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Jatrodiesel , Inc. 845 N.Main Street Miamisburg , OH 45342 Tel: (937) 847-8050 Fax: (937) 847-8755 www.jatrodiesel.com. ]. [. A BIOFUELS TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING COMPANY. June 25, 2014. Prepared for: ABC Bioenergy, LLC John Smith, CEO Prepared by: Raj Mosali President. [.
Jatrodiesel, Inc.845 N.MainStreet Miamisburg, OH 45342 Tel: (937) 847-8050Fax: (937) 847-8755www.jatrodiesel.com ] [ A BIOFUELS TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING COMPANY June 25, 2014 Prepared for: ABC Bioenergy, LLC John Smith, CEO Prepared by: Raj Mosali President [ p r o p o s a l d e s c r i p t i o n Jatrodiesel has prepared this quotation for ABC Bioenergy, LLC, for a complete 5 million gallons/year biodiesel processing system using Jatrodiesel’s Super™ Biodiesel Processor. The system will process corn oil and many other types of feedstocks into ASTM 6751-12 biodiesel regardless of the percentage of free fatty acids present and without using a catalyst. Proposal Number: 2014-009 [ ] www.jatrodiesel.com SINCE 2004
[ t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s [ e x e c u t i v e s u m m a r y What Is Proposed ……………………………………………………. 2 About the Technology ……………………………………………………. 3 Implementation ……………………………………………………. 3 Other Included Support ……………………………………………………. 4 Biodiesel Analysis ……………………………………………………. 4 [ p r o j e c t p a r a m e t e r s System details ……………………………………………………. 5 [ p r o j e c t & c o s t s Engineering Overview ……………………………………………………. 6 Cost Breakdown ……………………………………………………. 6 Optional Items ……………………………………………………. 6 Existing Facilities Estimates ………………………………………………. 7 Other Considerations ……………………………………………………. 7 Building & Electrical ……………………………………………………. 7 [ p r o c e s s e q u i p m e n t Process Equipment ……………………………………………………. 8 Biodiesel Distillation ……………………………………………………. 8 Storage Tanks ……………………………………………………. 9 Piping & Fabrication ……………………………………………………. 9 Other Equipment ……………………………………………………. 9 Automation …………………………………………………….10 [ a d di t i o n a l s e r v i c e s Additional Services ……………………………………………………. 10 Items not Included ……………………………………………………. 10 p r o j e c t i m p l e m e n t a t i o n Implementation Method ………………………………………………….. 11 Other Services Offered ……………………………………………………. 11 Payment Terms ………………………............................... 11 [ s u m m a r y Summary …………………………………………………... 12 [ a p p e n d i x (A) Biodiesel Distillation …………………………………………………. 13 (B) Project Gantt Chart …………………………………………………… 14 [
[ e x e c u t i v e s u m m a r y What is Proposed Jatrodiesel has prepared ABC Bioenergy this quotation for a 5 million gallons per year biodiesel processing facility using Jatrodiesel’s Super™ Biodiesel Processing System. The plant is designed to be co-located with ABC’s ethanol plant to process its corn oil by-product into biodiesel. However, to supplement production, the proposed system is able to simultaneously process other types of oils, even those with 100% free fatty acids (FFAs) and high sulfur content (60 ppm). Jatrodiesel knows of no other manufacturing process in commercial use that produces biodiesel at a lower production cost or with a higher quality (given the same cost of feedstock and quality). Finally, we believe we’ve provided enough detail to allow you to make a rational decision on your own; however, if you have any questions please contact us for a quick response. About Jatrodiesel’s Technology Founded in 2004, Jatrodiesel has engineered, managed construction, commissioned and supported 17 biodiesel facilities worldwide. Currently two plants are being built at existing ethanol facilities in Illinois and Nebraska. In 2011, Jatrodieselimplemented a new process into its core biodiesel system design. Called the Super™ Biodiesel Process, it overcomes the issue of processing oils with up to 100% FFA. A huge breakthrough as traditional systems can only reduce the FFAs with a maximum of 20% FFA. This opens doors for processing many more types of oils and procured usually at significantly lower costs. And regardless of oil type, they can be processed together. Also, and integral to the Super™ process, no chemical catalyst is used. By eliminating this, the one by-product of biodiesel, glycerin, does not become contaminated and yields significantly more value. Another important aspect of the Super™ System is product homogenity: that whatever