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Becoming a Google Search Ninja. Derrick Waddell. How do I find to what I really need when there are 91 million results?. Search for what you really need to find . 1. Don't ask questions. Asking questions adds unnecessary words (articles, prepositions, etc.) and punctuation.
Becoming a Google Search Ninja Derrick Waddell
How do I find to what I really need when there are 91 million results?
1. Don't ask questions. Asking questions adds unnecessary words (articles, prepositions, etc.) and punctuation.
2. Use descriptive and web-friendly vocabulary. Use words that are more likely to appear online. For example, searching for bouncing off the walls is less likely to yield good results if what you're really looking for is adhd symptoms.
3. Be specific The more specific your search, the more likely it is that you'll find what you need. The search phrase classic literature will yield many more results than classic american literature or vonnegutshort stories.
"quotations" O P E R A T O R S Use quotes to search for an exact word or set of words.
"quotations" - minus O P E R A T O R S Use quotes to search for an exact word or set of words. Add a dash before a word to exclude all results that include that word.
* asterisk O P E R A T O R S Use an asterisk within a search as a placeholder for any unknown terms.
~ tilde * asterisk O P E R A T O R S Use an asterisk within a search as a placeholder for any unknown terms. Use a tilde before a word to search for that word as well as synonyms of that word.
~ tilde ... ellipsis * asterisk O P E R A T O R S Use an asterisk within a search as a placeholder for any unknown terms. Use a tilde before a word to search for that word as well as synonyms of that word. Separate numbers by three periods with no spaces to see results that contain numbers in a given range.
site: O P E R A T O R S Include site: to search for information within a single website or within a specific top-level domain like .org or .edu
site: O P E R A T O R S Include site: to search for information within a single website or within a specific top-level domain like .org or .edu define: Use define: to get search results for definitions of words.
site: O P E R A T O R S Include site: to search for information within a single website or within a specific top-level domain like .org or .edu define: Use define: to get search results for definitions of words. related: To search for web pages that have similar content to a given site, type related: followed by the website address.
filetype: PowerPointWord DocumentSpreadsheetPDF pptdocxlspdf O P E R A T O R S Use filetype: to get search results in a specific file format.
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O T H E R R E S O U R C E S Much, much more! • http://www.google.com/insidesearch/searcheducation/index.html • http://www.google.com/insidesearch/tipstricks/index.html • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3ao7QXMhC4 • http://www.google.com/help/features.html • http://www.google.com/support/websearch/
www.derrickwaddell.com Google Search Ninja Derrick Waddell