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CBHFA PMER update Actualización de PMER en SPAC. November/ Noviembre 2013. ?. What is PMER? What is PMER tool kit ? Why ? ¿Qué es PMER? ¿Qué es el kit de herramientas PMER? ¿Por qué?. PMER . Objectives of this session
CBHFA PMER updateActualización de PMER en SPAC November/Noviembre 2013
? Whatis PMER? Whatis PMER tool kit? Why?¿Qué es PMER? ¿Qué es el kit de herramientas PMER? ¿Por qué?
PMER Objectives of this session • to inform about the PMER toolkit update process and the updated tools • to have an overview of the tools • to share from evaluations done in America • to analyse situation/needs in PMER and … • To define next steps (traducción al español?)
CBHFA PMER Toolkit October 2010: AP CBHFA workshop - Lessons learnt and M&E October 2009: CBHFA M&E workshop 2010: Tools developed (consultant) Pilot testing the tools January 2011: Launchof toolkit
CBHFA PMER Toolkit May-July 2013: Desk review of reports; conducting interviews, feed-back through questionnaires 2011-2012: Using tools in programming October 2013: Update finalized November 18-21, 2013: CBHFA workshop Panamá
PMER • Erase una vez en América • Once upon a time in América
Process • Desk review (7 reports from Global/Regional meetings; comments/feed-back received) • Questionnaire(35 completed from NS, IFRC staff/31 using the toolkit) • Interviews (16 interviews with NS CBHFA focal persons, IFRC staff)
Most and least important tools (N=31)Herramientasmás/menosimportantes
PMER toolkit overviewHerramientas de PMER (n=29) Usefulness / Utilidad Layout / Diseño
Indicator guideGuia de Indicadores(n=30) Usefulness Utilidad Language/writing Lenguaje/Escritura
Indicator guide (n=30)Guia de Indicadores Layout Diseño
Volunteer record book (n=22)Libro de registro del voluntario Usefulness Utilidad Language/writing Lenguaje/escritura
Baseline/endline questionnaire (n=28)Cuestionario de línea de base/final Usefulness Utilidad
Baseline/endline questionnaireCuestionario de línea de base/final Language/writing Lenguaje/ escritura
????????? • How do you PMER in yournationalsocieties? • Como PMER ustedes en sus sociedades nacionales?
CBHFA PMER KIT OVERVIEWKIT DE PMER: VISION GENERAL • What: basics of setting up and using a monitoring and evaluation system for CBHFA programmes. • Clarifies what monitoring and evaluation are • How you plan to do M&E, design a system that helps you monitor and an evaluation process • Helps in selecting appropriate indicators for various CBHFA topics and tools to measure them. • Why: Help CBHFA managers to effectively plan, implement and report community health programmes.
CBHFA PMER KIT OVERVIEW • Who: This toolkit should be useful to anyone working in CBHFA, who is concerned about the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of the work of the programme • When: CBHFA programmes MOMENTS • in planning and designing • in preparinglogframes • in selecting appropriate indicators • in setting up monitoring and reporting systems • in evaluation (baseline and endline).
Tableof contents 1 • 0. CBHFA PMER ToolkitOverview • 1. Planningtools/templates • 1.1 CONCEPT PAPER Template • 1.2 ProposalTemplate • 1.3 Logicalframework (logframe) template • 1.4 CBHFA Indicator Guide • 1.5 M&E Plan template • 1.6 Plan of action template
Table of contents 2 • 2. Monitoringtools/templates: • 2.1 A RECORD BOOK FOR COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS • 2.2 Home visit guide • 2.3 SupportiveSupervisionchecklist • 2.4 Community health committee visit and community satisfaction checklist
Table of contents 3 • 3. Evaluationtools/templates 66 • 3.1 BASELINE / ENDLINE SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE • 3.2 Survey data entry • 4. Reportingtools/templates • 4.1 Community Level Monthly Report • 4.2 Community Progress Report – CBHFA • 4.3 Branch Monthly CBHFA Report • 4.4 Indicator tracking table (ITT)
Overall changes / Cambios 1 • All tools in “one book”/ Todasherramientas en “un manual” • In collaboration with PED / Colaboración con PED • Streamlined with other IFRC PMER tools/ racionalizado con otrasherramientas de PMER de FICR • Corrections; consistency / Correcciones;consistencia • Language simplified /Simplificación de lenguaje
Changes / Cambios 2 • Repeated information and annexes removed/ Eliminadosanexos e informaciónrepetida • Links to tools and reference material inserted/ Enlaces a herram. y material de referencia • Case study guide and survey guide/Guiade estudios de caso y guia de encuestas • Tool for data entry for baseline-endline questionnaire added/ Herram. paraentrada de datos del cuestionario de linea de base/
Changes /Cambios 3 Overview: • the “boxes” containing the “what, who, where, when” kept • most of the accompanying text moved to respective section and/or tool • a link to the respective tool inserted next to each “box” • links to IFRC reference material inserted
1. Planning tools and templates • Concept paper template • Proposal template • Logframe template • Indicator guide • M&E plan template • Plan of action template