feedstock is used will always look the same with a clear, water-like finish. This offers a strong marketable advantage and provided by having the final biodiesel distilled. Implementation Methodology This is not a “turn-key” project and will be managed and performed by the customer. However, Jatrodieselwill provide close support on every aspect of the plan. We believe this is the most cost-effective path for our customers to follow on such projects. Specifically, Jatrodiesel will provide all the relevant drawings (PFDs, Simulations, 3D drawings, P&IDs, etc.) including training for the implementation of the project through commissioning. [ ] 3 www.jatrodiesel.com www.jatrodiesel.com
[ e x e c u t i v e s u m m a r y Jatrodiesel will also supply at least one vendor of various project equipment with quotes while customer is free to use these vendors or further negotiate or get additional quotes from other equipment vendors per the specifications provided by Jatrodiesel. Other Included Project Support • Once the biodiesel plant is up and running, Jatrodiesel will provide assistance training system operators. In the supply chain we will advise in the procurement for additional feedstock; identify markets; biodiesel and glycerin customers; and key vendors for chemicals and support. • Also, we will advise on all relevant information for on-going permitting including with state and local authorities; EPA reviews; and under the RFS Program, RIN reporting and compliance. Biodiesel Production Analysis Minimum Biodiesel selling price ………………………………………………………………………… $3.73/gal Minimum Glycerin selling price ………………………………………………………………………….. 0.18/gal biodiesel #2 Diesel rack price (OPIS) ……….……………………………………………………………………..…. 2.98/gal Contributions: Feedstock ………. ……………………………………………………………………….. 2.43/gal Yield Loss (2%) ……………………………………………………………………….…. 0.05/gal Chemicals ………. ………………………………………………………………………... 0.23/gal Utilities ………….. ………………………………………………………………………… 0.16/gal Plant Labor ……..………………………………………………………………………… 0.11/gal G&A .………………..………………………………………………………………………. 0.07/gal TOTAL COST …… ………………………………………………………………………... 3.05/gal Biodiesel Production ……………….. ………………………………………………………………………… 5MM gal/yr TOTAL ANNUAL REVENUE ………………………………………………………………………………….. 19,550,000 TOTAL ANNUAL MARGIN at EBITDA …………………………………………………………………….. 4,300,000 TOTAL MARGIN at EBITDA ………..………………………………………………………………………… 0.86/gal Investment ROI at EBITDA .………..…………………………………………................................ 57.1% Total Installed Equipment Cost ……………………………………………………….…………………. 7,536,000 Added Direct & Indirect Cost …….……………………………………………………………………….. 2,100,000 TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT ………………………………………………………………………….…. 9,636,000 Total Capital Investment per Annual Gallon ………………………………………………………… $1.50 to $1.92 1 NOTE: 1: Based on $7.5m capex (no cost of money built in) [ ] 4 www.jatrodiesel.com www.jatrodiesel.com
[ p r o j e c t p a r a m e t e r s System Details Process volume ……… ……………………………………………………………….. 5,000,000 gals/ yr Process rate ……………..……………………………………………………………….. 10 gals/minute Type process ……………………………………………………………………………..Continuous Automatic or manual …………………………………………………………….…. Automatic Shifts ……………………….…………………………………………………………….….3 x 8 hrs; or, 2 x 12 hrs Operators per shift ….…………………………………………………………….….1 or 2; 1 assistant; 1 person for maintenance/load/unload Type of employees …. ………………………………………………………………..Operators; assistant operators; bookkeeper; sales & mgt. Total plant estimate ..…………………………………………………………….….$7,536,000 (+ or – 5%) Total project estimate ……………………………………………………………...$9,636,000 (+ or – 5%) Time line for project .. ………………………………………………………………..10 to 12 months Difference depends on vendor delivery schedules Commissioning ………. ……………………………………………………………….. Production of ASTM-6751-12 biodiesel in last month Warranty ……………………………………………………………………………….….All moveable parts such as boiler, cooling tower, chiller, pumps, motors, centrifuges, valves, actuators, PLCs, will be passed along from each manufacturer. Typically from 60 days to five years Process guarantees ….…………………………………………………………….… Quality : ASTM 6751-12 Volume : 10 gpm Yield : Based on feedstock quality (FFA and MIU) and typically >98%. 1 NOTE 1: The “estimates” are based on prior project costs and as-builts spec’d in by Jatrodiesel. Any additional requirements will alter the above estimates accordingly. [ ] 5 www.jatrodiesel.com www.jatrodiesel.com
