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Under. Social Problems. Health Care. Drugs. Crime. Family. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500.

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  1. Under. Social Problems Health Care Drugs Crime Family 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. This is a social condition that a segment of society views as harmful to members of society and in need of remedy.

  3. What is a Social Problem?

  4. Awareness of social conditions through life experiences and through reports in the media.

  5. What is the objective element of a social problem?

  6. an established and enduring pattern of social relationships.

  7. What is an institution?

  8. a position that a person occupies within a social group.

  9. What is status?

  10. Socially defined rules of behavior.

  11. What are Norms?

  12. Average number of years individuals born in a given year can expect to live.

  13. What is life expectancy?

  14. The number of deaths of live-born infants under 1 year of age per 1,000 live births

  15. What is Infant Mortality Rate?

  16. A measurement that combines the number of deaths and the impact of premature death and disability on a population.

  17. What is a DALY?

  18. This role carries with it an expectation that the person who is ill will attempt to get well.

  19. What is the sick role?

  20. Any personal characteristic associated with social disgrace, rejection, or discrediting.

  21. What is stigma?

  22. This term refers to any chemical substance that:has a direct effect on the user’s physical, psychological, and/or intellectual functioninghas the potential to be abusedhas adverse consequences for the individual and/or society.

  23. What is a drug?

  24. Occurs when acceptable social standards of drug use are violated, resulting in adverse physiological, psychological, and/or social consequences.

  25. What is drug abuse?

  26. Drug use is compulsive; users are unable to stop.

  27. What is chemical dependency?

  28. As defined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion on at least 1 day in the past 30 days prior to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.

  29. What is binge drinking?

  30. A drug (e.g., marijuana) that is believed to lead to the use of other drugs (e.g., cocaine).

  31. What is a gateway drug?

  32. Organized criminal activity across one or more national borders.

  33. What is transnational crime?

  34. An act, or the omission of an act, that is a violation of a federal, state, or local criminal law for which the state can apply sanctions.

  35. What is crime?

  36. The percentage of crimes in which an arrest and official charge have been made and the case has been turned over to the courts

  37. What is a clearance rate?

  38. Theory: People adapt to inconsistency between means and goals in society.

  39. What is Merton’s Strain Theory?

  40. Theory: Social bonds constrain some individuals from violating social norms

  41. What is Travis Hirshi’s Control Theory

  42. A kinship system of all relatives living together or recognized as a social unit, including adopted persons.

  43. What is a family?

  44. Concurrent marriage of one woman with two or more men.

  45. What is polyandry?

  46. Concurrent marriage of one man with two or more women.

  47. What is polygyny?

  48. Cohabiting couples granted legal entitlements such as health insurance benefits and inheritance rights.

  49. What is domestic partnership?

  50. violence that is motivated by a wish to control one’s partner and involves violence, economic subordination, threats, isolation, verbal and emotional abuse, and other control tactics.

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