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ATTENDANCE Overview Topics: Managing Meeting and Daily Attendance, Attendance Codes, Attendance Verification Reports and Attendance Audit Reports. Additional training resources. https://powersource.pearsonschoolsystems.com
ATTENDANCEOverview Topics: Managing Meeting and Daily Attendance, Attendance Codes, Attendance Verification Reports and Attendance Audit Reports Additional training resources https://powersource.pearsonschoolsystems.com Login to PowerSource>Training>Distance Learning>: (Select following courses) Attendance Report Managing Daily Attendance Managing Meeting Attendance Login to PowerSource > Training > Mastery In Minutes : ( Select follow course names) Changing Attendance for Multiple Days Changing Daily Attendance for One Student Changing Meeting Attendance for One Student
Signing in to PowerSchool • There are different URL addresses for each of the 4 Access Groups… • Administrator https://cms.powerschool.com/admin • User Name;Password (i.e. johnnym.williams;cowboys)
PersonalizeSetup Personal PreferencesStart Page > (Setup)Personalize > Interface GOOD IDEA ! Set Personalize-Interface to: Enable task navigator Enable Smart Search Include Inactive Student/Staff Results https://powersource.pearsonschoolsystems.com Login to PowerSource>Training>Mastery in Minutes>Personal Preferences Setup
ADMINISTRATIVE PORTAL https://cms.powerschool.com/admin Admin. users have access to: • View/Record/Update attendance for individual and/or group of students • Run attendance verification reports • Search for chronic attendance problems • Access to multiple reports User Name;Password (i.e. johnnym.williams;cowboys)
PowerTeacher Portal http://cms.powerschool.com/teachers User Name;Password (i.e. johnnym.williams;cowboys) Teachers have 3 quick and easy ways to take attendance 1. 2. Used for taking single day attendance Used for taking multi-day attendance 3. Used for taking single day attendance using the seating chart.
SUB PORTALhttps://cms.powerschool.com/subs Login: https://cms.powerschool.com/subs • Choose school • Choose teacher substituting for • Type School’s substitute password (administrator would provide daily password and list of classes to verify attendance was taken in classes) Sub will take attendance for each class. Attendance secretary can check the attendance submission status report to verify attendance has been done.
PARENT PORTAL Parents will be able to check their child’s attendance using the Parent Portal. They will access Parent Portal using the following Url address: Parents can check attendance and see actual time if logged into Parent Portal. ACCESS: Home Page > Quick Lookup Additional information will be provided at a later time https://cms.powerschool.com/public
Processing Student Attendance Every TEACHER mustbe taking attendance daily whether it is once a day or every period. Every school should follow the same basic steps when verifying attendance. Use the Absentee Report to identify absent students Update student attendance records as needed Enter future attendance for upcoming absences Communicate frequently with families of students who have attendance problems
ATTENDANCE MENU Two ways to view a student’s attendance: Search/select student A. Quick Lookup B. Attendance (Start page > Student Selection > Quick Lookup) (Start Page > Student Selection > Attendance) located: ( Main Menu > Academics) Quick Lookup Attendance Displays attendance Displays attendance by class for current full year, weekly week and previous format week. ATTENDANCE CODES Listed below are the current attendance codes used in PowerSchool. Updates may be available in July
Student’s Absences Run the Absentee Report: single day period by period attendance code report 1. Start Page > Attendance > Absentee Report Select the attendance code(s) Select period(s) or leave blank for all periods Include the student number, blank lines, and verification lines SUBMIT On the Report Queue – my jobs page, click REFRESH Status complete, click VIEW Updating Attendance : (2) Options available to update attendance OPTION 1: (displays yearly, weekly, and daily view) Search/select student > Attendance > Click week > Choose current attendancecode > Click SET ALL to apply code for entire day or click individual period cell > SUBMIT OPTION 2: (displays a weekly view) Search/select student > Click Enter Attendance > Click Set All to apply code for entire day, or click the individual period cell > SUBMIT The Absentee Report includes the phone number for each student. Print this report to record pertinent information about the absence.
