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Introduction to the λ - Calculus and Functional Programming Languages. Arne Kutzner Hanyang University 2011. Material / Literature. λ - Calculus:
Introduction to the λ-Calculus and Functional Programming Languages Arne Kutzner Hanyang University 2011
Material / Literature • λ-Calculus: • Peter SelingerLecture Notes on the Lambda Calculushttp://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~selinger/papers/lambdanotes.pdfMore descriptive than the text from Barendregt and Barendsen • Henk Barendregt and Erik BarendsenIntroduction to Lambda Calculusftp://ftp.cs.ru.nl/pub/CompMath.Found/lambda.pdfThis text is quite theoretical and few descriptive. However, short and concise • Remark:The notation used in both texts is slightly different. In the slides we follow the notion of (2.) Functional Programming
Set of λ-Terms (Syntax) • Let be an infinite set of variables. • The set of λ-terms is defined as follows Functional Programming
Associativity • It is possible to leave out “unnecessary” parentheses • There is the following simplification (rule for left associativity): • M1M2M3≡ ((M1M2)M3) • Example: (λx.xxy)(λz.zxxx) ≡ (λx.(xx)y)(λz.((zx)x)x) Functional Programming
Free and bound Variables • The set of free variables of M, notation FV(M), is defined inductively as follows: • A variable in M is bound if it is not free. Note that a variable is bound if it occurs under the scope of a λ. Functional Programming
Substitution • The result of substitutingN for the free occurrences of x in M, notation M[x := N], is defined as follows: Functional Programming y ≠ x
Substitution (cont.) • In the casethe substitution process does not continue inside M1 • x represents a bound variable inside M1 • Example: ((λx.xy)x(λz.z))[x:=(λa.a)]≡ ((λx.xy)(λa.a)(λz.z)) bound free Functional Programming
Combinators • M is a closed λ-term (or combinator) if FV(M) = . • Examples for combinators: Functional Programming
-Reduction • The binary relations → on is defined inductively as follows: Context Functional Programming
Extensions of -Reduction • Relation : • Relation : sequence of reductions equality of terms Functional Programming
Informal Understanding of the three Relations • →single step of program execution / execution of a single “operation” • execution of a sequence of “operations” • equality of “programs” • So, in the pure lambda-calculus we have an understanding of what programs are equal Functional Programming
Definitions • A -redex is a term of the form (λx.M)N. • “Pronunciations”: Functional Programming
Examples (1) • (λx.xxy)(λz.z) →(λz.z)(λz.z)y • (λx.(xx)y)(λz.z) y • (λx.xxy)(λz.z) (λx.xxy)((λz.z)(λz.z)) Functional Programming
Examples (2) • Definitions: • Lemma:Proof: Functional Programming
-normal form • A λ-term Mis a -normal form ( -nf) if it does not have a -redex as subexpression. • A λ-term Mhas a -normal form if M =N and N is a -nf, for some N. • Examples: • The terms λz.zyy, λz.zy(λx.x) are in-normal form. • The term Ωhas no-normal form. • Intuition:-normal form means that the “computation” for some λ-term reached an endpoint Functional Programming
Properties of the -Reduction • Church-Rosser Theorem. If M N1, M N2, then for some N3 one has N1 N3 and N2 N3. As diagram: Functional Programming
Application of Church-Rosser Theorem • Lemma: If M =N, then there is an L such that M L and N L. • Proof: Church-Rosser L Functional Programming
Significant Property • Normalization Theorem:If M has a -normal form, then iterated reduction of the leftmost redex leads to that normal form. • This fact can be used to find the normal form of a term, or to prove that a certain term has no normal form. • Slide before -> You can find a term L in -normal form (only if it exists !!) by repeatedly reducing the leftmost redex Functional Programming
Term without -normal form • KΩI has an infinite leftmost reduction path, • Terms without -normal form represent non-terminating computations Functional Programming
Fixedpoint Combinators • Where are the loops in the λ-Calculus? Answer: For this purpose there are Fixedpoint Combinators • Turing's fixedpoint combinator Θ: Functional Programming
Turing’s Fixedpoint Combinator • Lemma: For all F one has ΘF F(ΘF) • Proof: Functional Programming
Church Numerals • For each natural number n, we define a lambda term , called the nth Church numeral, as = λfx.fnx. • Examples: Functional Programming
Church-Numerals and Arithmetic Operations • We can represent arithmetic operations for Church-Numerals. Examples: • succ := λnfx.f(nfx) • pred:= λnfx.n (λgh.h (g f)) (λu.x) (λu.u) • add := λnmf x.nf(mfx) • mult := λnmf.n(mf) Functional Programming
Boolean Values • The Boolean values true and false can be defined as follows: • (true) T = λxy.x • (false) F = λxy.y • Like arithmetic operations we can define all Boolean operators. Example: • and := λab.abF • xor := λab.a(bFT)b Functional Programming
Branching / if-then-else • We define: if_then_else = λx.x • We have: Functional Programming
Check for zero • We want to define a term that behaves as follows: • iszero (0) = true • iszero (n) = false, if n ≠ 0 • Solution:iszero = λnxy.n(λz.y)x Functional Programming
