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Assassination of JFK

Assassination of JFK. MISSED CLASS? Ask me what you missed and/or for handouts. Friday Nov. 22, 1963, 12:30pm Dallas, Texas 3 shots JFK shot in the head, dead on arrival to the hospital Connelly shot multiple times James Tague injured by a bullet fragment. Lee Harvey Oswald.

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Assassination of JFK

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  1. Assassination of JFK

  2. MISSED CLASS? Ask me what you missed and/or for handouts.

  3. Friday Nov. 22, 1963, 12:30pm • Dallas, Texas • 3 shots • JFK shot in the head, dead on arrival to the hospital • Connelly shot multiple times • James Tague injured by a bullet fragment

  4. Lee Harvey Oswald • Oswald reported missing by his supervisor at the Depository. • Arrested 70 min. after assassination for killing a police officer, Officer Tippit.

  5. Tippit was going to arrest him based on a description of the suspect. • Oswald arrested sneaking in a movie theatre without a ticket. • He claimed innocence. Oswald tried to explain the evidence but ended up lying. • Shot by Jack Ruby, a Dallas night club owner.

  6. The gun • Carcano M91/38 bolt action rifle • Found on floor of depository • Bought by Oswald under an alias “A. Hidell” • Palm print and fibers found on the gun a match to Oswald. • Bullet found on Connelly’s hospital gurney.

  7. Autopsy files • Autopsy at Bethesda Naval hospital • Present at the autopsy: secret service agents, medical professionals • United States President's Commission on CIA activities within the United States (President Ford) aka. Rockefeller Commission • Document inventory analysis: Assassination Records Review Board (1992–98)

  8. Warren Commission (1963-1964): Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated JFK. Jack Ruby killed Oswald. • United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA): CIA and Warren Commission reports were flawed • So who did it? UNKNOWN.

  9. Poland 1956 • Strikers demanding more freedom • Wladyslaw Gomulka in power • Decollectiviation • Lifted restrictions on the Church

  10. Hungarian Rising 1956 • Public wanted Rakosi removed • Imre Nagy: went with public opinion • Pulling out of Warsaw Pact • Nov. 4, 1956: Soviet tanks. 30,000 killed • Janos Kadar installed

  11. Prague Spring • Alexander Dubcek replaced his more Stalinist predecessor • Wanted to give more freedoms • Troops moved in with little resistance • Replaced with Husak • Czechs didn’t want to break out. Only wanted to reform communism. • Brezhnev Doctrine: Freedom dominoes

  12. Nuclear Proliferation • Mutually assured destruction • Deterrence • Peaceniks: non-proliferation • Military spending allocated to nuclear research • Military industrial complex • Pre-emptive strike • Winnability • ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missle)

  13. Treaties • States need to sign and ratify it through parliament • Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 1963 • Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 1968 • Biological Weapons Convention 1972 • Chemical Weapons Convention 1993 • Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) 1996 – still not entered into force

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