[ p r o j e c t & c o s t s Engineering & Technology • Jatrodiesel will provide the engineering design for the entire facility for process building equipment, its layout, pipe runs, tank placements etc. • Provide PFDs, simulation data (ChemCAD), P@IDs, and 3D drawings for the entire facility • Liaise with a civil engineering firm to design the plant • Manage project with customer including for plumbing, mechanical, electrical and automation • Solicit at least one or more quotes for all equipment to be purchased by the customer • Provide operation manuals. (Note: Each facility has a specific requirement for manuals, if more detail is required, Jatrodiesel or a third party will provide at additional cost). Project Cost Breakdown (1) Super process ….. …………………………………………………………………………………………. $ 1,670,000 Methanol distillation …………………………………………………………………………………….. 749,000 Biodiesel distillation …………………………………………………………………………………….. 728,000 Feedstock pre-treatment ……………………………………………………………………………... 376,000 SUB TOTAL PROCESS EQUIPMENT…………………………………………………………….... 3,523,000 Storage tanks – all (six days storage) ……………………………………………………………. 437,000 Pipe lines, elbows, Ts, valves, flanges, fabrication & labor .………………………….. 756,000 Other equipment (details below) .…………………………………………………………….….. 834,000 Electrical automation …………………………………………………………………………………... 486,000 Engineering and license fee …………………………………………………………………………. 1,500,000 Contingency …………………………………………………………………………………………………. (5% is advised)TOTAL PROJECT COST …………………………………………………………………………………… 7,536,000 1 1 Optional Items (1) Full scale on-site ASTM laboratory .………………………………………......................... 450,000 (2) Partial laboratory (to test six critical parameters)..………………………………………… 130,000 [ ] 6 www.jatrodiesel.com www.jatrodiesel.com
[ p r o j e c t & c o s t s Existing Facilities Estimates These items might or might not be incorporated into the final project cost tally. This will largely depend on existing facilities and assets (all are estimates): (1) Insulation and heat tracing ……………………………………………………………………..…... $ 400,000 (2) Rental equipment (cranes, high lifts etc.) ………………………………………………..….. 50,000 (3) Permit process/OSHA regulatory docs …………………………………………………….…… 100,000 (4) Grounding – plant …………………………………………………………………………………….….. 100,000 (5) Building and land development ……………………………………………………………………. 1,500,000 TOTAL ADDITIONAL ITEMS……………….……………………………………………………….…. 2,100,450 Other Considerations Items noted (1) on previous page 6 supplied by Jatrodiesel. Balance of parts are customer’s responsibility Jatrodiesel will supply all drawings and engineering oversight for entire project Jatrodiesel will supply quotes from the vendors for all equipment Customer may negotiate price with vendors or get new quotes from other sourcesproviding they meet Jatrodiesel’s specifications Due to fluctuating steel prices, numbers quoted are only valid for 30 days from this quotation date on front cover of this proposal Any Federal, state or local taxes are responsibility of customer (there should be no taxes) For items purchased overseas (such as from Italy, Germany or the UK etc.) add 5% contingency as dollar exchange is apt to fluctuate. Building & Electrical • 10,000 to 12,000 sq. ft. building for the actual equipment (approximate, actual footage once weknow the full scope of the project – building layout, etc). Plus, space for storage tanks (roughly 8,000 to 10,000 sq. ft. space outside) • 25 ft. ceilings (preferable) with a few roof penetrations, and sprinklers (0.2 to 0.4 GPM). Need for Sprinklers is driven by local code. Enclosed building is optional. • 700 amps to 800 amps electrical service - 3 phase 480 v • 10 MMBTUs/hr – max load boiler (oil heater) – final after P&IDs • HVAC in the building (optional – based on local permitting authority) Continued . . . [ ] 7 www.jatrodiesel.com www.jatrodiesel.com
