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Ventyx LinkOne

Ventyx LinkOne. Beginner Publisher Tools Training. Welcome to Beginning Publisher Tools Training. Trainer Kevin Christensen Training Conventions: [Button] – Text in square brackets indicates a button to be pressed <Tab> - Text in chevrons indicates a tab is to be selected

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Ventyx LinkOne

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  1. Ventyx LinkOne Beginner Publisher Tools Training

  2. Welcome to Beginning Publisher Tools Training Trainer Kevin Christensen Training Conventions: [Button] – Text in square brackets indicates a button to be pressed <Tab> - Text in chevrons indicates a tab is to be selected (Radion Button) – Text in parentheses indicates a radio button to be selected Text to be Typed – Text in the courier font indicates text that needs to be typed File > Exit – Text in Italics indicates menu items to be selected

  3. Beginner Publisher Course Concepts • Mincom Applications • Publishing Process • Create LinkOne Source Data • Building a LinkOne Book • Viewing and Enhancing a LinkOne Book • The objective of this course is each student will be able build and enhance a simple LinkOne parts book and maintenance manual at the completion of the course.

  4. Mincom Applications Book Information Editor The Book Information Editor is the application used to create the Book.inf file. A book.inf is required for each book, the book.inf file defines the characteristics of the book.

  5. Mincom Applications Hotpoint Each page in a LinkOne Book must have a List Definition File (*.ldf). Hotpoint is the application used for creating the ldf files, either to display parts information, documents, pictures, it is also used to assign the hotpoints for graphic callouts.

  6. Mincom Applications Book Builder Book Builder is the application used for processing the source data and creating the target book that is used by LinkOne WinView to display the book.

  7. Mincom Applications Locksmith When a book is published, Locks can be applied to the entire book or certain functions, Locksmith is the app used for generating Security Keys to unlock Security Locks on books.

  8. Publishing Process The Mincom LinkOne Publishing Process The Mincom LinkOne Publishing Process involves the same steps as those associated with the creation of a paper manual. These steps involve planning, structuring, creating pages, defining assemblies, and formatting. However LinkOne’s added functionality also means that links, searches and other information can be added to a manual to assist the user in easily accessing information that they require in order to complete maintenance and requisitioning tasks. Creating LinkOne Source Data The creation of LinkOne Source Data can be done in a number of ways. Extracted from a desktop publishing software, ERP systems, or entered directly into LinkOne etc. During this course we will enter our data using Hotpoint and Microsoft Excel.

  9. Publishing Process Publishing a Parts Book Task: You are required to create a book for ordering parts for the S1000D spinning reel for the RealCast company. You have been supplied graphics for the reels and csv (comma separated variable) files for the Bill of Material data. File Structure Concepts: The File structure of LinkOne Books is very important in regards to both building books and Viewing Books. The source book structure is made up of a number of directories that correctly organize source data for any number of Publishers with any numbers of books. LinkOne Directory In the example, the ‘LinkOne’ Directory is the Book Location Directory and will keep all of both the source and target files in one location.

  10. Publishing Process File Structure - Continued SrcbooksDirectory The Srcbooks directory is the directory where all the source data for all the books that have been published are located. Publisher Directory The Publisher directory is the directory that signifies the Publisher who the books belong to. This directory is named the same as the Publisher Code that is assigned to the publisher. Book Directory The Book directory contains all the source files for one book. This directory sits underneath the publisher directory for the company the book belongs to. This directory is the same as the Book Code that is assigned for unique identification of the book.

  11. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 1 – Creating Source Folder Created files are known as the “Source Book” and are placed in the Source Books directory Using Windows Explorer create the directory structure shown below.

