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This presentation focuses on performance management, property management, finances, and team leadership. It provides insights and recommendations for improving customer satisfaction, internal business processes, learning and growth, and financial performance. The presentation also highlights the achievements and highlights of the property management team.
Performance Management PresentationManage Property Management Finances Team Leader: Joyce Sweasy Team Members: Mark Headings, Matthew Longabaugh, Kathleen Courie, Sherry Wu ORS/OBSF/SAFB National Institutes of Health Date: January 7, 2004
Table of Contents Main Presentation PM Template ……………………………….……………………… Customer Perspective……………………….……………………. C2: Provide accurate data to customers C6: Improve customer satisfaction Internal Business Process Perspective………………………….. IB2: Accurate billing and payment for rent, membership services and leased space.
Table of Contents (cont.) Learning and Growth Perspective………………….. LG2: Ensure that staff members are cross-trained in all mission related areas and discrete services so there is no interruption of services in the absence of a staff member. Financial Perspective ………………………………… F1: Maintain unit costs. Conclusions and Recommendations ……………….. Appendix………………………………………………...
C2a: Customers’ Responses to CSS Survey Questions on Accuracy
Customers’ Responses for CSS Survey Questions on Accuracy (Detail)
C2b: Customers’ Responses to Lessor Survey Questions on Accuracy * Drop in FY03 attributed to 1 Lessor’s issue with Treasury deductions.
C2b: Customers’ responses to Lessor Survey on Accuracy (Detail)
Same 5 Lessors’ responses for survey question on overall satisfaction: * Drop in FY03 due to 2 Lessors issues with NIH’s payment procedures.
C6b: Customers’ Responses to Lessor Survey Question on Overall Satisfaction
IB2a: Measurement – Number of ADB entries requiring correction due to SAFB errors. In FY03, SAFB entered 13,018 financial entries in the ADB system. 100% of these entries were made accurately / without errors.
IB2b: Measurement – Sufficient revenue collected to cover rent program expenses. In January 2002, SAFB prepared and submitted the FY2003 Rent Program operating budget for revenue required to cover all rent program expenses. A high rate of accuracy in both the forecasting of costs and the collection of revenue was achieved with a rate of 99.7% of the expenses covered by the revenue collected through the NIH rent Program / CSS.
L2. Measurement – Cross training all SAFB staff members to perform at least one function that is outside of their specific mission responsibility area, to ensure no disruption to the performance of the SAFB mission during the absence of staff member(s). In FY03, three staff members were fully trained to perform the responsibilities and tasks associated with the CSS, responding to Rent Program inquiries, and providing financial analysis services. Three staff members were fully trained to perform the responsibilities and tasks associated with the lease payment process. In FY04 and FY05, SAFB staff will conduct monthly internal cross training of other staff members, with the goal of having at least three staff members able to perform each of the major mission functions of the branch.
F1: Measurement – Maintain invoice processing costs (associated with leased properties). In FY03, SAFB processed 1,174 invoices for payment of construction-related services; and 2,243 payments for rent, operating expenses, taxes, maintenance and other “rent” related payments to the Lessors. The payment process required 13,018 individual ADB entries. In FY03 – the costs associated with the Process Lease Payment discrete service was $ ________. The actual unit cost for this service was ____________ per invoice. In FY03 – the costs associated with the Manage the Consolidated Statement of Services discrete service was $_____. The actual unit cost for this service was _____________. In FY03 – the costs associated with the Manage and Consult on Rent Program Finance discrete services was $ _____. The actual unit cost for this service was ___________. The target goals for FY04 and FY05 is to maintain the unit cost of each of these services, since the actual SAFB performance in each of these discrete services is near the optimum performance level, given the staffing size of SAFB.
Conclusions from PMP Major Findings – SAFB is operating at a high degree of efficiency in terms of customer satisfaction, accuracy and timeliness. SAFB is performing each of its discrete services at near optimum level of success and in a cost efficient manner. Improvements Achieved / Highlights: In FY03, in each of the critical areas highlighted on the CSS Survey, SAFB has achieved a higher customer satisfaction rating than that achieved in FY02. In FY03, major improvements were made to the CSS. The CSS now provides more data for use by the ICs to manage their rent budget . In FY03 SAFB began the monumental task of pulling together comprehensive data on every aspect of the Rent Program to create a NIH Rent Program Rule Book. Publication of the Rule Book is targeted for FY04. In FY03, one SAFB Financial Analyst staff member received certification as a Federal Financial Manager through intensive formal training and certification testing.