[ p r o c e s s e q u i p m e n t • (6) Enough space outside for storage tanks and truck/rail access - less than 1 acre • (7) 100 GPM water for usage in other than process areas. We do not use water, we recommend Magnasol or related, and a few Ion Exchange Resins in the market for washing Biodiesel. More details on the washing steps during the design finalization. Process Equipment • (1) Feedstock dryers to <500 ppm water. Highly energy efficient. • (2) Feedstock pre-processor system to under 0.1% MIU • (3) SUPER™ system to process High and Low FFA feedstock. • Single stage process reactors and ancillaries based on Jatrodiesel’spatented SCP Technology • Water will be used but will be recycled. Water is 100% recycled • Due to pre-filtration, and water wash and biodiesel distillation, highest quality biodiesel produced • No homogeneous catalyst used • Catalyst free biodiesel process. • Solvent (methanol) Recovery system • Solvent (methanol) purification system – automated distillation column • On-Demand process Vacuum system – high efficiency and low maintenance • All explosion proof pumps and motors to move the liquids between various refinery units • Heat Exchangers – multiple – some SS and some MS – ASME certs • Post-process equipment (settling, centrifuge, water recycle, etc.) • Equipment assembly, on-site • Operational manuals, as-is drawings, documentation and process sheets. Biodiesel Distillation – Clear Solution (Colorless Biodiesel) • Equipment Delivered: • Stainless Steel (SS304) distillation column with receiver/disposal mechanism for residue • Condensers • Dual stage vacuum pump(s) • High heat pumps/piping/seals • Temporary storage tank – to store biodiesel before it gets distilled • The process would be automated and hands-free. [ ] 8 www.jatrodiesel.com www.jatrodiesel.com
[ p r o c e s s e q u i p m e n t Storage Tanks • Total tankage, 400k gallons in multiple tanks of 30,000 gallons each, as follows: • Corn Oil/Feedstock – 3 tanks, 90k gals – 6 days storage • Methanol/Used Methanol – 2 tanks , 60k gals – 10 to 15 days storage • Glycerin – 1 tank, 30k gals – 14 days storage • Biodiesel – 3 tanks, 90k gals – 6 days storage • Spares – 3 tanks, 90k gals Piping & Fabrication Piping of various sizes depending on the size of the facility. Bends/Ts/Valves, Gauges (level indicators, flow meters, etc.) – The budgetary dollars for this work is allocated under item (3) under “Breakdown of Project Costs” on Page 6. Other Equipment Centrifuge/Separator and Settling Tanks Oil filtration system Thermal boiler (roughly 10-12 MMBTU/hr) – natural gas Cooling tower Chilling unit Air compressor Loading station Numerous pumps/motors/starters to move liquids around various Storage tanks, not process related pumps. And installation. Automation There are four points of automation in the plant: Storage tanks and Inventory Distillation column(s) Process (all) Loading and unloading All four of these automation points will be tied into a single control center. The controls are multiple screens and the relevant information systems will be built in to track the inventory, dispensed volumes, etc. The systems can be based off of Siemens or Delta V. [ ] 9 www.jatrodiesel.com www.jatrodiesel.com
[ a d di t i o n a l s e r v i c e s • Automation items delivered as part of this package: • All panels (electrical, automation and instrument panels) • Instrumentation (valves, flow meters, indicators, etc). Most of the equipment is, flame proof/or intrinsically safe • Programming • Automation software, computer hardware, panels, HMIs, PLCs and wiring • Labor to install the instruments • Testing and documentation. • All Automation valves will have limit switches . • We train your staff on manual checking of the valves for any drop in performance and also, deliver the equipment to check the valves manually to do periodic checks. Additional Services • For On-Site Plant Manager support for 6 months. The cost will be $19,900 per month. The price includes all expenses and regular 8 hour shift per day on all working days. The person apart from managing the plant operations will also train other employees on the operations. • Training, Startup and any other requested engineering tasks outside the scope at $125/hr plus expenses, travel time charged at half the rate per person. 1 Items NOT Included in Project Costs or Estimates • Land • Building (actual structure) lighting inside the structure, HVAC, main electrical drops, Tank pads, loading station containment walls, roof related expense, changes due to permitting process, water lines, etc.) – all drawings will be provided to your civil engineer about our requirements • Any infrastructural changes • Insulation and heat tracing - rough estimate provided above • Grounding of all equipment including process equipment (rough estimate above) • Permits –permits such as zoning, building, process, EPA, are not included • Any Insurance, customer or local authorities or codes driven changes to the process • Startup of the plant (between 3 to 5 weeks for two personnel). Rates per above • Training (typically takes 2 to 3 weeks). Rates per above. NOTE 1: See Page 6 for cost estimates [ ] 10 www.jatrodiesel.com www.jatrodiesel.com
