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8 th ORM

8 th ORM. The Roles of and Interface between the Meetings of Ozone Research Managers and the WMO/UNEP Assessments under the Montreal Protocol Michael J. Kurylo – Chair, 7 th ORM Godard Earth Sciences and Technology Center, USA.

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8 th ORM

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  1. 8th ORM The Roles of and Interface between the Meetings of Ozone Research Managers and the WMO/UNEP Assessments under the Montreal Protocol Michael J. Kurylo – Chair, 7th ORM Godard Earth Sciences and Technology Center, USA 8th Meeting ofOzone Research Managers of theParties to the Vienna Conventionfor the Protection of the Ozone LayerGeneva, Switzerland2-4 May 2011

  2. 8th ORM Background • A meeting of Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer is required every three years (6 months prior to the Meeting of the Parties). • Each ORM meeting will review ongoing research and monitoring programs for ozone and UV-B to • Assess research (including measurement calibration and archiving) related to the health and environmental effects of ozone modifications • Identify research and monitoring gaps • Ensure national and international coordination • Develop a set of recommendations for future research and expanded cooperation in developed and developing countries

  3. 8th ORM • The ORMs and the 3 WMO-UNEP Assessments (Scientific, Environmental Effects, Technology and Economic) have very different, yet highly complementary, roles. • All are required under the Vienna Convention and its Montreal Protocol. • They all serve as communication devices between the research community (striving for better understanding) and decision makers (for informed action). • The Assessment Panel Summaries and the ORM Recommendations are all presented at the subsequent joint meetings of the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention and the Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol.

  4. Ozone: • Assess the state of the ozone layer and its future evolution. • Evaluate recent Antarctic and Arctic ozone depletions. • Assess the interactions between tropospheric and stratospheric ozone. • Assess the impacts of climate change on the ozone layer. • Ozone Depleting Substances: • Evaluate atmospheric trends of ODSs. • Analyze atmospheric concentrations of bromine and evaluate the implications for the ozone-layer. • Assess approaches to evaluating very short-lived substances (VSLS). • Surface UltraViolet Radiation: • Describe surface UV radiation observations and future expectations. The Parties’ Request (Decision XIX/20)

  5. 8th ORM Within the context of this request, there are: • Aspects Unique to the Assessments: • They enable the Parties to evaluate control measurements under the Montreal Protocol. • They constitute neither policy recommendations nor research planning documents but provide input for both. • Aspects Unique to the ORMs: • The ORM Reports specifically address research and monitoring needs in light of scientific understanding provided by the Assessments. • The ORM Reports make specific recommendations to the Parties regarding international funding for improved research coordination and networking.

  6. 8th ORM Implementation: • Agenda Items for 8th ORM Meeting • Review of 7th ORM Recommendations • State of the Ozone Layer presentations including climate links • Updates on international monitoring programs • Satellite research and monitoring programs (present and future) • Regional reports on ozone research and monitoring taking into account the available national reports • Recommendations (Research Needs, Systematic Observations, Capacity Building, Data Archiving)

  7. 8th ORM Summary • The full report from the 8th ORM meeting will be available on the web ASAP. • The recommendations from this 8th ORM meeting will be presented • to the Bureau of the 8th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention here in Geneva immediately following the closure of the 8th ORM Meeting • at the Joint 9th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the 23rd Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in Bali, Indonesia (14-18 November 2011).

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