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amazonia Region. Jonathan S. Botero B. 10-02. Shield of the Amazonas.
amazonia Region Jonathan S. Botero B. 10-02
Shield of the Amazonas • Consists of important elements for the Department, its inhabitants and its culture. El parent is RIO AMAZONAS, source of life and surrounding that rotate much of the activities of the Department is on a green background representing large vegetation cover forest Virgin, full of wonders both flora and fauna. The River is registered within a semicircular shape ending in tip top and bottom, representing VICTORIA REGIA, representative of the vegetation of the Amazon and its relationship to the water plant.
Flag of the Amazonas • Colors: Three linesHorizontal The colors are Green, yellow and whiteThe yellow will match with the green and white with in a black line of half an inch.Dimensions: 2.10 meters long times 1.30 meters wide: the green color is 90 centimeters, yellow 8 centimeters and white 32 centimeters. Black Silhouettes: The figure of an Indian with his bow, his arrow and sitting on their heels in position to fire; located in the lower corner of the green on the flagpole, diagonally to the Strip and in the upper right corner a tiger which seems to lead the Indian on the yellow strip arrow mustard and below the Tiger application a five star points represent the city of Leticia.
General information: country Colombia Major city: Florence Departments: Amazonas, Caquetá, Guainía, Guaviare, Putumayo, Vaupés. Language: Spanish and autonomous languages. Population: 892.392 Inhabitants density: 2.6 Demonym inhabitants/km2: Amazon - Geography total area: 483.119 km2 Land: 42 per cent of the national Territory boundaries: North: Orinoco South: Ecuador, Peru and Brazil West: East Andes: Brazil and Venezuela.
Darien: It has as referring to this limit called basal forests, this means that the region only amounts to 1000 meters above sea level. This approach makes the Colombian Amazon limit the dimension of 1000msnsm in the West and South and East boundary is international, North boundary is the forest to the Orinoco (whose predominant coverage are the grasslands of savannah ecosystems) region line.
Politic - Administrative: Is included in the Colombian Amazon traditionally Amazon departments such as: Amazon, Putumayo, Caquetá, Guainía, Guaviare and Vaupés; and departments such as Nariño, Cauca and meta are also partially included.
Hidrología • Río de la Amazonía. • Porción de la selva de la Amazonía. Los principales ríos que drenan la Amazonía colombiana son: • Río Amazonas • Río Caquetá • Río Putumayo • Río Guaviare • Río Apaporis • Río Vaupés
Sub regions The Colombian Amazon subregions are as follows: Amazon foothills. Plains of Caquetá. The inírida, Guainía Plains. Plains of Guaviare. Southern Amazonas. Putumayo Plains. Sierra Chiribiquete. Amazonas Trapeze.
Culture The Amazon is perhaps one of the Colombian regions where more the Persian peoples have been preserved. This is a great cultural wealth that puts the country in contact with demonstrations and pre-Columbian Ethnography. The presence of settlers from the interior of the country, as well as the neighboring republics sisters as Brazil, Peru, Venezuela and Ecuador, contribute to enriching the land.
Population • Even the least populated region that does not mean that there are no people. There are very important. The main cities of the region for its urban population according to the 2005 census of DANE are Florence (121.898 hbs), San José del Guaviare (34.863 hbs) San Vicente del Caguán (31.011 hbs), Puerto Asís (27.609 hbs), Mocoa (25.753 hbs) and Leticia (23.811 hbs).
Economy • The Amazonas develops livestock in the Piedmont, subsistence farming and forestry. River fishing is handmade and not enough to be industrialized or organized, nor to have volumes reaching on the shores of the country. Oil deposits are located around the Putumayo River. Economic activities developed in the Amazon (Amazon), most are not in harmony with the landscape or the native inhabitants. These activities include: fishing, mining, livestock and forestry extraction.
Music • Musical patterns in the area of indigenous cultures are completely different to those applied in other areas. Aboriginal music has no aesthetic significance, but functional: is an ingredient for magical and religious needs. Dominates her singing in groups of voices without tonal differentiation. The melody is in charge of instruments woodwind (various carriso, flutes, fotutos, capadores, whistles, ocarinas, zumbadores disks, etc.), while the rhythmic elements are executed with drums and idófonos..
DANCES • As in music, indigenous dances have mostly, a magical or religious content. Environment, the presence of nature, myths, have a powerful influence on the motivations of choreographic order. The imitative pantomimes of animals and the use of zoomorfa expression symbolisms are common. Cosmogónicos cycles, also determine the prevalence of beliefs related to the Lunar and solar, remain very important dances of fishing, hunting, as well as the of "libation" harvest periods. Initiation to marriage, or at the entrance of puberty, are moments of Aboriginal life almost always held with danced acts. Are also common, dances of ensalmo for curing diseases; war, summoning the fight or holding prisoner; capture of funebria, which sometimes is "appeals" to the ancestors, or death; ritual of consecration of housing, tissue or ceramic works
Amazon region natural national parks • Park national Natura Amacayacu Park national Natural Cahuinarí Park national Natural Chiribiquete Park national natural the Paya Park national Natural Tinigua Park national natural river puree reserve national Natural Nukak reserve national Natural Puinawai Park national Natural Alto Fragua Indi Wasi Park national Natural Serranía of the Churumbelos Auka - Wasi