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Welcome to…. Why Jesus?. Does He really know what he’s talking about?. Who is Jesus?. Man? God? Lord? Lunatic? What did He talk about? Why?. Jesus? Who decides?. Who is Jesus to you? What do you think when you hear “Jesus?”. 4 great questions. H umans ask questions…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to…

  2. Why Jesus? Does He really know what he’s talking about?

  3. Who is Jesus? • Man? • God? • Lord? • Lunatic? • What did He talk about? • Why?

  4. Jesus? Who decides?

  5. Who is Jesus to you? What do you think when you hear “Jesus?”

  6. 4 great questions • Humans ask questions… • It matters what questions you ask… • Something to understand about Jesus… • In the 2nd and 3rd centuries, intellectuals converted in droves.. • Why? Because He provided answers to the questions that all the philosophers were asking. Is Jesus smart? • What are they?

  7. Where we are today… • We have a system today that largely ignores moral development… • “We have defined knowledge in such a way that the most important things in life aren’t even discussed.” • Argument is now judged by your conclusion rather than your argument. • 3 basic stories of life (worldviews)… • 1. Naturalism • 2. Nirvana • 3. Theistic • Which one do you think dominates?

  8. Question #1: What is reality? • What you have to deal with? • What you run into when you’re wrong? • Truth helps you harmonize with reality! • What is reality for our culture? • Look at the magazine racks… • What does our culture define as real? Is it true?

  9. Question #1: What is reality? What is real?

  10. Reality according to Jesus? • God and His kingdom… • Huh? • Everyone has a kingdom… • History is full of conflicting kingdoms… • “Can’t we all just get along?” • “Seek first…”

  11. Question #2: Who is well-off? • Who’s got the good life? • Those with the most toys? • Does pleasure, success, power=happiness? • What answers do colleges provide to this question? • What answers do advertisers provide to this question? • What does our culture define as “well-off?”

  12. Question # 2: Who is well off? Who has the good life?

  13. The Good life according to jesus? • Anyone alive in the kingdom of God… • Matthew 5 • Matthew 6:20 • Matthew 6:25 • Luke 16:9 • Picture of generosity, love (even of enemies), creating not destroying, and hope!

  14. Question #3: Who is a really good person? • What character qualities make someone good? • One of the deepest questions human beings ask themselves… • Connected to questions like, “Am I worthwhile?” • This is the one that causes fights… • We all want to be known as good people! • This is NOT explicitly stated… • What does our culture describe as a good person?

  15. Question #3: Who is a really good person?

  16. The Good person according to jesus? • Anyone pervaded with love… • Mark 12:28-34 • Luke 6:27-36 • Good Samaritan story • Not “love” the way we define it… • Seeks the good of the object that is being loved…

  17. Question #4: How does one become a good person? • Is this question even on the radar? • Seems like there are just assumptions, not suggestions… • Is it vague? • Is it culturally conditioned? • Is there such a thing as a universal morality? • What’s the standard?

  18. Question #4: How does one become a really good person?

  19. How to become a Good person according to jesus? • NOT… • Go to church… • Be nice… • Help the poor… • Take care of the earth… • Place your confidence in Jesus Christ and become his student or apprentice… • John 8:31-32, Titus 2:11-14

  20. What about the cross? • Biblically, the cross is the means by which God restores relationship with humanity… • Why? For what purpose? • To set a people free to fulfill the mission He laid out for Israel • To be a people for the world…

  21. A bigger story? • In your pocket, you have access to all the information in the world! • We are the most entertained generation on the face of the planet… • So why are we so bored? • Our story is too small.

  22. Next week…

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