under the control of the dominant persons are being given to SDM , Commissioner
Result Indicator-2 15% of new land owners replicate LEISA technology in newly acquired land through farmer to farmers learning Achieved Results 15 farmers having received patta have replicated LEISA tech. The CBO has conducted meeting with the Pradan, Lekhpal & SDM for the khali plots (banjar and nayi parti) and submitted 50 RTI application for the same to block and district. Process Indicator-1 Reduced dependence on exploitative agricultural labour for eking outday to day expenses and livelihood The CBO livelihood representative has conducted meetings with the landless for motivating them to come forward for fighting for their land patta right The landless Musahar families along with CBO members had conducted meeting with the Pradan, Lekhpal and the Panchayat Secretary. They have also met SDM with a list of landless beneficiaries and submitted 50 applications for advocating for patta .
Project Output-4 Improved access to ration supplies at subsidised rates among eligible Musahar families by means of enrolling in public distribution system Process Indicator-1 68% of non ration card holders enrolled in public distribution system (PDS) that supplies monthly ration to poor at subsidized rates. Achieved Results A Total of 179 families have been enlisted in the Mahamaya Garib Aarthik Garib Yojana. The verification of the families , opening of accounts of beneficiaries and scrutinizing of the proofs like income , caste, Parivar Register by lekhpals is in process and actual distribution of the benefits will be done by the Dec'10 The Community based organization had approached the Pradan in the Gram Sabha meetings conducted in the village. Has also submitted memorandum for the non-availability of the BPL card, ration supplies, benefits of the MahamayaAarthikGaribYojana to Commissioner, Additional district Magistrate, Sub divisional Magistrate, Block development officer and submitted
Process Indicator-1 75 beneficiaries enrolled under Below Poverty Line (BPL) Scheme Achieved Results Since the govt has stopped the distribution of the new BPL cards. However 7 APL cards have been distributed to the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries not possessing the BPL cards will be enrolled under the MAY scheme Process Indicator-2 114 beneficiaries enrolled under Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) Scheme Achieved Results Since the govt has stopped the distribution of the new Antodaya cards the beneficiaries not possessing the BPL cards will be enrolled under the MAY scheme. The CBO have submitted 200 applications for the getting enrolled in the Mahamaya Aarthik Yojana . The submitting of the proofs of the income, caste, Parivar Register by the beneficiaries to the Lekhpals is in process.
Project Output-5 Increase in number of days of employment among eligible Musahar families by means of job cards under National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NERGS) Result Indicator-1 35% of the non job card holders registered under National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NERGS) Achieved Results A total of 200 job cards have been distributed to the beneficiaries and 100 applications for the fresh issue of the job cards have been submitted to the BDO, CDO ,DM and Commissioner. The indicator is almost accomplished with the target of giving 223 families with the NREGA job cards out of which 200 has received and 30 job cards of Badiya is under process
Process Indicator-1 One member from each 223 musahar family provided with 100 days of employment (or unemployment allowance) in every financial year Achieved Results 1. CBO NREGA representative has conducted meetings with the families who got the job cards in the villages and motivated them to submit application for the job to the pradan. 2. The application for the job for the 200 families is in process and application submitted to the Pradan, Secy, BDO,CDO, DM, Commissioner for the giving jobs to these 200 families. 3. CBO's submitted application for the job to the Pradan, BDO, etc . A survey of the vulnerable population who need employment is under process.The BDO Nichlaul has confirmed that the jobs will be distributed by the end of Nov’10 & Dec 1st week
Project Output-6 Decrease in number of MMR and IMR cases in the project area by means of improved access to immunization, Ante natal & Post natal services Result Indicator-1 40% of the children (0-5yrs), pregnant & lactating women have received complete dose of immunization, Ante natal & Post natal services. Achieved Results 55% of the children (0-5yrs), pregnant & lactating women have received complete dose of immunization, Ante natal & Post natal services. 277 out of 495 childrens received full dose of immunisation,78 pregnant women received complete dose of TTI and TTII. Project staffs and volunteers conducted regular meetings with the CHC in charge Dr. Kushwaha. Health camps have been conducted in Badiya, Kalnahi, Kanbiswan for greater accessibility of services to the Musahar families. Intervention in pulse polio , JE immunization have also been taken
Result Indicator-1 270 non immunized children (0-5yrs) receive full dose of immunization (OPV, BCG, DPT, measles, DT,TT) Achieved Results 277 childrens received full dose of immunization ( 67 in kalnahi & Doma,76 in kanbiswan, 83 in Badiya ,36 in Ramchandrahi, Bajahi and Bajaha & 15 in NakshaBaksha.) Result Indicator-3 47 pregnant women receive full dose of immunization (TT1 TT2 & TT booster) Achieved Results 78 pregnant women receive full dose of immunization (TT1 TT2) The health representative of the CBO has been meeting each and every pregnant women in the village and conducting meetings with them counseling them on care , proper diet, immunization and checkups due to which there is increase in the no of pregnant women taking tetanus vaccine .