Proposal Template Community Health / CBHFA Cover page (1 page) Includes project name, project duration, partners and a photo Summary table(1 page, similar to the concept paper) Table of contents (1 page, table) Abbreviations(1 page, table) 1. Executive summary (1-2 pages) Summarize the entire project. Explain why the project is necessary, what the problem is, who the people affected are and how the project will contribute to the solution. Provide goal and outcomes, a summary of key activities and required resources (human, financial and other). Describe how the project will be monitored and evaluated. Briefly outline the capacity of the national society to implement the project. 2. Background, assessment, finding (2-4 pages) Briefly describe the region/district including population, economic, socio-political, security etc. where the project will be carried out. Outline the main needs, capacities and resources of the target population and the approach used for the assessment. Summarize the nature of the problem; identify the causes of these problems and potential effects or consequences if not addressed. 3. Overview of target area and beneficiary population(1 page) Briefly describe the location of the proposed project and explain why and how this area was chosen. Describe the target population and why they are targeted. Include beneficiary estimates broken down by gender where available. Describe what kind of consultation with or participation of the target population occurred.
4. Project objectives (3 pages) Explain why the goal, outcomes and outputs have been chosen to be tackled by the project. The reasoning should be linked to the needs assessment, situation and problem analysis. Include consultation with or participation of the population if this occurred. Include the project logframe in the annex. 5. HNS and partner(s) roles and responsibilities(2 pages) Describe HNS and partners roles and responsibilities, the project team, i.e. staff, volunteers, etc. 6. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting (2-3 pages) Outline the main approaches to the monitoring and evaluation of the project. The M&E plan should outline how data from monitoring and evaluation will be collected, analysed and reported. Follow the six steps to M&E planning described in the in “IFRC Project/programme monitoring and evaluation (M&E) guide” and use the M&E plan template in this toolkit. 7. Capacity Building(1/2 page) Describe how this project will contribute to building HNS capacity and any key capacity building activities necessary to support the implementation of the project. 8. Sustainability(1 page) Describe how key activities will continue after project funding ends OR describe how the impact of the project will continue after key funding and critical activities end. 9. Coordination/Partnership(1 page) Outline who the different partners are, who reports to who, and what is the role of each party. Briefly describe how coordination among the various local and international humanitarian / government organizations working in the area will be carried out. 10. Cross-Cuttingissues (1 page) e.g. Gender Equity, Accountability to Beneficiaries... 11. Plan of action overview(1/2 page) 12. Budget overview(1/2 page) Appendices
INDICATORS Programmearea 1 CBHFA General indicators 2 CBHFA Technicalindicators 2.1 Basic first aid and injury prevention (Module 4) 2.2 Community mobilisation in major emergencies (Module 5) 2.3 Family planning (Module 6, topic 2) 2.4 Safe motherhood (Module 6, topic 3) 2.4 Care of a newborn (Module 6, topic 4) 2.6 Nutrition (Module 6, topic5) 2.7 Immunization and vaccination campaigns ( Module 6, topic 6) 2.8 Safe water, hygiene and sanitation (Module 6, topic 7) … 2.19 Noncummunicablediseases (Module 8) 2.20 Violence prevention (Module 9)
2. Monitoring tools • Volunteer record book • Volunteer’s home visit guide • Supportive supervision checklist • Community health committee visit and community satisfaction checklist
Core principles of good messages Principiosclave parabuenosmensajes Communicate a benefit Comunicar un beneficio Keep it simple Mensajesencillo Call to action Invitandoa la acción
Volunteer record book continued Topics I discussed during household visits and in group meetings:__________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ I talked to the community about adopting a healthy behavior :____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Who I talked to in the community:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ How I provided support to the community: _______________________________________________________________________________ Messages I communicated in the community: _______________________________________________________________________________ Topics I discussed when distributing IEC material: _______________________________________________________________________________ I need support for: __________________________________________________________________________________________
3. Evaluation tools • Survey questionnaire/ Cuestionario • Data entry for baseline/endline questionnaire /Entrada de datospara el cuestionario de linea de base/fin
4. Reporting tools • Community level monthly report • Community progress report – reporting back to the community • Branch monthly report • Indicator Tracking Table