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NARIC National Agricultural Research and Innovation Center Hungary. 2100 Gödöllő, Szent-Györgyi A. u. 4 ., Hungary www.naik.hu Phone : +36-28-526-100 Fax: +36-28-526-101. The Goal of the Hungarian Government.
NARIC National Agricultural Research and Innovation CenterHungary 2100 Gödöllő, Szent-Györgyi A. u. 4., Hungary www.naik.hu Phone: +36-28-526-100 Fax: +36-28-526-101
The Goal of the HungarianGovernment Establishment of an integrated, single legal entity from the fragmented and ill-proportioned sectoral governmental RDI capacities, "where the institutes keep their professional autonomy as separate organizational units and their financial management is carried out on a high level of independence."(1467 (VII. 24.) Korm. hat.) Expectationsconcerning NARIC: • concentration • high level professional profile • dynamism • high level of control
The 13 institutesintegratedby NARIC conducthigh-qualitybasic and appliedresearchanddevelopmentactivitiesinthefield of plant and animalbiotechnology/genetics;animalbreeding, reproductionandnutrition;fisheriesandaquaculture; food and meatscience;plantandvegetableproduction;viticultureandenology;forestresearchandmanagement; climatechange and biodiversity; agroenvironmentalresearchandtechnologiesandagriculturalengineering.The organisation, byemployingnearly 200 researchers, is of significantsizeevenatinternationallevel. It is abletojointheworld’sscientificcirculation and increasetherecognition of Hungarianagriculturalresearch.
Basic distinction from the previous financing model: • Institute funding gives place to project funding • The yearly budget of an institute exclusively depends on the • number of projects and their funding – most often the • support won by tender. • At the moment there are 170 research projects in 11 • independendt research units at 27 premises. • There are long-term (4-8 years) projects, as well.
The main publictasks of NARIC arethefollowing:- developingand executingpractice-orientedprogrammescontributingtotheincreaseandsustainabledevelopment of thecompetitivenessofHungarianagroeconomy;- analyzingand evaluatingthe relations of agriculturalproductionprocesses and environment, withspecialregardtotheeffects of climatechange;- participatingintheresearch, maintenance and furtherdevelopment of biologicalbases;- supplyingproducerswithhighquality, pathogen-freepropagationmaterials;- developingcontrolmethods, withspecialregardtotheexaminationoftheorigin and quality of basicmaterials and foodstuff;- performingdurationexperiments, running monitoring systems, maintainingdatabases;- supportingthedissemination and use of up-to-dateproductionmethodsbyprovidingadvisory and informationservices, incooperationwithprofessionalbodies;- givingtechnicalsupporttothenationalinstitutionsprovidingeducation, traininginagricultureandfoodindustry;- maintainingcontactwithnational, foreignandinternationalinstitutions, withspecialregardtotheresearchinstitutes of theHungarianAcademyofSciences, theHungarianhighereducationinstitutions and thescientificorganisations of the European Union;- assistingthepropagation of healthynutritionamongHungarianpopulation.