Result Indicator-4 80% of pregnant women are taking the recommended number of iron tablets Achieved Results 108 out of 141 pregnant women are taking to IFA tabs . Thus 76.9% of the pregnant women are taking the recommended number of 100 IFA tablets Result Indicator-4 100% of babies breastfed with one hour of birth Achieved Results 72% of the babies being colustrum fed. However the CBO is regular counseling Beneficiaries on the benefits of colustrum to the new born baby. Result Indicator-5 100% of new born provided with exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months Achieved Results 80% of the new born breastfeed for 6months. The CBO’s health representative had conducted meetings with the ANM’s and Ashas in the villages and took their help to motivate the beneficiaries on the importance of breastfeeding , not give water, honey, cow to the new borns
Project Output-7 Improved school enrolment ratio among boys and girls from Musahar communities in the project area. Result Indicator-1 219 non school going children attend the bridge course education Achieved Results 678 drop out & non school going children's attend the bridge course education in Seva Vidyalayas in all the 8 bridge course education centres in the respective village panchayats A workshop of teachers of primary schools and the BRC officials was conducted in the Nichlaul Block premises to motivate them and take their support for maximum enrollment of the drop out Musahar children in the Govt run primary schools in the villages The CBO Education rep. had conducted meetings along with the project staffs for counseling of the parents , Advocacy in the schools, Pradans and other influential persons for motivating the drop out children's for the bridge schools
Result Indicator-2 30% of the children undergoing bridge education mainstreamed into formal schooling Achieved Results 257 non school children's have been registered to the Govt Primary schools All the 257 children's have been registered in the schools but the attendance of 30% of children's in the primary schools is not satisfactory. The organization is regularly meeting the parents for regularly sending these children's to school. The meetings with the school functionaries regularly held for retaining maximum children's in the schools Follow up visits to the parents is also been done by the CBO representatives for motivating them to send their children's to bridge schools . Also 35 children's of Bajahi admitted to private school with less fees.
Project Output-8 Improved access to credits among vulnerable women by means of women based Self Help Groups. Result Indicator-1 22 fully functional women based self help group established in the project area Achieved Results 1. 22 Self help groups has been formed 322 vulnerable women being trained in the skills for book keeping. In order to ensure equality of credit access Interloaning started among the 15 groups. All the 22 SHGs have maintained good quality and complete records. 2. Self help groups members were taken for an exposure tour to successful NGO for meeting with the model groups and learning from the experience of other groups such as silk rearing, buffalo rearing etc. It was a quite good learning experience for them. 3. The bank accounts of the Self Help groups of Baira( Radha Samooh), Bhediyari ( Chandni Samooh) and Kattan ( Laxmi Samooh )has been opened in the Purvanchal Gramin Bank Beitolia. Rest of the bank accounts are in process will be opened by Dec 1st week.
Result Indicator-2 330 vulnerable women involve in thrift and credit by means of Self Help Groups Achieved Results All the 322 women member involved in thrift and credit The project staffs had conducted trainings of the groups on book keeping and financial maintenance. The CBO livelihood representatives have conducted meetings with each SHG’s in their respective panchayats for motivating and educating them of savings. In all the 22 SHG’s the group members bought a steel box for keeping the savings have been with their own group contribution. Uptill now the SHG’s total savings is 44371 Result Indicator-3 50% of SHGs have maintained good quality and complete records Achieved Results All the 22 Self help groups have maintained complete records in good condition Thus 100% of the SHG's have maintained complete records. Also there has been increase in the % of women who can write on their own. It has risen from 10% to 28 % because of project intervention.
