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What are the Roles of Pressure Groups?

What are the Roles of Pressure Groups?. Presenter: 张少媚 Number27,class6. The roles of pressure groups in Britain and China. In Britain 1 Definition of pressure groups 2 Classification of pressure groups ( two ways to classify pressure groups) and functions 3 Advantages

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What are the Roles of Pressure Groups?

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  1. What are the Roles of Pressure Groups? • Presenter:张少媚 Number27,class6

  2. The roles of pressure groups in Britain and China • In Britain • 1 Definition of pressure groups • 2 Classification of pressure groups ( two ways to classify pressure groups) and functions • 3 Advantages • 4 Disadvantages • The situation in China and my personal opinion

  3. In Britain Definition of pressure groups • “interest group”,”lobby group”,”protest group” • An organized group that does not put up candidate for election,but seeks to influence government policy or legislation. • Aims:to influence the people who have power to make decisions. • Represent and a variety of interest

  4. Classification of pressure groups • One way to classify pressure groups is based on aims.They are promotional groups and sectional groups. • Promotional groups : • 1 Aim to promote a particular cause,(also called ‘cause’ groups ) • 2Examples:Shelter,CND,Greenpeace • 3Suported by everybody,regardless of profession or economic position • 4Some have few members but a great deal of influence (e.g. Liberty) some have many members but little influence(e.g.CND)

  5. Sectional group: • 1Seek to represent the common interest of a particular section of society • 2membership restricted • 3stand to gain personally or economically • 4Examples:Trade Union,NUT,BMA

  6. In “pressure groups,politics and democracy in Britain”(Philip Allan,1989),Wyn Grant,classify pressure groups based on their status and methods.He called them insider groups and outsider groups. • Insider groups: • 1have strong links with decision makers and are regularly consulted • 2considered to be legitimate and have access to decision-makers(example) • 3abide by “the rules of the game” • 4government can have a reliable representative who gathers locals opinions

  7. outsider groups: • 1Work outside the governmental decision making progress • 2resort to illegal methods,endangering their life and disobeying the law

  8. Methods used to draw attention • Low cost actions • Choosing to read/view political items in the media. • Talking about political subjects in the family • Voting • Talking in public places about politics • Signing petitions • consumer boycott • Attending political meetings • Financial contribution to party or cause

  9. Strike over pay or working conditions • Personally lobbying politicians • Taking part in peaceful demonstrations • Being active in theorganisation of a party protest group. • High cost actions • Violent protests • Trespassing • Vandalism

  10. Advantages---also the important role of British politics • serve as vital intermediary institutions between government and society; assist in the dispersal of political power; and provide important counterweights to balance the concentration of power. • enable new concerns and issues to reach the political agenda, thereby facilitating social progress and preventing social stagnation. (e.g. the women’s and environmentalist movements)

  11. increase social cohesion and political stability by providing a ‘safety-valve’ outlet for individual and collective grievances and demands. • assist the surveillance of the government , improve the accountability of decision makers to electorates.

  12. Disadvantages • improve participation, but in an unequal way • Few groups have procedures for consulting their members • may be ignored if they do not confirm with the ideology or agenda of the decision makers. • some groups operate increases social discontent and political instability by intensifying the sense of social frustration and injustice

  13. The situation in China and my personal opinion • Hong Kong: • Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (pro-China); Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong; Confederation of Trade Unions (pro-democracy) [LAU Chin-shek, president; LEE Cheuk-yan, general secretary]; Federation of Hong Kong Industries; Federation of Trade Unions (pro-China) [LEE Chark-tim, president]; Hong Kong Alliance in Support of the Patriotic Democratic Movement in China [Szeto WAH, chairman]; Hong Kong and Kowloon Trade Union Council (pro-Taiwan); Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce; Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union [CHEUNG Man-kwong, president]; Liberal Democratic Federation [HU Fa-kuang, chairman

  14. Macau: • Catholic Church [Domingos LAM, bishop]; Macau Society of Tourism and Entertainment or STDM [Stanley HO, managing director]; Union for Democracy Development [Antonio NG Kuok-cheong, leader]

  15. China: • no substantial political opposition groups exist, although the government has identified the Falungong sect and the China Democracy Party as potential rivals

  16. But at the moment or for a long time,it is impossible for China to have pressure groups.As the official in China believe,such organizations as “Four gangs”,Falungong sect have a great bad influence on the Chinese government and its people.They are very sensitive to such organizations,to say nothing of pressure groups.But pressure groups do have its strengths.We should not overemphasize the disadvantages and ignore the advantages.

  17. In my own opinion,pressure groups should exist in China • China is trying to build a wealthy,democratic and civilized society,it should listen to different views. • Non-biased decision can be reached • Important issues be raised and discussed • Pressure groups represent sectional public interest

  18. help to provide checks on the government to see if they are in balance with their ongoing activities • the law can be changed to reflect the views of the public • makes government more efficient, the information and advice provided by groups helps to improve the quality of government policy and legislation. Some people may doubt violent pressure groups will disturbing balance and order in China.How to avoid such things happen?

  19. Resort to peaceful protesting • Have social cohesion • Using police to maintain the order • Strengthen the publicity of education

  20. Suitable ways to influence the government • Campaigning and peaceful pressure are the best way to influence the government. • Using media,broadcasting their views on air. • collecting a petition • to conduct their own research and surveys then publish the results in newspapers, TV and radio.

  21. conclusion • China is not as developed as Britain,no matter the level of people’s civilization and social system.But China can do its best to optimize the social system .Pressure groups can exist in China to help to fulfill its people’s wishes and protect their interest.Owing to the situation in our country, China still has a long way to go.

  22. Reference • www.google.com • www.bbc.co.uk • www.yahoo.com • <<英国社会>>

  23. Thank you for joining me!

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