[ p r o j e c t i m p l e m e n t a t i o n Implementation Method Engineering and Technology provider – Jatrodiesel will provide all the relevant drawings (PFDs, Simulations, 3D drawings, P&IDs, etc) and information for the implementation of the project. Jatrodiesel will be paid the Engineering and License fee. All aspects of the project implementation is performed by the customer with Jatrodiesel’s support. Jatrodiesel will supply at least one supplier of various project equipment with quotes. And Customer is free to use them and further negotiate or get additional quotes for the equipment from other vendors per the specifications provided by Jatrodiesel. Weekly meetings are arranged to track the progress. Jatrodiesel will travel multiple times to the plant location to provide guidance as and when needed by the Customer’s Project Manager. Jatrodieselwill provide the Training and Startup after the plant construction. Other Services Offered (as part of the project) • Help with the supply chain (feedstock, biodiesel, chemicals, and glycerin) • Permit process – we provide all the relevant information • Project support locally with the permitting authority, but execution has to be performed by the customer • Advice for interviewing, recruiting and training the operators. Payment Terms • JatrodieselEngineering and Technology fee: • 10 installments of various sizes, with 5% retention at the end to be paid after the conformance of the process guarantees. • Any equipment provided by Jatrodiesel : • 50% payment upon signing of contract for JD equipment • 45% upon the arrival of JD equipment on-site • 5% after completion of installation, testing, training, and certification but before production. [ ] 11 www.jatrodiesel.com www.jatrodiesel.com
[ s u m m a r y Summary The project estimate provided on Page 4 of $7,536,000 includes the total all-in project cost for the process equipment, including storage tanks and labor and as further described on Page 11. However, we have estimated other additional cost, but dependent on the customer’s facilities and these estimates are on Page 4 for $2,100,450 include the costs for the land, building, building modifications/improvements, insulation, grounding, pump pads, storage containment walls, and any outside additions such as laying of a road or a rail spur. Also, Jatrodieselsuggests using a local engineer or a permitting consultant to work with the local environmental or regulatory agency (as these vary greatly by state and locality). With our prior experience in implementing similar projects in various states (MI, OH, NE, IL, NY, PA, MD, WI, and CA), we can provide guidance on the engineering, and permitting issues on the Federal level from EPA and other regulatory bodies on both process equipment and electrical/automation instrumentation requirements. Please feel free to call with any of your questions or comments. We look forward in joining you to complete this worthwhile biodiesel processing system. Sincerely, Raj MosaliCEO [ ] 12 www.jatrodiesel.com www.jatrodiesel.com
[ a p p e n d i x A Advantages and disadvantages of Biodiesel Distillation • Advantages of Clear Solution (distillation): • Product homogeneity - whatever the feedstock, the product will always look the same • Biodiesel will look colorless (color of water -with a very faint tinge) • Excellent marketability • Superior quality for Biodiesel for both virgin and animal feedstock • Exceeds most critical ASTM standards by a significant margin • Effective against high sulfur feedstocks such as tallow, YG, poultry fat, animal fat renderings. Will reduce 60 ppm Sulfur to less than 10 ppm • Stand out in the market for providing superior product compared to others • Margins will be higher as you no additives required • All distilled product meets Biodiesel’s ASTM 6751-12 Cold Soak Filtration test. • Disadvantages of Clear Solution (distillation): • Slightly higher cost of energy • 1 to 1.5% loss of the product as a column bottom. (This product can be used as heating oil or as a boiler fuel). [ ] 13 www.jatrodiesel.com www.jatrodiesel.com
[ a p p e n d i x B Estimated Project Schedule [ ] 14 www.jatrodiesel.com www.jatrodiesel.com