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Lectures on Economic Policy. Prague University of Economics 22.04.2013 Andreas Wörgötter, andreas.woergoetter@oecd.org. What Applied Economics is about. Bringing together three building blocks: Data – Defining what to observe/monitor
Lectures on Economic Policy Prague University of Economics 22.04.2013 Andreas Wörgötter, andreas.woergoetter@oecd.org
What Applied Economics is about Bringing together three building blocks: • Data – Defining what to observe/monitor • Econometrics – extracting information which is in the data • Economic theory – “smart simplification” of driving forces behind economic activity The aim is to understand how the economy works and how to improve it
Applied Economics is an input for economic policy • Policy needs to be triggered by the observation that something is not working as it should – for instance high unemployment • Economic theory provides hints about the transmission mechanism between the policy instruments and the ultimate targets – for instance the impact of a tax cut on employment, output and unemployment • Econometrics provides quantitative estimates for the impact of policy measures – for instance the size of the multiplier
Government is the main client for applied economics • Results need to be robust • Trade-offs should be clearly indicated • Delicate balance between - relevance (which is determined by government priorities) - trust (which makes the economist an insider) - sophistication (limited by absorption capacity within the govt. administration) - independence (which helps avoiding capture)
How do we find out what is right and wrong? • Applied Economics is about human action. It is time specific and taking place in a social context. It is a social science • Experiments are only possible to a very limited extent • Economic theory can be right in a logical sense, but what is left open is the extent to which its conclusions are relevant • Data collection is a matter for itself. • Econometric methods can be more or less appropriate (as the debate about Reinhart-Rogoff shows). • It is therefore not possible to proof that a hypothesis is right, but only that it may be too likely that it is wrong (Popper’s falsification theorem) – which requires permanent effort
How to find the “right” economic advice? • Keep a critical mind, ask questions • Don’t believe in wonders • Look for international experience, learn from good and bad examples • Be cautious about excuses • Is the advice “replicable”?
The OECD ApproachEconomic Surveys • Bi-Annual for all member countries and key partners • Drafted by Secretariat experts in consultation with national administration • Intense discussions internally and externally • Special role for Committees with representatives from all member countries • Public presentation
Data – Basis Principles • Reliability • Timeliness • Comparability • Edward Leamer: Economics is about pattern finding and story telling – data should allow to find a pattern • OECD – principle of evidence based policy recommendations
Important data to watch - I • GDP – level, structure and growth • Issues: Seasonality, Weather and one-offs Purchasing Power Parity – catching up economies look poorer than they are Dutch Disease – structural change and terms of trade changes Boom/Bust – unsustainable indebtedness of households Pro-cyclicality of financial markets and fiscal policies Unbalanced growth and external imbalances – Germany Regional disparities – mobility and convergence
Important data to watch - II • When should government intervene? • The output gap – identifying the cyclical position of the economy: Output gap = actual output - potential output Potential output = what could be produced if all resources (labour and capital) are normally utilised 2 Measurement methodologies: production function approach smoothing (separating trend and cycle)
Important data to watch - III • Going beyond GDP – How’s life in the Czech Republic? • GDP (material basis for wellbeing) is important, but not everything
Econometrics • Statistics applied to economic data • Always start with looking at data • First think, then estimate • Avoid sample selection bias • Be open to robustness tests • Keep it simple
Economic Theory • Keynes – involuntary unemployment • Macroeconomics - SNA • Responsibility for smoothing cyclical development • The transmission mechanism – the multiplier • Questions I – how much is current consumption constrained by current income • Questions II – how distorting is expansionary fiscal policy • Questions III – What are consequences of quantitative easing
The Future of Applied Economics • The crisis is signalling the need and chance for change • Is more always better? • What is the relation between protection and innovation?