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CHOSEN FOR GREATNESS “Genesis 12:1-3”. INTRODUCTION: (1.)In order for the caterpillar to emerge into a butterfly (The Promise), it first enters the cocoon (The Process). -We want the promise (SALVATION FOR ALL Rom.10:13 ) of God WITHOUT going through the process .
CHOSEN FOR GREATNESS“Genesis 12:1-3” INTRODUCTION: (1.)In order for the caterpillar to emerge into a butterfly (The Promise), it first enters the cocoon (The Process). -We want the promise (SALVATION FOR ALL Rom.10:13) of God WITHOUT going through the process. (2.)Salvation for ALL at NRS requires PREPARATION. -Luke 15:11-32 The father met the son halfway. *We want God to add to the church but we don’t want to meet people halfway because it makes us uncomfortable. -Luke 15:11-32 The father fixes up what he already has for the son (ring, robe, fatted calf). *Preparation requires us to fix up what we already have for those coming!
CHOSEN FOR GREATNESS“Genesis 12:1-3” INTRODUCTION: (3.)The process of God adding FRUIT/SOULS to the church is “Addition by Subtraction” (John 15:1-2). -God subtracts/purges those who aren’t bearing fruit/winning souls to his kingdom. -God subtracts/prunes those who are bearing fruit/winning souls to bear more fruit. (4.)When the caterpillar sees what it can become (a butterfly), it doesn’t settle for being a caterpillar. -When NRS sees what we can become, we won’t settle for where we are.
CHOSEN FOR GREATNESS“Genesis 12:1-3” BODY: (A.)VS.1 God tells Abram to get out of his country, away for his kindred, and away from his father’s house. -Greatness requires us to leave the familiar (NOT DOCTRINE but certain things that may be dear but are no longer effective). (B.)VS.1 God tells Abram to go to a land that I WILL SHOW YOU (future tense). -Leaving the familiar requires faith (God doesn’t show us the where until we first leave).
CHOSEN FOR GREATNESS“Genesis 12:1-3” BODY: (C.)VS.2 God tells Abram that I will make the a great nation; this requires Abram to have children. -Abram’s wife, Sarai, is barren. *God uses impossible situations to make us great! *For NRS, this is 1 Church 4 Generation (serving every generation is only possible with God). (D.)VS.2-3 God promises to bless Abram to be a blessing to the entire world. -Salvation/Jesus came through Abram’s lineage. *God is making us great to bless others (the community).
CHOSEN FOR GREATNESS“Genesis 12:1-3” CLOSE: (1.)Abram never asked to be great. -VS.2 God chooses Abram to be great. *Who would ask for greatness knowing that the process is painful? *God chose NRS for greatness; WE MUST NOT FIGHT THE PROCESS BUT YIELD TO IT!