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1994-2012. First Meeting. 1994 Iowa State University Ames, IA Organized by Ken Ziegler 26 attendees including 8 Faculty. First Meeting. Started the process of obtaining NCR Status What , who, when the group would meet What the group was to discuss and achieve. 1996.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1994-2012

  2. First Meeting • 1994 Iowa State University Ames, IA • Organized by Ken Ziegler • 26 attendees including 8 Faculty

  3. First Meeting • Started the process of obtaining NCR Status • What, who, when the group would meet • What the group was to discuss and achieve

  4. 1996 • Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas • George Ham, Associate Director Kansas Ag. Exp. Station • Presented current situation and alternatives regarding NCR Committee status.

  5. NCR • Strong tendency to reduce the number of committees in recent years • Fewer administrative advisors available to service existing and new projects

  6. NCR • Fewer dollars available for travel and increased accountability • NCR directors focusing on other, higher priorities

  7. NCR • NCR directors focusing on other, higher priorities • Decided to move on as a self organized group

  8. Purpose • Provide comprehensive, impartial, and timely information about variety performance to growers

  9. Purpose • Promote Land Grant University operated crop performance trials

  10. Objectives • Develop recommendations for standardized variety testing and reporting procedures

  11. Objectives • List of procedures on website • UCTA.ORG

  12. Objectives • Facilitate the formation of regional databases for major agronomic crops in the North Central region

  13. Objectives

  14. Objectives • SELECT- Variety selection software • Joe Lauer- University of Wisconsin • Work in progress

  15. Objectives • Distribution of results • UCTA.ORG

  16. Objectives • Liaison with industry • ASTA booth

  17. Objectives • Liaison with industry • ASTA booth

  18. Objectives • Provide a formal setting where recommendations from seed companies and associated commodity organizations can be discussed, evaluated, and incorporated into appropriate protocols

  19. Objectives • Provide forum for the exchange of information and ideas related to crop testing in the North Central region

  20. Objectives • Summer meeting • Equipment • Plots

  21. Attendance University Attended Hosted • Iowa State 15 2 • Ohio State 14 2 • University of Illinois 18 2 • University of Missouri 7 1 • University of Nebraska 14 2 • Kansas State University 16 2 • Purdue University 6 1 • Michigan State University 18 2 • University of Minnesota 2 0 • University of Wisconsin 17 2 • Penn State University 13 1 • South Dakota State University 3 1 • Virginia Tech 1 0 • North Dakota State University 1 0 • Colorado State University 1 0 • Average Attendance ~20

  22. Notable Events • 1996 North Central Crop Evaluation Committee • 1998 Decided to develop website • 2005 Industry panel • 2006 Purdue to host website and give it a facelift • 2007 Change name to University Crop Testing Alliance • 2007 ASTA booth • 2009 Illinois to host website

  23. Memorable tours • 1996 Konza Prairie • 2000 Terry Redlin • 2003 Evergreen Dairy • 2005 Betty Lou Cruise • 2008 Chicago Board of Trade • 2010 GM Tour • 2011 Monsanto Production

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