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The Gentle And Just Servant

The Gentle And Just Servant. …A dimly burning wick He will not extinguish…. The Background. Book can be divided up much like the Testaments. First 39 contain judgments, discuss problem of sin. Last 27 contain messages of good news and hope. Isaiah talks of special servant called Messiah.

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The Gentle And Just Servant

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  1. The Gentle And Just Servant …A dimly burning wick He will not extinguish…

  2. The Background • Book can be divided up much like the Testaments. • First 39 contain judgments, discuss problem of sin. • Last 27 contain messages of good news and hope. • Isaiah talks of special servant called Messiah. • Servant would succeed everywhere Israel failed. • Seemingly contradictory statements about this servant led many to believe there had to be 2!

  3. The Servant Songs • First Song: The Gentle And Just Servant. • Isa. 42:1-4 • Second Song: The Chosen Light and Mighty Servant. • Isa. 49:1-13 • Third Song: The Obedient And Humiliated Servant. • Isa. 50:4-11 • Fourth Song: The Suffering And Sacrificed Servant. • Isa. 52:13-53:12

  4. A Closer Look At This Song • Chosen by God. • God delights in Him. • God’s Spirit was upon Him. • He would bring justice to nations. • He would be incredibly gentle. (Matt. 12:17-21) • He wouldn’t be crushed until He had established justice. • He will be bringing a new law. Isaiah 42:1-4

  5. The Lord’s Message To His Servant • I called you, I will watch over you. • I will appoint you as covenant; light. • Luke 2:32, Rom. 15:12 • Your mission: heal blind, release captives. • See also Isa. 61, Luke 4:18, Isaiah 42:5-7

  6. The Need For A Gentle Servant • God’s people were: • Blind • Deaf • Facing rugged obstacles • Idolaters • Imprisoned • Law breakers • Unaware God was trying to teach them a lesson. Isaiah 42:8-25

  7. The Message For Us • God’s chosen ruler was a gentle and just servant. How do we act as His followers? • Jesus came to free people from sin and blindness. Have we taken advantage of this?

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