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Organizational issues. Start in 226/228, move up to 427 at lunch Wireless connection on floor 4 + 5, especially Oort building User: guest6, passwd: work#shop2007 Lunch in HL 427, sandwiches Travel support: see Kirsten Groen during lunch Dinner tonight at Anak Bandung
Organizational issues • Start in 226/228, move up to 427 at lunch • Wireless connection on floor 4 + 5, especially Oort building • User: guest6, passwd: work#shop2007 • Lunch in HL 427, sandwiches • Travel support: see Kirsten Groen during lunch • Dinner tonight at Anak Bandung • 10 Euro/per person: pay Sandrine • Need headcount by coffee break • Taxi’s at 6:30 pm from lab => restaurant
Some thoughts about eSMA science Ewine van Dishoeck Leiden Observatory eSMA workshop, Leiden
Radiation at mm/submm wavelengths • Continuum: cold dust at 10-100 K; steep spectrum with n3-n4 • Lines: pure rotational transitions of molecules
Different lines probe different conditions Cold tenuous gas vs warm dense gas • ncrit~m2n3 • Higher frequency transitions probe higher densities and temperatures CO principle tracer of H2 gas
eSMA vs other facilities • Higher frequency • Stronger dust emission: factor 3.5-5 gain at 345 GHz vs 230 GHz • Higher excitation lines: warmer or denser gas => qualitatively different • Higher (or comparable) spatial resolution • Higher (or comparable) sensitivity Programs need to exploit these unique eSMA strengths!
CO excitation Milky Way galaxies different from starbursts Starburst nucleus Milky Way galaxy
Nearby Galaxy: NGC6090 CO 2-1 CO 3-2 SMA: J. Wang HST: Dinshaw et a. 1999 Note: CO 3-2 qualitatively different from 2-1
eSMA vs SMA • Go for fainter point/small sources • Resolve/image bright sources • Larger samples? Recall sensitivity DTrms ~q-2 => time ~q4
Continuum: fainter sources Brown dwarf disks Herschel Disk BD VLT eSMA Natta & Testi 2001
Blobs in large beams break up in individual sources Example IRAS => Spitzer IRAS beam MIPS-24 image. 9 objects within 90” (0.1 pc). Rebull et al. 2007 Stellar aggregate in Perseus
High-mass star formation Image Credit: Cormac Purcell • Hyper-compact HII regions (eg Kurtz et al. 2005) • Ultra-compact HII regions - well studied (see Churchwell and co.) • Observed as cold, dense cores • Infrared-dark clouds • “mm-only” cores
Hot cores: complex chemistry G327 with APEX Orion-KL: 690 GHz spectra SMA Beuther et al. in prep Blake et al. 1987, Ohishi et al. 1995, Wright et al. 1996, Schilke et al. 1997, 2001, White et al. 2003, Comito et al. 2005, ….
Chemical differentiation in Cep A East SMA 875 mmVLA 3.6 cm resolution 0.”6 nprotostars = 8 x 105 pc-3 C. Brogan
Unexpected results at subarcsec resolution 1.5” 0.4” resolution at PdBDynamical age 1000 yr Gueth et al. (in prep)
Objects that need subarcsec resolution Image jets in cometary atmospheres Minor planets/moons Titan 0.8’’
High-redshift galaxies CO at z=6.4 CO 3-2 map, SDSS J1148+5251 VLA VLA and IRAM PdB Walter et al. 2004 Walter et al. 2003 - Need high spatial resolution to image CO and dust at high-z: typical sizes 0.2-0.3’’ - Need intererometry to pinpoint sources for comparison with IR and optical data
Starting to study them… CO 3-2 at z=2.80 CO rotation curve SMM J020399-0136 Genzel et al. 2003 M>4x1011 Msun within 8 kpc => challenge for standard hierarchical galaxy merger scenarios
Detached shells around AGB stars TT Cyg 20’’ Olofsson et al. 2000
: the problem of extended resolved emission Envelope overwhelms disks except on longest baselines M. Hogerheijde
How and when do disks form? Star Disk Hueso & Guillot (2005)
Even disks can show structure…. 11.3 PAH 8.6 PAH 19.8 mm large grains IRS48 VLT VISIR image Geers et al. 2007
Scenario for star- and planet formation Single isolated low-mass star outflow infall Factor 1000 smaller Protostar with disk Cloud collapse t=0 t=105 yr Formation planets t=106-107 yr Solar system t>108 yr Fig. by McCaughrean
Class II Class II Class III Class II Disk evolution There are multiple paths from massive gas-rich disks to tenuous debris disks Grain growth? Disk Star Gap opening? Merin et al. in prep
Possible interpretations • Photoevaporation • Grain growth to large particles • Jupiter-type planets Supra Jupiter-type planets (5-10 MJ) Grain growth: Planetesimals Jupiter-type planets
Gas in holes in transitional disks? IRAM PdB Massive gas-rich disk 12CO 2-1 HD141569 Superposed on HST-STIS Debris disk Augereau, Dutrey et al. 2004, in prep
Large fraction of T Tauri disks shows evidence for grain growth 10 mm band 20 mm band Data Obs Models Model Kessler-Silacci et al. 2006
Cold Disks can be modeled with very large gaps Model outer radii of dust gap are >20 AU At least 3 out of 4 have gas inside 1 AU (from CO IR lines) Brown, et al. (in prep)
