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THE INCREASE OF EARWIG POPULATION IN KARAMAN. INTRODUCTION OF EARWIGS It is a comman urban legend that earwigs crawl into the human ear and lay eggs in the brain . Most earwigs are flattened with an elongated body generally 7–50 mm long . A female earwig can lay
INTRODUCTION OF EARWIGSItis a comman urban legendthatearwigscrawlintothehumanearandlayeggs in thebrain. • Most earwigs are flattened with an elongated body generally 7–50 mm long. • A femaleearwig can lay upto 50 eggs at one time.
Duringwinterstheygo 6 to 7 feet underground tosurvivethedryness. Earwigsoftenhideamongpetalsorleaves of gardenplantsor inside damagedfruit. Theyhide inside shrubs, alongfences, in woodpilesandaroundbases of trees.
Theylikesmall, moistycrevices. Theyhidethemselvesduringthedayandareactive at night.
Earwigsfeed on plantstypicallyinclude • Lettuce • Cauliflower • Sunflowers
Theyalsofeed on ripefruit StrawberriesPeach GrapePlum
Earwigsareconsideredhelpfulwhentheyeataphidsandotherplantpests.Earwigsareconsideredhelpfulwhentheyeataphidsandotherplantpests. AphidsPlantpests
Activitiescarriedoutduringtheproject Therewere a lot of earwigs in thesummer vocation. Inourhouses, gardens, underbarks, in short, theywereeverywhere. Theyweresomanythatwefeltas ifour houseswereinvadedbythem.
Ouraimwastoinvestigatethereasonsfortheincrease of thispopulation in KARAMAN. Forthisreasonwecollectedsomeearwigsand startedtofeedthem in a fanus at thelaboratory.
Inordertolearnthereasonsfortheincrease of thispopulationwewentto the agricultural department (of a city) andmade an interviewwiththecompetentauthorities. Welearnedthat: • Earwigsgetnumbbelow -1(°C)andabove 35(°C) • Theyprefertolivebetween +10(°C) /+35(°C)
Accordingtoincreasing of seasonaltemperature in 2010, population of earwigsalsoincreased. • Wealsolearnedthatthewarmwinters of therecentyearsincreasedtheamount of reproductive of theearwigs.
The average temperature in Turkey in general2009-2010 As shown in thechartbelow, as general, in 2010 seasonaltemperaturevalueswereincreased. TEMPERATURE (°C)
RAINFALL (mm) We canalso see the increase in the amount of rainfall in previous years (from 1970 to 2009) in Karaman. YEARS (from 1970 to 2009)
The amount of rainfall in theMiddleAnatoliaRegion • RAINFALL (mm)
Theresultsachieved: • As a result, due to global warming, air temperatures haveincreased in Karamanandearwigshavealsoincreasedtheirbreeding. • Due to the increase in rainfall, tomeetthe nutritional needs,plantvarietieshavealsoincreased. • These two factors increased the earwig population.