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Leicestershire and Rutland’s ‘Six Lives Action Plan’ Progress report May 2010 Easy Read. What did the reports say?. The reports told us that people with a learning disability have been treated poorly by some health and social care services. These services had not met their needs properly.
Leicestershire and Rutland’s ‘Six Lives Action Plan’ Progress report May 2010 Easy Read
What did the reports say? • The reports told us that people with a learning disability have been treated poorly by some health and social care services. • These services had not met their needs properly. • Some people died or were caused pain because of the poor care they received.
Why have an action plan? • We want to make sure that people with a learning disability are treated in the right way and get a good service. • This action plan says what health and social services in Leicestershire and Rutland are going to do to make services better for people with a learning disability and their carers.
1. Good Leadership What we said we would do: • We will make sure that there is a good way to tell people about the plan and check the things in this plan are happening. What good things have happened so far: • Each health service (except the ambulance service) has a person who is making sure their service knows about the action plan. • We have set up a way to check the things in the plan are being done. • We did not receive a progress report from the community health services.
1. Good Leadership What we said we would do: We will make sure that the right people are on the ‘Better Health Sub group’ and the ‘Partnership boards’. What has not happened: We do not have anyone from the prisons service on the group. What has happened so far: The Health and social services will write a plan together about how we will buy services for people with a learning disability. This will help us to work more closely together. What good things have happened so far: A plan is being written
2. To make sure we do what the law says What we said we would do: • We will look at our contracts and make sure they make changes to meet the needs of people with learning disabilities - these are called ‘reasonable adjustments’. What good things have happened so far: • The services are looking at their contracts
2. To make sure we do what the law says What we said we would do: • We will make sure that each health service says how they will meet the needs of people with learning disabilities. What good things have happened so far: • The Hospitals have a plan (Single Equality Scheme) that says how they will meet the needs of people with a disability, including learning disabilities. What has not happened: • We did not receive a progress report from the community health services.
2. To make sure we do what the law says What we said we would do: • We will look at how we can involve people with a learning disability and carers in checking that services are meeting the needs of people with a learning disability. What good things have happened so far: The health reference group has been set up.
3. Moving people out of health homes What we said we would do: • We will make sure there is a good plan to move people out of health homes on time and safely. What good things have happened so far: • There is a plan in place to make sure the homes close on time and that people are kept safe.
4. Staff learning and communication What we said we would do: • We will check what training staff have about what the law says. What good things have happened so far • Services are looking at what training staff are getting.
4. Staff learning and communication What we said we would do: • We will make sure that staff get training about the needs of people with a learning disability. • What good things have happened so far: • The hospitals have done lots of work around training staff. • The Leicestershire Local Authority have training for all staff about learning disabilities.
4. Staff learning and communication What we said we would do: • We will plan how we can involve people with a learning disability in the training. What good things have happened so far: • The health reference group has been set up.
5. Complaints and patient/carer experience What we said we would do: • We will make sure it is easy for people to make a complaint. What good things have happened so far: • Each service now has an easy read complaints leaflet. • The hospitals have someone who will help people who want to make a complaint. A carer satisfaction questionnaire has been made to find out what people thought about the care they received.
5. Complaints and patient/carer experience What we said we would do: • We will make sure that we tell other staff about what we have learnt from any complaints. What has not happened: • We did not get an update from the Rutland Local Authority, Leicestershire Partnership Trust, Community health services or the hospitals on this action.
5. Complaints and patient/carer experience What we said we would do: • We will find out about whether people are getting a good or bad service. What good things have happened so far: • The engagement team are planning how to make sure this happens.
6. Getting information about the health needs of people with learning disabilities. What we said we would do: • We will make sure that we get information about the health needs of people with a learning disability and that this is used to plan what services we need locally. What good things have happened so far: • There are plans to get the information we need from the local services.
7. Listening and involving people with a learning disability and carers What we said we would do: • We will set up a group of people with learning disabilities. The group will help us get better at involving more people with learning disabilities in health services. What good things have happened so far: • The group has been set up. What we said we would do: We will make sure there is easy read information about the treatment available, making a complaint and appointments. What good things have happened so far: The learning disability services has a number of easy read leaflets.
7. Listening and involving people with a learning disability and carers What we said we would do: • We will plan how we can find out about the views of people with learning disabilities and carers and tell them about what we have done. What good things have happened so far: • Leicestershire Local Authority already involve people when planning new services. • The hospitals have a group of people with learning disabilities who they involve gain views from about their services. • The Primary care Trust is planning how to make this happen.
8. Improving access to health and social care services What we said we would do: • We will make sure we know when people with a learning disability are using health services. What good things have happened so far: • The learning disability service is planning how to do this. What has not happened: • We did not get an update from the ambulance service, community health services and the hospitals on this action.
8. Improving access to health and social care services What we said we would do: • We will make sure there are 4 health facilitators and 3 hospital workers. What good things have happened so far: • The hospital will be employing 3 hospital workers soon. • 2 health facilitators will stay in post until at least April 2011. We are looking for money so these posts can become permanent.
8. Improving access to health and social care services What we said we would do: • We will write a plan to make sure we meet the needs of people with high support needs and autism. What good things have happened so far: • A plan is being written. What we said we would do: • We will make sure that health staff know what to do and if someone with a learning disability is • Going into hospital • Moving from children's to adults services. • Or if a person has a certain health problem like epilepsy or dementia. What good things have happened so far: We will be updated in a future meeting.
9. Making sure people have health checks and health action plans What we said we would do: • We will make sure doctors know which of their patients have a learning disability. What good things have happened so far: 77 out of 84 practices have done this. What we said we would do: • We will make sure people with a learning disability and carers know about the health checks and are offered a good health check. What good things have happened so far: • 77 practices are offering health checks. We have made an easy read leaflet to tell people about the health checks.
9. Making sure people have health checks and health action plans What we said we would do: • We will train people to be health facilitators. What good things have happened so far: The health facilitators and learning disability service are delivering training on health action plans. What we said we would do: • We will make sure people have a good health action plan. What good things have happened so far: • The Local Authorities are including health action plans in their contracts
10. Transitions What we said we would do: • We will make sure that people with a learning disability are offered a health action plan from year 9. What good things have happened so far: • A health action plan is being done with a couple of people to see how best to make this happen. What we said we would do: • We will make sure people who have complex needs moving from children’s to adults health services are better supported. • What good things have happened so far: • We will hear about the 3 month pilot soon.