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Quantum Cascade Lasers: Structure, Characteristics, and Applications

Explore the band structure and emission spectrum of Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs), including their unique features, applications, and potential in various fields. Learn about the European XFEL research facility and its groundbreaking technologies.

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Quantum Cascade Lasers: Structure, Characteristics, and Applications

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  1. Barve različnih polprevodniških izvorov in občutljivost oči • Valovna dolžina (nm)

  2. Band structure: direct vs. indirect Eg

  3. Elektronska stanja v heterostrukturah Koncentracija (omejevanje) elektronov in svetlobe v tanki plasti Kvantne jame, enojne in večkratne

  4. Kako lahko omejujemo elektrone

  5. Elektroni v pn spoju in v hetero-strukturi

  6. LED: kako do svetlobe iz polprevodnika? Kako • Geometrija je pomembna zaradi loma na meji polprevodnika

  7. Kako do svetlobe iz laserske diode?

  8. Tipična laserska dioda manjše moči

  9. Tipična laserska dioda manjše moči

  10. Laserska dioda 10 W

  11. OCLARO 10 W laserska dioda z optičnim vlaknom

  12. OCLARO 10 W laserska dioda z optičnim vlaknom - karakteristike

  13. “LASERS” ….. Example: CD Diode Lasers output in the near-infrared ≈ 5 – 50mW output actual laser chip from a CD player Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010

  14. VCSELs high performance and low cost advantages.  1. The structure can be integrated in two-dimensional array configuration.   2. Low threshold currents enable high-density arrays.   3. Surface-normal emission and nearly identical to the photo detector geometry -> easy alignment and packaging.   4. Circular and low divergence output beams eliminate the need for corrective optics.  

  15. 5. Passive versus active fiber alignment, combined with high fiber-coupling efficiency.   6. Low-cost potential because the devices are completed and tested at the wafer level.   7. Lower temperature-sensitivity compared to edge-emitting laser diodes.   8. High transmission speed with low power consumption.

  16. Laserski resonatorji za polprevodniške laserje

  17. Sestavljen laser za velike moči

  18. “LASERS” ….. Example: High-Power Diodes • Stacks of linear arrays of diode lasers • 100’s to kilowatts of power • near infrared wavelengths • used for materials processing Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010

  19. Kvantna kaskada – zaporedje prehodov med kvantnimi jamami

  20. Quantum cascade lasers Banddiagram Layer sequence Emission spectrumat room temperature Light-andVolt-currentcharacteristics

  21. Laser na proste elektrone

  22. The European x-ray free electron laser (European XFEL) an X-ray research laser facility currently under construction planned to be operational by the end of 2017. 12 participating countries (Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland) Electrons will be accelerated to an energy of up to 17.5 GeV by a 2.1 km long superconductinglinear accelerator. Total length 3.4 km. Wavelength 0.05 to 6 nm

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