  12. Publishing Process Book.inf File Concepts: In order to build a LinkOne book, every book must have a Book.inf File. This file must be called Book.inf and sit inside the Source Book Directory. The Book.inf file has 4 mandatory fields Publisher Code The Publisher Code is an 8 Character Code that uniquely identifies the Publisher who owns the book. Mincom may have assigned the Publisher Code, at the time a Company’s LinkOne Publisher System was purchased. The code placed in this file must match the Publisher code associated with the Customers Publishing License and the publisher directory in the source book directory. Publisher Description The Publisher Description is typically the full name of the company. The Publisher Description is what is displayed in the Browse Books Dialog in LinkOne WinView for the end user to see and identify. Book Code The Book Code is an 8 Character Code that uniquely identifies the book. This code must match the book directory in the Source Book directory structure. Book Description The Book Description is effectively the Book Title and is displayed under the Publisher Description in the Browse Books dialog, so that the user can identify the book.

  13. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 2 – Creating a book.inf file We will now create a book.inf for a fictional company called RealCast who makes fishing equipment. Start the Book Information Editor via Start>All Programs>Mincom LinkOne Publisher and fill out the fields as shown below. Save the book.inf file to: “My Documents\srcbooks\realcast\S1000P”

  14. Publishing Process LDF (List Definition Files) Concepts: Every Page in a LinkOne Book must have a List Definition File. This file is a comma delimited text file that contains a number of Records. The only mandatory record is a LIST Record LIST Record The List Record contains information that is used to identify the list. The details contained in here are List Fields. The List fields that appear in this record are the Page Title, Page Reference and Page Number. The Page Reference is the main field in this record as it uniquely identifies this page. The Page Reference field is referenced elsewhere in a book or books for linking to this page. Other Information The ldf file also contains information regarding what is to appear on the page. If the page is a parts listing, then the line items in the list are defined as Entries within the ldf file as ENTRY records. Pictures and Hotpoints that are to be associated with the list are recorded as PICTURE and ZONE Records. If a document is to be displayed in this page the document link is recorded as a DATAOBJECT Record. File naming Conventions File naming conventions assist during LinkOne Publishing by providing a way to automatically associate lists, graphics and overlays. In order to use file-naming conventions, planning needs to be made into the file naming methodology used.

  15. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 3 – Creating Ldf (List Definition Files) Start Microsoft Excel and open file: “My Documents\RealCast\Reels\s1000d parts\s1000d.xls”

  16. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 3 – Creating Ldf (List Definition Files) ClickLDF Generator > Save Sheets as LDF on the menu bar and select folder “My Documents\Source Books\RealCast\S1000P” and click the [OK] button.

  17. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 3 – Creating Ldf (List Definition Files) Our source book directory should now contain 4 files; book.inf and three LDF files

  18. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 4 – Adding Pictures and Hotpointing Copy the highlighted 3 images from: “My Documents\RealCast\Reels\s1000d parts” TO “My Documents\Source Books\RealCast\S1000P”

  19. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 4 – Adding Pictures and Hotpointing Start the HotPoint via Start>Programs>Mincom LinkOne Publisher application and open “My Documents\Source Books\RealCast\S1000P\S-00001.LDF”

  20. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 4 – Adding Pictures and Hotpointing Click Hotpointing>Hotpoint Current Picture… and make sure that the (Rectangular) option is selected. The Hotpointing application will OCR the picture and create hot spot zones. Perform the same actions for: “My Documents\Source Books\RealCast\S1000P\S-00002.LDF”

  21. Publishing Process Book Building Concepts: When a Publisher creates the source files for a book, theses files need to be processed and the target files created in order to create a book that can be viewed. Book Building is the process used to do this. Book Builder uses the picture files, parts list files and the book information file (BOOK.INF) as its input and produces target or production books into the specified target book directories. Setting Directory Paths The Source Book directory defines to the Book Builder application where all the files are located for building into a book. The Target Directory as previously defined, follows a similar directory structure to the source book directory. Book Builder will process all of the target files into this directory.

