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. Language. The simple past tense. 汇景实验学校 孔朝阳. Last Friday I ______ for the ferry . Suddenly two women _______ with a man.One woman ____ me three man ______ her purse. And two of them ___ away. The man ____ out his bag. But she ______ not find her purse.

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  1. .. Language The simple past tense 汇景实验学校 孔朝阳

  2. Last Friday I ______ for the ferry . Suddenly two women _______ with a man.One woman ____ me three man ______ her purse. And two of them ___ away. The man ____ out his bag. But she ______ not find her purse. I had an idea. I _____ not get on the ferry. I _____ to an ice cream shop and quickily ______it to the police. I _____ across the river on the next ferry. The police ___ there in time! The man ____ in handcuffs. waited (wait) (argue) argued (tell) told stole (steal) (run) ran held hold (can) could did (do) hurried (hurry) reported (report) (go) went got (get) (be) was

  3. The simple past tense (一般过去时) 意义:表示过去时间里发生的事情。

  4. The simple past tenseThings to remember: • We add -ed to most regular verbs:eg: show looked ed ed 2.We only add -d to verbs ending in -e: eg: notice move d d 3.We change the -y to -i and add ed to most verbs ending in -y: carr hurr y ied y ied 4.We double the final consonants and add –ed to some verbs: stop dial p ed l ed

  5. 5. Many verbs are irregular in form.We do not add -ed: was/ were drove brought fell bought got could gave came went did heard

  6. knew saw spoke met stood left put stole took rode ran taught wore said

  7. We can use the simple past tense to refer things happening in the past. report report ed What did Sun Fei’s father do? He reported to the police. (肯定句) Did he report to the police? (一般疑问句) He didn’t report to the police. (否定句)

  8. We can use the simple past tense to refer things happening in the past. hold out held out What did the man do? The man held out his bag. (肯定句) (一般疑问句) Did the man hold out his bag? The man didn’t hold out his bag. (否定句)

  9. Use the correct form to complete the report: Yesterday,a robbery took place at the famousrestaurant,the Pizza Palace.At two thirty,two men(1)____(go)into the Pizza Palace.They(2) ______(carry)guns.Another member of the gang,a woman,(3)____(wait)outside in the car. The robbers(4)____(not take)any money,but they(5)____(take) a lot of Pizzsas.They ran towards their car,but they(6)____(fall) into a hole in the road.The woman tried to (7)_____(drive)away.However,three policemen (8)_____(arrive) in time and (9)_____(catch)the members of the gang. This is the world’s first pizzarobbery. carried went waited didn’t take took fell drove arrived caught

  10. B Time expression for the past We often use the simple past tense with adverbialexpressions referring to past time: eg: yesterday an hour ago last Monday ……

  11. What day was it? What was the date ? yesterday September Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 2930 three days ago last weekend two weeks ago last Friday the day before yesterday

  12. Time for a race!4 or 6 in a group. eg: an hour ago T:basketball S1:play basketball S2:played basketball S3:…played basketball. S4:…played basketball + past time. S5:…played basketball + place + past time . S6:…played basketball + adv + place + past time.

  13. Time for a race!(4 or 6 in a group) yesterday morning Ready? Go! T:S1: S2: S3: S4: S5: S6: homework …...homework ……homework ……homework. …… homework+past time. ……homework +place+past time. ……homework+adv+place+past time

  14. Time for your own!Remember what others said and say yours! last night Rules(规则)You can put in:one word one phrase one sentences

  15. Write a short passage in 50-80words,remember to use the simple past tense last Sunday 参考词汇:go climbing, put on, bring some fruits, take a bus, see trees and flowers, take photos…

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