NARIC National Agricutlrual Research and Innovation Center, General Directorate
NARIC AgriculturalBiotechnologyInstitute (www.abc.hu) Director: Zsuzsanna Bősze PhD, Dsc Diagnostic Group ÉvaVárallyay PhD Adaptation and development of sensitive and fast new molecular biology methods for detection of virus infection in grapevine. Agricultural Genomics and Bioinformatics Group Endre Barta PhD Bioinformatics services Next Generation Sequence (NGS) analysis Mangalica genome project PlantTissueCulture Group Dr. Judit Mitykó Homozygousdoubledhaploid (DH) plantproductioninpepper (Capsicumannuum L.) byin vitroantherculture, tissueculture and micropropagation of differentvegetables and fruittree species
NARIC AgriculturalBiotechnologyInstitute (www.abc.hu) Section of Genetics Head: Ferenc Olasz PhD Plant Genomics & Plant-microbe Interaction Group Péter Kaló PhD Genetic analysis of symbiotic and pathogenic interactions between plants and microbes. Plant RNA Biology GroupDániel Silhavy PhD,Dsc The mechanism of Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) Host-pathogen Interaction &Microbial Genomics Group Ferenc Olasz PhD Studying the genomic determinants responsible for pathogenicity and spreading Fruit Genetics Group Géza Dallmann PhD Identification of novel mechanism in apple related to fire blight tolerance Microbiology Laboratory Ferenc Olasz PhD Genomics and metagenomics of microorganisms with agricultural relevance
NARIC AgriculturalBiotechnologyInstitute (www.abc.hu) Head: Dr. Zoltán Havelda Section of PlantBiotechnology PlantDevelopmentalBiology Group Zoltán Havelda PhD, DscInvestigation of smallregulatory RNA controlleddevelopmentalprocessesinpepper and modelplants. Plant Virology Group József Burgyán PhD,Dsc Exploring the molecular bases of silencing based antiviral mechanisms and developing new antiviral strategies in model and crop plants. Plant Cell Biology Group Barnabás Jenes PhD Induction of virus resistance in barley and chloroplast transformation in alfalfa and rice. Molecular Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Group Zsófia Bánfalvi Phd,Dsc Improving drought tolerance of potato. Mapping an extreme virus resistance gene in potato. Studying the wheat metabolome upon vernalization Epigenetics Group György Szittya PhD Investigating the role of small RNAs in ambient temperature sensing and response.
RAB 6d EMB NARIC AgriculturalBiotechnologyInstitute (www.abc.hu) E Section of AnimalBiotechnology Rabbit GenomeBiology and Biomodel Group Zsuzsanna Bősze PhD Dsc Valueadded rabbit models Patented technology: IgGantibodywithhighspecificity and quantity RuminantGenomeBiology Group László Hiripi PhD In vivo tests of promisingbovinerSNPsintransgenicmousemodelsusingreportergeneconstructs Marker assistedselectionwithrSNPs Applied Embryology and Stem Cell ResearchGroupElen Gócza PhD Discovery of pluripotency-associatedmicroRNAsin rabbit preimplantationembryos and embryonicstem-likecells
NARIC Agro-Environmental Research Institute(AERI) • Foundedin 1880 • Member of theresearchinstitutenetworkoftheMinistryofRuralDevelopment • Member of NARIC since 2014 • Research on • chemical and geneticsafety of agricultural • technologies • environmentalanalysis of organic • microcontaminants • - environmental and appliedmicrobiology • agriculturalecotoxicology H-1022 Budapest, Herman Ottó u. 15.
NARIC AERI Department of Environmental Analysis Research activities: • Chemicalenvironmentalsafety: • monitoringorganicmicrocontaminants • (pesticide residues, etc.) in water and soil • determination of organic • microcontaminants (pesticide residues, • mycotoxins, etc.) in plants and vegetable • matrices • investigation of translocation (e.g. into • guttation fluid) of systemic pesticide • ingredients • environmental fate and decomposition of • pesticides (e.g. glyphosate) • Geneticenvironmentalsafety: • determination of transgenicproteins (e.g. • Cry toxins) in GM crops and the • environment (e.g. stubble) • determination of transgenicproteinsin • biologicaltissuesintritrophicstudies of • GM crops (maize) Instrumentation, appliedtechniques available: - GC-FID, GC-ECD, GC-MS - LC-UV, LC-MS - roboticsassisted ELISA, sensorics - SPE, SPME, QuEChERS