Editing AttendanceForTime In and Time Out • On the Start Page select the student. • From the Academics Menu selectAttendance. • Select Daily and then select theletterrepresenting the day of the week under the correct week. • Select the correct Attendance Code from the drop-down. • Time In • Time Out • (example: High School Student arrives at school on time, but leaves for a dentist appointment at 10 am. You would enter Time In as 7:15 AM (school start time) and Time Out as 10:00 AM (check out time). If the student returns at 12:00 pm and stays to the end of the day you would create another entry by clicking on the clock and enter the Time In as 12:00 PM (check in time) and Time Out as 02:15 PM (the end of the school day). • Submit
OTHER ATTENDANCE EDIT TOOLS Update Attendance for Multiple Days Start Page > Select Student > Attendance > Change Meeting Attendance From this Date Field, enter first day of absence To this Date Field, enter last date of absence “Meeting to scan” leave check boxes blank if student will be or was absent all day (OR) click each afternoon period if the student will attend morning classes only Select ALL to scan for all attendance codes From the “Attendance Code to set” choose ABSENT or PARENT EXCUSED Select OVERWRITE Add a comment to document reason student is absent, SUBMIT Change Attendance for a Group of Students Use this feature to update a group of students is going on field trip Start page > Select Group of students > Browse chose ALL > Select a function for this group of students > Select students by Hand > Hold CTRL to make multiple selections > FUNCTIONS > Group Functions click, ATTENDANCE CHANGE • Enter date range • Select the meetings to scan • Select ALL • Choose “Attendance Code to Set” such as School Excused • Select Don’t Overwrite to preserve previously entered future attendance codes • Add a comment and SUBMIT
System Reports PowerSchool offers many tools to help with the tracking of students attendance. Listed below are several important reports such as PowerTeacher Attendance which will show you quickly which teachers have not taken attendance or Consecutive Absences report which list consecutive student absences by absence code. Also, have the ability to generate Truancy and Attendance Letters.
Teachers Who Have Not Taken Attendance PowerSchool provides several reports for the attendance secretary to be able to view the status of a teacher’s attendance by period, day or weekly so that edits can be made Teacher Attendance Submission Status PowerTeacher Attendance Report Report showing which teachers have not taken attendance Start page > System Reports > PowerTeacher Attendance, select period or leave blank to search all> Submit Report Queue screen appears (My Jobs page, click Refresh) > View Start page > Attendance > Teacher Attendance Submission Status PowerTeacher Attendance Report appears Select a teacher’s name and send them a reminder email No attendance submitted Some attendance submitted All attendance submitted
Verify Attendance Records Some schools like to have staff sign off that attendance records are correct Start page > Reports > System Reports > Select Weekly Attendance Summary (Daily) Select the Week which to run report for Choose which teacher, or select ALL Teachers In the Attendance Codes section fill in all codes in Absent field that school uses as excused absence, unexcused absences and tardies fields Check: Include Verification Line Click SUBMIT Attendance secretary provided to each teacher. Teachers will review each class and sign that attendance was correct for the week.
Attendance Tracking and Notification Reports Attendance Tracking and Notification allows administrative staff the ability to track a students attendance through a combinations of thresholds (ex. unexcused absences) and triggers (ex. 3 days). Each time a student meets or exceeds a specific threshold, a notification record is created in the PowerSchool database. These notification records can be used to print attendance letters for student for multiple instances. For instance, it will track the first time the student reaches 3 unexcused absences, as well as the 6 unexcused and 10 unexcused. Reports (system reports) > Attendance Tracking and Notifications Note: The following reports must be run in following order Currently these reports are not available to view. More information will be provided in future trainings.
I NEED HELP???? Additional resources: https://powersource.pearsonschoolsystems.com CMS PowerSchool Help Desk powerschoolhelpdesk@cms.k12.nc.us