Result Indicator-3 Equality of credit access was found in 80% of the SHGs Achieved Results Except for 3 SHG's in Bahuar, Baira, Sakardinahi all the rest have started interloaning and equality of the credit access was found in 81.8% SHG's. The groups have done interloaning up to 19902 till date
Success Stories • COMMUNITY BASED ORGANISATION- FIGHTING AGAINST CORRUPT PRACTICES IN • AVAILING THE HEALTH SERVICES CBO health representative of Doma Phulmati Devi w/o Kisore has taken a bold step forward to stop the corrupt practices in the distribution of the immunization cards to the beneficiaries. The ANM Mrs. Madhuri Rai was charging Rs.10 for issuing the card to the beneficiaries. Phulmati Devi first took the support of Shanti Vasudev ( Block rep) and SHG president – Phulwasi to raise the voice against this corrupt practise. Then during one of the visits of the ANM they directly questioned her regarding taking charges. The ANM told that she took this for adjusting her fuel expenses for coming to the village. Phulmati Devi then threatened her that she will complain the matter to the CHC in charge and CMO. This incidence was an eye-opener and small step towards fighting against the illegal practices. • SELF HELP GROUPS –INCOME GENERATION ACITIVITY AMONG THE MUSAHARS • The Self help group of Doma – Durga Samooh has thought of a better option for income generation through marketing of sugarcane in the village. The project motivated them to start up an enterprise of their own. After a series of meetings been conducted with the Group they were convinced to start keeping the stock of sugarcane with them . Sarita Devi Secretary of the group says that later on when the price is higher sell of in nearby market. We have presently bought 30 quintal of cane from the farmers and has kept a stock with them. Is planning to sell of within a week time
Self Help Groups- Start of a new beginning in Group Based Entrepreneurship DurgaSwayamSahayata Samooh , Naksha Baksha has come a long way towards self sustainability. The president of the group “Manorama Devi” has initiated the decision to start this activity as she said that the raw materials for the product - leafs of “Shaku” & “Benth ka phokla”are easily available in the village As far as the marketing of the pattal is concerned the group sells it to the nearby Nichlaul market @ Rs.20/100 pattals. The group has already kept a stock of 1000 pattals Sumitra Devi W/o Ram Naresh Secretary of DurgaSwayamSahayata Samooh , Naksha Baksha has bought a buffalo calf by her own earning She said that when the buffalo will be ready for milking she will sell it to the DurgaSwayamSahayata Samooh.
Towards better health & complete immunisation for the Musahar communities Geeta Devi W/o Imtu age 23 yrs of Badiya village has been counselled by the health representative of Community Based organisation and motivated her for TT immunisation and institutional delivery. During the pregnancy period she had taken both the doses of Tetanus injections from the ANM. The women was then taken by her family members to the nearby PHC at Nichlaul, She received Rs.1400 the JSY benefit given by the govt for the 1st delivery of the child. She is now happy as her 2 months child is healthy and promised to give her child also the complete dose of immunisation so that it will free of all diseases . Maina Devi w/o Parmhanshage-24years having 2 childrens in the village of Badiya is a role model for better health practises among the Musahar community. The lady who attended the trainings and meetings of Seva and was motivated by the volunteers for immunisation during the 2nd child birth . The age of the child is 3 months . It had already been administered the first dose of BCG, DPT1 and DPT2. She had been breast feeding her child till date and not giving any external food items as she known of the importance of colustrum. Her child is healthy and she is determined to give the child exclusively breast milk upto 6 months. She also takes time to motivate other women for child immunisation
Success Stories Contd…………… Ganga S/o Ayodhya of the village Bajaha has praised the organization for its effort to motivate him to start this enterprise . He said that “ I was totally broken down with lack of money and no knowledge of the market for carrying out the weaving of the “ Khanchi” . The Community based Organisation in Bajaha “ Seva Musahar VikasSamiti” has helped me a lot both financially and inspired me to start the enterprise . They helped me in collection of the raw materials from the forest. I however started weaving the “ Khanchis” at a rate of 3 per day. When the stock was 25 khanchis I sold them to the Community based Organisation @ of Rs.22/Khanchi.” Sukai S/o Ramraj a poor farmer of the Mushar community in the village of Kanbiswan was all in smiles for starting the enterprise of khanchi making in his house near to the forest area . The khanchi is made of Ramdatuani a variety of bamboo and Roina wood found in the forest. Ganga weaving Kanchi has given his family a new lease of life Khanchi made bySukai in Kanbiswan village A Khanchi made out of “Roina” wood is used generally for lifting by labours
Effective use of irrigational facility by the Musahar Community Seva Musahar VikasSamiti Naksha Baksha had been distributed a pump set by Manav Seva Sansthan “Seva” . The Community based organisation has used this pumpset to irrigate 30 Acres of agricultural land in the village. It was found that in the presence of the pumpset as a source of irrigation they were able to reduce the sowing period by 10-15 days . Earlier they used to sow in 30-35 days depending on the monsoon rains which gave them weak grain due to extended period . Also the productivity of the rice crop increased manifold. In this way the earlier productivity was 18 quintal/acre which will come to 540 Quintals with the total market price of 4,32000. The seeds were sown within 18-21 days which gave high quality of the seeds which when transplanted gave good produce. The total productivity from 30 acres land was equal to 600 quintals market rate is Rs.800/- which when calculated in terms of the income received will come to 4,80000.Thus the productivity increased from 540 to 600 quintals. There was a rise in produce by 60 quintals Thus an increase in income of the farmers by Rs.48000/-in one season.
