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4. One – and many electronic wave functions (multplicty) 5. The Hartree-Fock method and its limitations (Correlation Energy) 6. Post Hartree-Fock methods. The wave functions of a given state for an N-particle. If N=1. Spin symmetry restrictions.
4. One – and many electronic wave functions (multplicty) 5. The Hartree-Fock method and its limitations (Correlation Energy) 6. Post Hartree-Fock methods
The wave functions of a given state for an N-particle. If N=1 Spin symmetry restrictions For electrons (e), protons (p) and neutrons (n) the one paticle wave function u include both a space function f and spin function (a or b).
Many-electron wave functions may be constructed as products of one-electron functions or spin-orbitals which equivalent to the formula for a determinant.
Multiplicity of the electronic system is related to the total spin: |S| of the electronic system. Relationship between spin, multiplicity and quantum description
Variation of energy levels with increasing magnetic field strength (B) for system of different multiplicities
Example:The singlet and triplet wave functions may be illustrated for a two electron system such as He or H2. Single substitution involves the replacement of f1 in one of the 2 columns by f2 and
The linear combinations, having negative and positive signs, yield wave functions of singlet and triplet multiplicity respectively.
The doublet multiplicity demostrated on 3 electron system (Li).
4. One – and many electronic wave functions (multplicty) 5. The Hartree-Fock method and its limitations (Correlation Energy) 6. Post Hartree-Fock methods
Variational Theorem (using a Slater determinant w.f) Hartree-Fock equation in integrated form And in the form of a matrix equation
Where the ith,jth elements of defined as <fi|fj>. For an orthonormal set of functions{fi} =1 (i.e the unit matrix). Consequently = will be a diagonal matrix. Transformation of AO(h) to MO(f) for a system with 2M electrons and N different AO we obtain: in vector notation Hartree-Fock equation assumes the following form
From the coefficients of the M doubly occupied MO we may generate the density matrix(r) The elements of the Fock matrix Fijh are evaluated (hijh), (Jijh) and (Kijh) integrals, The total electronic energy (E)
A schematic illustration for the sequence transformation of AO to MO. Transformation from the 00 basis set (c) to the MO basis set (f)
A vector model of AO and MO orbitals assoiciated with H2 Convergence to the Hartree-fock limit (HFL) with increasing basis set size(N).
Start Evaluate all molecular integrals Construct V-matrix from overlap Matrix S to orthogonalise {h}to{c} Initial coefficient matrixThe simplest guess is Set E > 0 From Density Matrix From the three matrices Calculate Energy: En Print out En Calculate the difference DEn=En-1-En D=DEn-DEdesired Print out eP and Cij Make Decision Form F-matrix End of SCF Transform Fhto Fc Diagonalize Fc Form coefficient matrix “direct SCF” Flowchart for the iterative traditional Self-Consistent-Field (SCF) method.
Start Initial coefficient matrixThe simplest guess is Set E > 0 From Density Matrix Evaluate all molecular integrals Construct V-matrix from overlap Matrix S to orthogonalise {h}to{c} From the three matrices Calculate Energy: En Print out En Calculate the difference DEn=En-1-En D=DEn-DEdesired Print out eP and Cij Make Decision Form F-matrix End of SCF Transform Fhto Fc Diagonalize Fc Form coefficient matrix Flowchart for the iterative Direct Self-Consistent-Field (SCF) method.
4. One – and many electronic wave functions (multplicty) 5. The Hartree-Fock method and its limitations (Correlation Energy) 6. Post Hartree-Fock methods
The convergence of ESCF to EHF with increasing basis set size for the ground state of LiH. A breakdown of total energy for episulfide (C2H4S) to experimentally observable and quantum chemically calculable fraction. J. Chem. Phys. 44, 1849 (1966)