NARIC AERI Department of Environmental and Applied Microbiology Research activities: • Environmentalmicrobiology: • monitoring of mycotoxinproducingmoldsin • Hungary • compostmicrobiology, isolation of cellulose • and hemicellulosedegradingbacteria • investigation of microbialdiversityof • arsenic-richthermalsprings • isolation and taxonomicidentification of • lactobacillifromexoticanimals of the • Budapest Zoo • Appliedmicrobiology: • - mycotoxinbiodegradation • - microbialde novogenomeprojects • - description of newmicrobial species • cloning and biochemical • characterization of cellulases and • hemicellulases • - symbioticdevelopment • - Archaeagenetics
NARIC AERI Department of Ecotoxicology Research activities: • AgriculturalEcotoxicology: • secondaryeffects of insectresistant • transgenicplants (containingCrytoxins) • - aquatictoxicology (alga, insect, crustacea, • snail, fish, amphibian) • teratogeniceffects of environmental • contaminants • hormonemodulanteffects of environmental • contaminants Breeding: - MON 810maize - Pseudokirchneriellasubcapitata - Aedesaegypti - Daphniamagna - Pomaceabridgesii - Brachydaniorerio - Macropodusopercularis - Lissotritonboscai - Bombinaorientalis
NARIC Research Institute forAnimalBreeding, Nutrition and Meat Science (ATK) ATK, orratheritslegalpredecessor, theExperimentalStation of AnimalPhysiology and Nutrition, wasestablishedin 1896. Accordingtoitsdeed of foundation, thescopeofactivitiesofthe Institute includedbasic and appliedresearchanddevelopmentactivityrelatedtothegenetics, breeding, reproduction, nutrition, feedutilization, physiology of nutrition, management and feedingtechnology of theso-calledlarge farm animals (cattle, swine, sheep, horse). Itsfurtherdutiescomprisenational and regionalconsultingandinformationservicesinanimalbreedingandnutrition. 2053 Herceghalom, Gesztenyés út 1.
NARIC Research Institute forAnimalBreeding, Nutrition and Meat Science (ATK) • Research activity is conductedindepartmentsspecializedingenetics, cattlebreeding, swinebreeding, sheep and goatbreeding, biology of reproduction, aswellasdepartmentsforruminantnutrition, swinenutrition, feedanalysis and evaluation, physiology of nutrition, microbiology and feedpreservationandbiochemistry. • An experimental farm and an abattoirareavailablefortheexecution of model and semi-fieldscaleexperiments. • The Institute conductsmany of itsresearch and trainingprogramsincooperationwithseveralHungarian, European and overseasresearchinstitutions. The scientificconsultingdays of ATK arosewidespread interest amongexperts and the Institute wasvisitedbymanyscientistsfromabroad. • Reputedresearchers of ATK areinvolvedinthegraduate and post-graduatetrainingatUniversities. • The Institute hoststheSurgicalTraining and Research Laboratory of DepartmentofSurgical Research and Techniques, Semmelweis University, which is dedicatedtomultispecialtyresearch, education and trainingfocusedonminimallyinvasivetechniques.
NARIC Forest Research Institute (ERTI) The Forest Research Institute began its functioning as the Hungarian Royal Forest Experiment Station at Selmecbánya after the foundation decree wassigned on 31 December 1897. According to the decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development he task of the Institute is to conduct complex research aimed at the development of forestry. The Institute has fivescientificdepartments: - Forest ecology and silviculture - Forest tree breeding - Plantation forestry - Forest protection - Forest economics Thereare 74 personsworkingatthe Institute, all of which 27 areresearchers.
