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Content Management Activities at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Content Management Activities at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Interlab 2003 Nancy Stratton Annanaomi Sams Genevieve Millsap Pam Novak. Agenda. Enterprise content management versus web content management Previous CM-type initiatives FY03 activities FY04 plans CM purchase

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Content Management Activities at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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  1. Content Management Activities at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Interlab 2003 Nancy Stratton Annanaomi Sams Genevieve Millsap Pam Novak

  2. Agenda • Enterprise content management versus web content management • Previous CM-type initiatives • FY03 activities • FY04 plans • CM purchase • Metadata issues • Where do we go from here?

  3. Definition of Enterprise Content Management • Process for managing content that spans different areas of an organization or project, created by multiple authors, and shared via many different media. • ECM differs from document management • Content stored as elements in a central repository, not as files • All kinds of content goes into ECM repository • Content is then published in many formats using templates

  4. Previous CM-type efforts: We are not starting from scratch! • STOP – modular content development method • Meridian – document management tool • Digisource – image library • TRIM – central file/records management tool • Electronic Notebook – Chemistry Collaborative • Building Energy Codes/Standards

  5. Who: Content owners (management system owners) Content analysts IT specialists Content users Policy specialists Security specialists Records specialists Information specialists / Librarians What: Approach and strategy Technology Processes shared in a communication plan Metadata standards Governance policies SBMS standards High Value ECM at PNNL Requires a Team Approach

  6. IT Strategic Plan • Description of how IT supports the Laboratory strategic goals: • Long-term IT vision • Key IT strategies • Business outcomes • Exemplar near-term actions • Alignment with Lab Agenda IT vision & strategies IT Enterprise Architecture • Framework for implementing IT to achieve the Laboratory strategic goals and the IT vision: • Current state → Target state • Technical reference model • Standards profile • Security standards profile Improvements road map IT Portfolio • Details and status of current year projects and activities: • Information Resources inventory • Service Level Agreements • Improvement projects • Budget and staffing plan • Performance indicators Near-term actions Status Increasing Detail / Increasing Volatility 20-30% 5-15% change per year 60-90% Relationship IT Strategic Plan, IT Enterprise Architecture, and IT Portfolio

  7. FY03 Activities • General research • Bob Boiko (Content Management Bible) CM workshop • Ann Rockley (Enterprise Content Management?) 2-day workshop • Presented CM concepts to PNNL Operations Director • Developed Operations Improvement Initiative (OII)

  8. FY03: CM Operations Improvement Initiative Phase 1 (FY04): ·   Define and document approach. ·   Report on lessons learned document Phase 2 (FY05): ·   Draft standard classification system for content. ·   Propose process for clearing new terms into a shared content repository. ·   Develop communications plan Draft SBMS content management governance policy

  9. Milestones & Costs

  10. Final Results of OII • Ranked 2 of 14 initiatives by Business Information Systems Council • Ranked 5 by Management System owners • Only top 3 initiatives were funded • Process educated decision makers about CM W • Will update proposal and try again in FY05

  11. FY03 Activities: General • Led Lab-level working group; shared lessons learned and research findings • Held brown bag presentations • Attended professional conferences (IPCC, Interlab02, ASIST, Dublin Core) • Participated on Portal Governance Committee, Portal Technical Requirements Committee

  12. FY04 Plans • Select CM intern from University of Washington I-School • Update OII • Develop initial metadata standard, common vocabulary • Participate on CM technical requirements and governance committees • Develop requirements in FY04 with purchase early FY05

  13. CM Purchase • Use Process from Portal Evaluation Project • Technical Product Evaluation • Governance Activities

  14. Technical Product Evaluation • Objectives • Evaluate leading portal software against the technical requirements specified in FY02 • Make product recommendation • Participants • Core Team of 2 IS&E staff • IS&E Technical Consultants • Peer-Review Group - 12 staff IS&E and STI

  15. Technical Product Evaluation • Process • Review of product research – 20+ vendors • 7 products chosen for evaluation • Objective scoring based on weighted criteria • RFP to 2 top scorers • Plumtree responded and met all mandatory requirements; Vignette declined. • Procurement in September

  16. Governance Activities • Objectives • Establish a broad-based group to provide recommendations for portal governance and administration through its lifecycle stages. • Document recommendations • Participants • Group of 22 management system owners, researchers and staff from Strategic Planning, STI and Communications

  17. Governance Activities • Process • Meetings throughout the year – each with a specific focus area • Policies and procedures working group • Communication of technical activities • Participation in demos and product reviews • Discussions with others who’ve been there • Results • Recommendations for pilot implementation • Recommendations for governance ownership – STI • Lessons Learned • Get staff involved early on!!

  18. Metadata Issues • Research • Dublin Core, faceted metadata • Structured and hierarchical vocabulary • Manual/automated • Vertical integration • Research • DOD, DOE, Battelle • Tools, integrated and standalone • Activities • Portal governance • Standards development • Taxonomy • Clearninghouse for terms • Structured or common vocabulary

  19. Where do we go from here? • We are aligned with DOE direction and current thrusts • Have the opportunity to set up a DOE Lab-wide metadata standard and common vocabulary • Standards and/or governance committee at DOE-level? • DOE CM conference? Or working group?

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