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The 2012 EuroStat Regional Yearbook for Semantic Interoperability

The 2012 EuroStat Regional Yearbook for Semantic Interoperability. Dr. Brand Niemann Director and Senior Enterprise Architect – Data Scientist Semantic Community http://semanticommunity.info/ AOL Government Blogger http://gov.aol.com/bloggers/brand-niemann/ November 5, 2012

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The 2012 EuroStat Regional Yearbook for Semantic Interoperability

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  1. The 2012 EuroStatRegional Yearbook for Semantic Interoperability Dr. Brand Niemann Director and Senior Enterprise Architect – Data Scientist Semantic Community http://semanticommunity.info/ AOL Government Blogger http://gov.aol.com/bloggers/brand-niemann/ November 5, 2012 http://semanticommunity.info/Build_SEMIC.EU_in_the_Cloud/2012_Eurostat_Regional_Yearbook

  2. Start by Asking Questions • What does it take to achieve semantic interoperability? • What have I done before? • Who has already achieved semantic interoperability with data? • What does semantic interoperability look like in an interoperability interface? • What tools support semantic interoperability?

  3. Then Look for the Evidence • What does it take to achieve semantic interoperability? • Semantic index of linked unstructured and structured data and standard data element definitions across multiple data sets. • What have I done before? • Pilot for Semantic Interoperability Centre for Europe in Keynote at 2011 SEMIC.EU Conference. • Who has already achieved semantic interoperability with data? • EuroStat in their 2012 Regional Yearbook. • What does semantic interoperability look like in an interoperability interface? • See use of MindTouch and Spotfire in these slides. • What tools support semantic interoperability? • See use of MindTouch and Spotfire in these slides. • Note that Be Informed could also be used like the European Patent Office and Dutch Immigration Service.

  4. Begin With the End In Mind(Stephen Covey) • Story (publicity and money) • Research Notes (document what I did and learned) • Conditioned Data Sets (added value) • Spotfire Dashboard (cool visualizations) • Build on my Keynote to the 2011 SEMIC.EU Conference (help them learn what a data scientist/data journalist does)

  5. My 5-Step Method • So what I like to do to illustrate (data science) and explain (data journalism) is the following (like a recipe): • Put the Best Content into a Knowledge Base (e.g. MindTouch) • The 2012 EuroStat Regional Yearbook • Put the Knowledge Base into a Spreadsheet (Excel) • Linked Data to Subparts of the Knowledge Base • Put the Spreadsheet into a Dashboard (Spotfire) • Data Integration and Interoperability Interface • Put the Dashboard into a Semantic Model (Excel) • Data Dictionaries and Models • Put the Semantic Model into Dynamic Case Management (Be Informed) • Structured Process for Updating Data in the Dashboard

  6. 2012 EuroStat Regional Yearbook http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/publications/regional_yearbook

  7. Knowledge Base in MindTouch Note: One can search the entire document and attachments. http://semanticommunity.info/Build_SEMIC.EU_in_the_Cloud/2012_Eurostat_Regional_Yearbook

  8. Knowledge Base in MindTouch Note: The attachments all have URLs http://semanticommunity.info/Build_SEMIC.EU_in_the_Cloud/2012_Eurostat_Regional_Yearbook

  9. 2012 EuroStat Regional YearbookTable of Contents in MediaWiki http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics_explained/index.php/Eurostat_regional_yearbook

  10. 2012 EuroStat Regional YearbookPopulation Statistics in MediaWiki http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics_explained/index.php/Population_statistics_at_regional_level

  11. 2012 EuroStat Regional YearbookPopulation Statistics in Viewer Note: Nothing seems to happen when I mouse over the map. http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistical-atlas/gis/viewer/

  12. Knowledge Base in Spreadsheet http://semanticommunity.info/@api/deki/files/19835/EuroStat2012.XLS

  13. Inventory in Spreadsheet http://semanticommunity.info/@api/deki/files/19835/EuroStat2012.XLS

  14. Files in Spreadsheet http://semanticommunity.info/@api/deki/files/19835/EuroStat2012.XLS

  15. Economic Map Data in Spreadsheet http://semanticommunity.info/@api/deki/files/19835/EuroStat2012.XLS

  16. 2012 EuroStat Regional Yearbook Maps in PDF http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/publications/regional_yearbook

  17. 2012 EuroStat Regional Yearbook Maps in MindTouch Note: Maps have a specific URL – They are Linked Data! http://semanticommunity.info/Build_SEMIC.EU_in_the_Cloud/2012_Eurostat_Regional_Yearbook#Map_2.1:_Population_density.2C_by_NUTS_3_regions.2C_2010_(.C2.B9)_(inhabitants_per_km.C2.B2)

  18. 2012 EuroStat Regional YearbookLive Data http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=demo_r_d3dens&lang=en

  19. 2012 EuroStat Regional YearbookData Downloads http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/setupDownloads.do

  20. 2012 EuroStat Regional Yearbook Population Maps in Spotfire https://silverspotfire.tibco.com/us/library#/users/bniemann/Public?EuroStats2012-Spotfire

  21. 2012 EuroStat Regional Yearbook Territorial Topologies Maps in Spotfire MY NOTE: I get a different result, but there seems to be a reason. https://silverspotfire.tibco.com/us/library#/users/bniemann/Public?EuroStats2012-Spotfire

  22. 2012 EuroStat Regional YearbookCover Page https://silverspotfire.tibco.com/us/library#/users/bniemann/Public?EuroStats2012-Spotfire

  23. 2012 EuroStat Regional YearbookFocus on Coastal Regions https://silverspotfire.tibco.com/us/library#/users/bniemann/Public?EuroStats2012-Spotfire

  24. Conclusions and Suggestions • A semantic index of linked unstructured and structured data and standard data element definitions across multiple data sets was created. • This builds on the pilot for the Semantic Interoperability Centre for Europe keynote at the 2011 SEMIC.EU Conference. • EuroStat has already achieved semantic interoperability with their 2012 Regional Yearbook. • Semantic interoperability in an interoperability interface looks like the use of MindTouch and Spotfire in these slides. • MindTouch and Spotfire are tools that support semantic interoperability. Be Informed could also be used like for the European Patent Office and Dutch Immigration Service.

  25. Extra Slides • Boundary Files (Shape into Spotfire): • NUTS_SEPA_LI_2010 • NUTS_BN_60M_2010 • NUTS_JOIN_LI_2010 • NUTS_LB_2010 • NUTS_RG_60M_2010 • Source: • See next slide

  26. Administrative Units / Statistical Units in MindTouch http://semanticommunity.info/Build_SEMIC.EU_in_the_Cloud/2012_Eurostat_Regional_Yearbook#Administrative_units_.2F_Statistical_units

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