NARIC Forest Research Institute (ERTI) climate – energetics – silviculture Bioenergetics - increasingdemand newresource Climatechange - unfavourableeffects adaptation • Climatechange:adaptation of possibleconsequences • Effects of the silvicultural treatment on growth and structure • Breeding of fast growing species • Developing of plantationforesttechnology • Afforestation on the dry and disadvantaged area • Protection against hazards and damages • Evaluation of profitablenessinforestrysector Closetonature - diversity, function stability
NARIC Fruitculture Research Institute (FRI) • Successor of Horticultural Research Institute founded in 1950. • There are three research stations in the network (Cegléd, Érd, Fertőd). • FRI’s cultivars are in the production not onlyin Hungary, but ina lot of countries in the world. • Research work is supported by stone fruit gene bank collection having large variability. Ceglédi kedves Carmen℗ Melroseteahybrid Fertődi narancs 1223 Budapest, Park u. 2
NARIC Fruitculture Research Institute (FRI) Main activities(Cegléd, Érd, Fertőd): • breeding of sweet cherry, sour cherry, apricot, European plum, Persian walnut, raspberry and strawberry • rootstock research • orchard system trails • development of micro-propagation technology of woody plant species • elimination of viruses, maintenance of virus-free nuclear stock garden • IntegratedPest Management research • plant nutrition research • fruit site research • breeding of annual flowers propagated by seeds and rose
NARICFood Science Research Institute (FSRI) Research activitiesforthefuturefoodsafety: Biological and bio-analytical research on traceability and detection of biological and chemical risk factors of food safety. Elaboration of novel methods with special attention to requirements of food control and food safety. Research on biochemical and nutrition-physiological relations of food components with special attention to recent, healthy nutrition. Development of environment-friendly and energy-saving minimal food processing. Social and economic studies to establish food safety strategy, risk-management and risk communication. Herman Ottó u. 15. Phone: +36 1 796 0400 H-1022 Budapest, Fax: +36 1 796 0434 Hungary
NARIC FoodScience Research Institute Departmentof Biology Investigation of hazardsofnovelfoods and foodproducingtechnologiesintheviewpoint of foodsafety: molecularbiology: Screening and quantification of GMOs, transgenicorganisms, potentialallergensusing DNA based methodologies, protein separationtechnologies, immunoanalyticalmethods: transgenicproteins, determination of potentialallergeniccompounds, assessment of the fate of antigenic/allergenicproteins by using in vitro and in vivo rat models, animal (rat/mice) models for biological evaluation of proteins and modulating of immune responses using oral adjuvant (probiotics, plant lectins), development of probiotics (LAB) based plant products (selection methods, fermentation technologies).
NARIC FoodScience Research Institute Departmentof FoodAnalysis Investigation of instrumentalanalyticalmethodsfordeterminationofdifferentfood-ingredients: developing of selective and highly sensitive instrumentalmethods (HPLC, GC) forfood quality and safety assurance, investigation of sensortechnologies (enzymebasedamperometricbiosensors, opticalwaveguidelightmodespectroscopybasedimmunosensors), nearinfrared (reflectance/transmittance) spectroscopyfornon-destructiveanalysis, researchon physical, chemical and biological methodsforfoodanalysis, quantification of food components and foodcontaminants (allergens, toxins and pesticide residues), detection of adulteration, unlawful technological treatments and materials, origins and varieties of differentrawmaterials.
NARIC FoodScience Research Institute Deptof Technology and FoodChainAnalysis • Development of novelfood technologies, social and economic studies to establish food safetystrategy, risk communication: • development of novel, environment protective and energy saving food technologies serving the consumer’s health protection and quality improvement, • application of new technologies based on physical methods e.g. pulsing electric field (PEF), the radiofrequency and microwave treatment, • pilot plants, • physical and chemicalanalysis of foodproductsregardingtofoodtechnologies, • sensoryanalysis, • surveys and studiesmade at different food chain players and consumerstoimprovethefoodsafety, risk management and theconsumer’sacceptance of novelfoodproducts and technologies, • implementation and adaptation of qualitative and quantitative methods(conjoint analysis, focal groups, opinion networking, SPSS etc.), • introduction and dissemination of the up-to-date riskmanagementapproach and practice as well as to raisingthe level of consumer protection and information.
