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NCTA Test Center Certification In Tune with Testing…. Selected Standards for Certification. The following standards are drawn from the NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines posted on the NCTA web site.
NCTA Test Center Certification In Tune with Testing…
Selected Standards for Certification The following standards are drawn from the NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines posted on the NCTA web site. The “Action” for each Standard represents how that Standard is to be demonstrated within the Certification Application. Mission Statement Action: Provide a copy of the test center’s Mission Statement which includes a reference to following the NCTA Standards and Guidelines, and the locations where it is posted. Examples on NCTA website
Adequate Facilities Action:Provide digital photos and annotated floor plan showing all areas of the testing center (all testing rooms, check in areas, offices, and secure test storage), and traffic flow patterns that would ensure secure and standardized testing conditions. • The goal is to demonstrate facilities that provide for a comfortable and secure testing environment • Testing room provides an environment conducive to test taking • Method of proctoring appropriate and clear • Spacing/furniture prevents examinees from viewing another examinee’s workspace/screen • Method of securing personal belongings evident • Able to assess traffic flow, check-in/proctoring stations, waiting areaand storage area
Secure Environment Unsecure environment
Test Integrity Action: Indicate procedures in place that demonstrates the test center follows standardized processes for the receipt, storage, and handling of secure test material. • Secure test materials are monitored or stored in secure location at all times • Access to testing rooms is controlled when testing in progress • Are proctoring procedures adequate for monitoring testing • Does physical arrangement prevent examinees viewing other examinee’s materials • Basically, make sure the test is not compromised and examinees do not cheat
Confidentiality Action:Submit a copy of the policies and procedures in place to protect the confidentiality and rights of privacy of examinees and staff. Test Center will have or develop a confidentiality statement that all employees have signed. Examples on NCTA website Staff Action: Document training practices for both current and new staff. Submit a copy of the training materials in use and a copy of the test center Operations or Procedures manual with emergency procedures included.
Training materials must be written • We recommend that a training checklist be developed and used when training each staff person • Manual – might be called something different at each test center, but it should include written operationalprocedures for center and emergency procedures • Training materials can be included or in a separate manual Examples on NCTA website
Program Evaluation Action: Outline the steps taken to evaluate the testing program. An annual report is required and should include comparing volumes/revenue over time, results of examinee satisfaction surveys, and departmental work objective/goals. List how evaluations are conducted and results are used. • Test Center must have an examinee satisfaction survey that is administered continually or periodically • Test Center should describe how surveys are conducted and how they use the results – with Testing Staff? Administrators? Others? • An annual report for test center activities and usage is required Examples on NCTA website
Contracts Action: List companies you contract with and the individuals who are involved in the review, implementation, and compliance of contracts and agreements. Indicate the location of stored contracts. (Outside contracts are not required for certification.) Testing Manager Action: Identify the staff person who is responsible for the oversight of the testing program on campus. Identify his/her reporting line and provide a copy of the job description.
Test Center Staff Action: List all positions (proctors, support staff and auxiliary staff) involved in the testing program along with assigned responsibilities. Provide copies of the job descriptions or outlines of the assigned duties. Describe practices in place for monitoring and evaluating their work. Services Action: Submit an organizational structure within which the testing program resides (chart and/or text). List the services provided by the test center.
Public Relations Action:Describe the public relations and communi-cation activities that support the test center. Include published schedules, press releases, links to web pages, and/or any documents that communicate the testing services provided. Test centers will have or develop a general brochure/flyer listing all of its services. Examples on NCTA website
Test Center Certification Application • When a Test Center Certification cycle is announced to the membership, interested test centers will fill out a Pre-Application. Limited numbers of Pre-Apps will be accepted in each cycle, and there will be several cycles each calendar year. • From the completed Pre-Apps, centers with most/all of the requirements completed will be assigned an Advisor. The Advisor sends official Certification Application when test center is ready to submit all documentation for certification. • Advisors answer questions, help test centers understand requirements, and provide samples, if needed. During the certification process for that center, the ADVISOR provides the connection between test center & the TCC Committee.
Top 10 Reasons to Become Certified 10. Knowing you have accomplished something positive for your center and college by being nationally recognized will allow you to bring more vendors and revenue to your center 9. Certification validates that you are operating at the highest standards available 8. It shows your commitment to providing quality services for all those that come to you for services 7. It will get you the respect and admiration of your peers 6. It shows outside vendors that you are an institution that would be a good choice to offer their products 5. When asked to proctor they should feel comfortable that all their procedures will be followed 4. Allows you the opportunity for thorough evaluations of your services, policies and procedures 3. Recognition at the conference for all your hard work 2. The fancy plaque you get to hang on your wall 1. Gives some people a reason to get up in your business
Thank you for your interest in Test Center Certification Please seek out any TCC Committee member to answer individual questions. Committee members are: Duane Goupell, Chair (dgoupell@uwosh.edu)atU. of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Anita Chaudhri (chaudhri@wccnet.edu) at Washtenaw CC Mark Nicholas (mark.nicholas@okstate.edu) at Oklahoma State U. Nancy O’Shea (noshea@brookdalecc.edu)at BrookdaleCC Diane Patterson (dpatterson@trcc.edu) at Three Rivers College Theresa Scott (tscott24@fau.edu) at Florida Atlantic U. Michelle Teasley (mparks9@cscc.edu)at Columbus State CC Gayle Veltman (gveltman@cox.net) at Wichita State U. Ex-officio Steve Saladin (ssaladin@uidaho.edu) at U. of Idaho