More cold disks in c2d sample • We have found 30 objects with signs of having inner holes in their disks in the c2d mapped clouds (few % of disks => fast or rare?) • Enlarge the sample of cold disks by a factor of 3. • Large range in stellar parameters, hole sizes, dust mass in the hole, dust composition, and presence of gas. Merin et al. (in prep) Cycle 3 IRS Follow up of c2d candidates
Even More Extreme: Cold Disks Onset of excess beyond 10 microns, but strong excess All 4 cold disks show PAH features At least 3 out of 4 have gas inside 1 AU (from CO IR lines) Brown, Merin et al. in prep
cTTs: lturn-off < 2 mm; aexcess ~ –1 wTTS: lturn-off > 2 mm; aexcess –3 to 1
Envelope (constrained through SCUBA observations; Jørgensen et al. 2002) Disk (resolved) Young disks: NGC1333-IRAS2A Class 0 protostar SMA resolves the dust in the inner envelope and the circumstellar disk SMA 850 µm 850 mm Jørgensen et al. 2005 Keene & Masson 1991 Looney et al. 2000, Harvey et al. 2003
More cold disks in c2d sample • We have found 30 objects with signs of having inner holes in their disks in the c2d mapped clouds (few % of disks => fast or rare?) • Enlarge the sample of cold disks by a factor of 3. • Large range in stellar parameters, hole sizes, dust mass in the hole, dust composition, and presence of gas. Merin et al. (in prep) Cycle 3 IRS Follow up of c2d candidates
Class 0 protostellar outflows SMA PROSAC survey CO 3-2 Jørgensen et al, submitted
Gap opening Grain growth Mapping evolutionary paths • Evolutionary sequence: CTTs -> WTTs -> Debris Cieza, Merin et al. 2006
Dust holes in proto-planetary disks Beam: 0.39 x 0.25 PA230 Beam: 0.52 x 0.28 PA 220 Inner cavity of 50 AU GM Aur (Wilner et al. 2006): SMA, PdB LkCa15 (Piétu et al. 2006): PdB Do gas and dust disappear at the same time? Search for CO inside dust hole/gap See also Strom et al. 1989 Skrutski et al. 1990
Summary • Solar system • CO in Pluto • TOO bright comet, e.g. HNC • Io, Titan: TBC, is eSMA needed, science cases needed • Disk evolution • Embedded disks: Class 0 + I • Continuum O.K., but lines? Also compact outflows? • Classical disks: do TW Hya really well • Transitional disks • Brown dwarf disks: not now, get SMA first
Summary (cont’d) • High-mass SFR • IMF and multiplicity • CH3OH + dust setting • W33A, W3IRS5, NGC6334 I(N), IRAS19410, AGL490 • Disks/inner 1000 AU • Circumstellar motions • HCN and CH3OH settings • AFGL 2591, IRAS20126, G10.6, G24, G31/34,IRAS18566 • Pre-stellar phases • N2H+/H2D+/HNCH2CO setting • HIFI/TH/TK settings, e.g. 18223-3, G11.11, G28.28 • Magnetic fields: TBC • AGB stars • Dust tori: masses • Gas kinematics: CO 3-2/13CO 3-2 • Magnetic fields: later, but put in summary report
Summary (cont’d) • Nearby galaxies • Starburst/AGN separation • Followup SMA legacy project • Targets Mrk231,UGC5101,NGC6240, possibly Mrk273,I10565 • Warm dense gas in galaxies with AGN/starburst • HCN 4-3 in Arp 220, NGC6240 (possibly) • ULIRGs: do a few of brightest galaxies well in various tracers • High-z galaxies • Structure + size of representative SMGs as test of galaxy formation mechanisms • Those with matched radio data from MERLIN • Explore FIR/radio correlation on kpc scale at z=2-3 • Lensed examples of faint SMGs
Summary (cont’d) • Nearby galaxies • Starburst/AGN separation • Followup SMA legacy project • Targets Mrk231,UGC5101,NGC6240, possibly Mrk273,I10565 • Warm dense gas in galaxies with AGN/starburst • HCN 4-3 in Arp 220, NGC6240 (possibly) • Excitation dense vs tenuous gas in nearby galaxies • CO and HCN simultaneously • NGC 253, NGC1365, IC342, possibly M83, Maffei2 • Differentiating Seyferts and starbursts in nearby galaxies • Mostly CO, HCN in feasible (e.g. NGC1068)
Goal of this workshop • Make community aware that eSMA is coming • Start thinking about unique eSMA project • Learned a lot! • Killer applications • Longer term coherent projects • Provide opportunity for community to start organizing itself around various science themes • Not exhaustive in terms of themes • Provide summary of workshop to Boards/Directors about eSMA scientific potential in coming years
Workshop report • Introduction (Ewine, Michiel) • Individual science topics (coordinators or their designates) • ~1 page/theme + 1-2 figures • Summary (Ewine, Michiel)
Workshop report schedule • First draft of science themes Feb. 25 • First complete draft to workshop participants March 20 • Comments April 5 • Potentially one more iteration with coordinators • Submit late April • How to publicize to community?
Advice on time allocation call + process? • Encourage collaborative projects • Encourage coherent projects? • Substantial fraction of TAC members should have interferometry experience • Initial call will be for projects to fit in the 42 nights of pilot program • Exploratory/killer aps • Limit on max number of tracks per project to get diversity?
Thanks • Thanks to everyone who makes eSMA possible • Thanks to LOC