NARIC Research Institute forFisheries and Aquaculture (HAKI)
The NARIC Research Institute forFisheries and Aquacultureperformspractice-oriented applied research providing directly applicable results for the industry. • The threebasicpillars of theinstitute’sstrategyare: • Economicsustainability (improvingtheprofitability of fishproduction) • Environmentalsustainability (decreasingtheenvironmentalimpact of fishculture) • Socialsustainability (promotinghigherfishconsumption, improvingpublicopinion)
Main fields of research: • Development of aquaculturetechnologies • Geneticcharacterization of fishbreeds • Studiesonfishimmunology and immunostimulants • Fishfeeding and nutrition • Fishmeatquality and influencingfactors • Aquaticecology, naturalwatertreatmentsystems • Populationdynamics and fisheries management innaturalwaters • Participationininternationalaquaculturedevelopmentprojects • Maintenance of livegenebanksofcommoncarpbreeds and sturgeon species • Operatingthe National FisheriesDatabase • Extension and training
NARIC Research Department of Irrigation and Water Management (ÖVKI) The aims of the NARIC ÖVKI are now the revitalization of prior high-level research programmes and starting up-to-date research and innovation projects in the field of agricultural water management, irrigation and rice breeding. R&D&I priorities: - Agricultural water management - Irrigation farming - Rice research and -breeding Infrastructure: - NARIC ÖVKI Laboratory for Environmental Analytics - NARIC ÖVKI „Galambos” Rice Research Station - NARIC ÖVKI Lyzimeter Research Station - NARIC ÖVKI Radiological Research Station H-5540 Szarvas, Anna-liget 8., Tel.: +36 66 515 301
NARICÖVKI – Infrastructures Rice Research Station NARIC ÖVKI Lysimeter Research Station Laboratory for Environmental Analytics Radiological Research Station
NARIC ÖVKI AgriculturalWater Management R&D&I • Research Priorities: • - research for reduction of the negative impacts of climate change; • - research on adaptation possibilities to extreme hydrological events (excess water, drought); • - research on the Hungarian irrigation status and potential development; • - complex research on excess water management, assessment of excess water hazard, land use development possibilities; • - GIS-based mapping; • - defining the role of agricultural water management in environmental protection, nature conservation and socio-economy; • - evaluation of positive and negative external effects of agricultural water management; • - research on the relationship between EU WFD and agricultural water management; • - research of the role of agricultural water management on wetlands in maintaining the context of ecosystem services; • research on the possibilities of recycling water for agricultural use; • building of AgriculturalWater Management Database.
NARIC ÖVKI Irrigation farming R&D&I • Research Priorities: • effective utilization of plant-based irrigation technologies (cereal crops, • plantations) • research on agricultural originated waste water usage for irrigation in energy • plantations • development of new technologies of water-saving • irrigation (aerobic rice, aquaponics) • - nutrient cycles in the plant-soil-water system • - unravelling the accumulation of toxic elements • in the agro-ecosystem.
NARIC ÖVKI Rice production/breeding R&D&I • Research Priorities: • Breeding new, high yielding varieties with good quality and tolerance to the special climatic conditions (low temperature, short duration) • Integration of biotechnological methods into traditional breeding (DH-lines via androgenesis – isolated microspore culture) • Research on abiotic (cold, drought) and biotic (blast disease, white tip disease) stresstolerance of rice • Management and development of rice gene bank to provide genetic background of research and breeding • Agrotechnological improvement for response to fertilization – good threshing and resistance to lodging • Cooperation with the Hungarian Rice Producers Association
NARIC ÖVKI RadiologicalR&D&I Research Priorities: - accumulation of isotopes in the plant-soil system; - remediation of contaminated soils; - effect of pesticides – 14C isotope; - nitrogen and phosphorous cycle in cereals.
NARIC Research Institute forViticulture and Enology (RIVE)Research Station of Badacsony • Variety value research • Investigation of training systems, pruning systems and fitotechnology • Environmental-friendly soil cultivation and nutrition supply of vineyards • Maintenance , development and genetic analyses of the genebanks • Grape breeding • Professional Consultancy Centre, local wine qualification • Maintenance of vineyards for basic propagation of rootstock and scion varieties www.szbki-badacsony.hu
NARIC Research Institute forViticultureand Enology (RIVE)Research Station of Kecskemét • Variety value research • Investigation of training systems, pruning systems and fitotechnology • Complex decontamination of grape propagation materials • Maintenance , development and genetic analyses of the genebanks • Grape breeding • Determination of the variety value of newly bred table grape varieties • Complex development, analyses of the local origin control systems, description of products and cadastre of grape production plots, technical expertise • Deduction of the sensitivity of the grape for the Agrobacterium pests