CBO ENSURING BASIC FACILITIES OF ELECTRICITY & HOUSING FOR MUSAHAR COMMUNITIES IN VILLAGES Mangru the Secretary of the Seva Musahar VikasSamiti , Naksha Baksha is a small boy 23 yrs of age. He hails from a poor Musahar family . The boy is only 4th standard pass but is always motivated up with zeal and enthusiasm to do something for his community. He teaches the drop out children's of his village in the Seva Vidyalaya. The village people stood with him and the CBO members went to the nearby forest for cut the khar –patwar for the establishing the CBO Office and Seva Vidyalaya at the entrance of his village. He fought for the electricity in his village as the transformer of his village has been damaged . Wrote a series of letters to the Commissioner and local administration for the availability of the electricity. He also spoke with the JE at Nichlaul and he promised to provide a new transformer in his village. Now the transformer has been installed and every Musahar house have access to light. Dinesh Secretary of the Seva Musahar VikasSamiti Kanbiswan has pressurized the Block offficial and wrote a series of applications for availing the housing facility under the IndiraAwasYojana. Due to his untiring efforts has been able to give 47 IndiraAwas facility to the Musahar families in the village. This has brought a new beginning for this economically backward community
Strengthening Musahar communities, Building Institutions & right based awareness drives • To increase the accessibility of govt schemes and programmes to the Musahar families in the village panchayat “Seva” conducted Workshops, Camps etc inviting Commissioner, CDO, SDM, Tehsildar etc. These public hearing events however sped up the delivery of services like NREGA ,IAY, Mahamaya Awas, Land Patta, immunisation, scholarship and pension schemes • Awareness programmes were conducted by “Seva” to disseminate pivotal messages & making the community aware on the 5 areas of the project which are health, SHG, CBO, agriculture and education • Awareness programmes were conducted by “Seva” to disseminate pivotal messages & making the community aware on the 5 areas of the project which are health, SHG, CBO, agriculture and education To make the Community based representative aware of their rights and responsibilities. Technical knowledge in order to achieve their rights, preparation of the monthly action plan , discussion on the accessibility of different government schemes
Project Glimpses CBO meeting with Commissioner Distribution of Pump Sets to Musahar Community Distribution of cycles to the CBO’s A CBO Meeting in progress Meeting with the newly elected PRI members Health Mela in Kalnahi Khurd village Malti Devi- beneficiary of JSY in Ledi village A Block level Assembly in progress Also 20 Musahar families has been guided by the Community based organisation to apply for the Rasoiyas whose income has been increased by 1000 and 6 defunct hand pumps had been repaired in Kanbiswan due to the efforts of the CBO. 1000 foldable bags been stitched by the SHG’s each will be marketted @Rs12 in
Challenges/Bottlenecks The official procedure and process documentation of the application to govt schemes that takes too long and delays process 2. The quality of the primary schools are still very bad and unavailability of the teachers and inadequate facility have made the children to leave the school causing more drop outs The mid day meal facility provided in the schools is of very poor quality and most of the students do not receive scholarship. The CBO had applied for the receiving grant from govt for running programme in their panchayat The project agricultural intervention regarding promoting of vegetable cultivation in the villages was a major challenge as most of farmers had skills and interest in the sugarcane cultivation .With regards to vegetable growing the market does not fetch more profit as compared to the cane The ICDS scheme has been in bad state in all panchayats of which letters had been given to govt.