Conclusions from PMP (Cont.)SAFB achieved a high rate of accuracy in both forecasting the rent program budget and collecting revenue. 99% of the expenses of the program were collected through the CSS.SAFB entered 13,018 financial entries in the ADB system. 100% of these entries were made accurately / without error.SAFB received and processed 1,174 rent and alteration invoices in FY03. All of these invoices were processed with 2 business days of the invoices acceptance date.Highlighted Initiatives for FY 04 – Publication of the NIH Rule Book Continued improvements to the CSS and data available to the ICs via the CSS (links to CSS project/milestone schedule, process maps, and rule book. In FY04 an additional Financial Analyst staff member will be scheduled for training and certification as a Federal Financial Manager.
Appendix Content Full Template (Objectives, Measures, Goal, Initiatives, Owner) Customer Perspective - Objectives C1: Provide Timely Services to Customers C3: Response to Customer Inquires on Rent Program Issues C4: Improve Customer Communications C5: Improve Understand of NIH Customer Needs Internal Business Process Perspective - Objectives IB1: Timeliness Billing and Payment Transactions IB3: Improve Documentation of Rent Program Processes, Procedures and Policies.
Appendix Content (cont.) Internal Business Process Perspective - Objectives IB1: Timely Billing and Payment Transactions IB3: Improve Documentation of Rent Program Processes, Procedures and Policies. Learning and Growth Perspective - Objectives LG1: Improve Staff Knowledge and Proficiency in NIH/ORS/ORF Facilities, Financial and Business Systems
Appendix Content (cont.) Process Maps Process Lease Payments Manage Property Management Finance Mange the Consolidated Statement of Services Customer Survey Consolidated Statement of Services Survey/IC Survey Lease Payment/Lessor Survey CSS Survey Results Comparison FY02 to FY03 Consolidated Statement of Services Project / Milestone Schedule
C1a: Customer Responses to CSS Survey Question on Timeliness
C1b: Customer Responses to Lessor Survey on Timeliness * Drop in FY03 attributed to Lessor’s resistance to adherence to NIH payment procedure.
C1b: Detail Customer Responses to Lessor Survey on Timeliness
C3a: Customers’ Responses to CSS Survey Question on Responsiveness
C3b: Measurement – Number of inquiries received and responded to by SAFB staff within 16 business hours of the inquiry In FY03, SAFB received 1,243 inquiries related to lease issues and 579 inquiries related to other issues, totaling 1,822 customer inquiries. 80% of these inquiries were responded to within 16 business hours, while the remaining 20% were responded to within 8 business hours.
C4a: Customers’ Responses to CSS’ Accuracy Average Score for CSS Accuracy
C4b: Measurement – Number of annual CSS training sessions provided to NIH IC customers SAFB Staff conducted 4 hands-on training sessions on the use, navigation and content of all aspects of the CSS ICs were invited to send any individual from their organization who would benefit from the training. SAFB staff provided reference material, and the use of lap top computers to enable attendees to obtain hands-on training.
C4c: Customers Responses to Survey Question on Process Improvement SAFB Made in FY03
C5b: Measurement – Customer feedback on quality and effectiveness of the SAFB provided CSS training. • SAFB conducted 4 training sessions in FY03. • 100% of the IC attendees at these sessions said that the training was of high quality, effective and met their CSS training needs.
IB1a: Measurement – Number of quarterly CSS available to ICs the 1st week of each FY quarter. ICs are billed for all Rent Program and Membership Service use costs on a quarterly basis via the CSS. 100% of the CSS were available to the ICs by the first week of each quarter in FY03.
IB1b: Measurement – Number of accurate / complete invoices processed within 2 business days of the invoice acceptance date SAFB received and processed 1,174 rent and alteration invoices in FY03. All of these invoices were processed within 2 business days of the invoice acceptance date.