Recursive Definitions and Fixedpoints • Recursive definition of factorial function • Step 1: Rewrite to: • Step 2: Rewrite to: • Step 3: Simplify = F fact = Ffact Functional Programming
Recursive Definitions and Fixedpoints (cont.) • By using -equivalence and the Fixedpoint combinator Θ we get: • Explanation: Functional Programming
Example Computation Functional Programming
Functional Programming Languages • In a λ-term can be more than one redex. Therefore different reduction strategies are possible: • Eager (or strict) evaluating languages • Call-by-value evaluation: all arguments of some function are first reduced to normal form before touching the function itself • Example Languages: Lisp, Scheme, ML • Lazy evaluating languages • Call-by-need evaluation: leftmost redex reduction Strategy + Sharing • Language Example: Haskell Functional Programming
Haskell / Literature • Tutorial:Hal Daum´e IIIYet Another Haskell Tutorialhttp://www.cs.utah.edu/~hal/docs/daume02yaht.pdf • Haskell Interpreter (for exercising):Hugs / Download link:http://cvs.haskell.org/Hugs/pages/downloading.htm Functional Programming
Concepts of Functional Programming Languages • Lists, list constructor • Pattern-Matching • Recursive Function Definitions • Let bindings • n-Tuples • Polymorphism • Type-Inference • Input-Output Functional Programming
Lists / List Constructors • Lists are an central concept in Haskell • Syntax for lists in Haskell[element1, element2, … , elementn]Example: [1, 3, 5, 7] • [] denotes the empty list • Constructor for appending one element at the front: ‘:’Example: 4:5:6:[] is equal to [4, 5, 6] Functional Programming
Function Definition and Pattern Matching • Example f xs = case xs of y:ys -> y:y:ys [] -> [] • Example: f [1, 5, 6] = [1, 1, 5, 6] we return a list consisting of 2 times the head document followed by the tail as we map the empty list to the empty list we check whether the decomposition into a head element (a) and a tail (as) works function name function argument Functional Programming
Polymorphic Functions • The function f is polymorph: • xs and ys have the type “list of type T” • y has the type “single element of type T” where T is some type variable. • This form of polymorphism is similar to templates in C++ • Examples:f["A","B","B"]=["A", "A","B","B"]f[5.6, 2.3] = [5.6, 5.6, 2.3] Functional Programming
Lambdas … • The function from two slides before, but now using a lambda:f = \z -> case z of y:ys -> y:y:ys [] -> [] equal to λz. … Functional Programming
Recursive Function Definitions f xs = case xs of y:ys -> y:y:(f ys) [] -> [] • Example: f [9, 5] = [9, 9, 5, 5] recursive definition Functional Programming
Higher Order Functions • The map function - popular recursive function:map f xs = case xs of y:ys -> (f y):(map f ys) [] -> []square x = x * x • Example • map square [4,5] = [16, 25] • map (\f -> f 3 3) [(+), (*), (-)] = [6, 9, 0] We deliver a function as argument to a function (clearly no problem in the context of the λ-calculus) List of arithmetic functions Functional Programming
n-Tuples • List are sequences of elements of identical type. What if we want to couple elements of different types? Solution: tuples. • Syntax for n-tuples:(element1, element2, …, elementn) • Examples: • (1, "Monday") • (1, (3, 4), 'a') • ([3, 5, 7], ([5, 2], [8, 9])) Functional Programming
List Comprehensions • For the convenient construction of list Haskell knows list comprehensions: • Examples:[x | x <- xs, mod x 2 == 0]Interpretation: Take all elements of xs as x and apply the predicate mod x 2 == 0. Construct a list consisting of all elements x for which the predicate is true. [(x, y) | x <- xs, y <- ys] Interpretation: Construct a list of tuples so that the resulting list represents the “cross product” of the elements of xs and ys Functional Programming
Quicksort in Haskell (using list comprehensions) • Possible implementation of Quicksortsort [] = []sort (x:xs) = sort [s | s <- xs, s <= x] ++ x:sort [s | s <- xs, s > x] pivot element list concatenation pattern matching like in a case-clause Functional Programming
Lazy Evaluation • Given the following two function definitionsf x = x:(f (x + 1))head ys = case ys of x:xs -> x • Does the following code terminate?head (f 0)And if yes, then why? Delivers an infinite list!!! Functional Programming
Type Inference • So far we never had to specify any types of functions as e.g. in C++, C or Java. • Haskell uses type inference in order to determine the type of functions automatically • Similar but simpler concept appears in C++0x • Description of the foundations of type inference + inference algorithm:Peter SelingerLecture Notes on the Lambda CalculusChapter 9 – Type Inference Functional Programming
I/O in Haskell • Problematic point, because Haskell intends to preserve referential transparency. • An expression is said to be referentially transparent if it can be replaced with its value without changing the program. • Referential transparency requires the same results for a given set of arguments at any point in time. • I/O in Haskell is coupled with the type system • It is called monadic I/O Functional Programming
I/O in Haskell (cont.) • I/O requires do-notation.Example:import IOmain = do putStrLn "Input an integer:" s <- getLine putStr "Your value + 5 is " putStrLn (show ((read s) + 5)) the do construct forces serialization Functional Programming