  22. Publishing Process • Book Building • Concepts – (Continued): • Build Mode • You can Build: • For internet Delivery, release or draft • With Maximum Compression, release or draft (Book Builder automatically compresses multi-file books into single files, and automatically expands single file books into multi-file when doing incremental updates). • A Release/Draft Build • If you build in Draft mode the pages do not count against your licensed quota. If you build in release mode then all lists, pictures and documents will be counted and subtracted from your annual page count. • Each graphic counts as one ‘page’ and every 30 list entries count as one ‘page’ against the annual quota. Your count is reset each year on the anniversary date of your first install. • If you build a Draft mode then a message to that effect will display when the book is opened in the Viewer, and upon opening every page in the LinkOne book. • Compatibility • You can choose between different versions of LinkOne to control what version of LinkOne WinView can view the book.

  23. Publishing Process Book Building Concepts – (Continued): Types of Builds Test Build When you press the Test Only button, Book Builder does a test build. It goes through the entire book build process without processing any graphics or writing anything to the target directory. The Book Builder application will generate a error log to inform the publisher of any issues found during the test build process. Incremental Build When you press the Incremental button, Book Builder will only process graphics and write files to the target directory for any list where one of its source files (LDF, document or graphic) has changed since the last incremental or Total build. Since processing graphics is the most time consuming part of the book building process, the method is faster than a Total Build when most of the source book is unchanged. Total Build When you press the Total button, Book Builder will process and write the entire target book. All obsolete files will be deleted from the Target directory.

  24. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 5– Building a LinkOne Book Open the BookBuilder application via the Start>Programs>Mincom LinkOne Publisher menu. Set the Source: to “My Documents\Source Books\RealCast\S1000P\Book.inf” using the [Browse…] button

  25. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 5– Building a LinkOne Book In the Target box type “C:\Documents and Settings\trainxx\My Documents\LinkOne\Books\RealCast\S1000P” (where trainxx is your user id) and set the other options as shown and click the [Test Only] button.

  26. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 5– Building a LinkOne Book The book will now be built and the items will be audited with the zones created when we hotpointed the pictures. After the book build we see that an error occurred during the build. Click [Yes] to view the error log.

  27. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 5– Building a LinkOne Book Start the HotPoint application via the Start>Programs>Mincom LinkOne Publisher menu, and open “My Documents\Source Books\RealCast\S1000P\S-00001.LDF” and manually hotpoint item 34

  28. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 5– Building a LinkOne Book Hotpoint also sometimes recognizes certain patterns as numbers incorrectly. The hotpoint “5” shown here is an example. Click the hotpoint and then click the [Delete] button. There is another issue on this graphic – can you find it?

  29. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 5– Building a LinkOne Book Perform another [Test Only] build and if there are no errors change the “Build Mode” to “Release” and perform a [Total] build.

  30. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 6 – Viewing the Book Start LinkOne WinView via the Start>Programs>Mincom LinkOne menu And open the RealCast Fishing Equipment > Reels > S1000D Spinning Reel Parts book

  31. Publishing Process Publishing Documents Concepts: Documents can be used in LinkOne to create service, repair and maintenance manuals. These service procedures can be linked to parts listings to link procedures with the parts required to complete such tasks. The documents that can be used in a LinkOne book are XML, HTML, DOC and PDF. These Documents are embedded into the target book and are distributed with the LinkOne Manual. Task: You are required to create a book for maintaining the S1000D spinning reel. The documentation to be published is in HMTL.

  32. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 7 – Creating a book.inf file Create a book.inf for a fictional company called RealCast who makes fishing equipment. Start the Book Information Editor via the Start>Programs>Mincom LinkOne menu, and fill out the fields as shown below. Save the book.inf file to: “My Documents\Source Books\RealCast\S1000M”

  33. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 8 – Creating Ldf (List Definition Files) Start Hotpoint and File > New, then click Edit > List Details and fill out the fields as shown below

  34. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 8 – Creating Ldf (List Definition Files) Click on the <Documents> Tab. Select HTML for the “Type” and for the document [Browse] to “My Documents\RealCast\Reels\s1000d maint\s1000maint.htm”

  35. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 8 – Creating Ldf (List Definition Files) Save the LDF file as “My Documents\Source Books\RealCast\S1000M\000000.LDF”

  36. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 9 – Building a LinkOne Book Start the BookBuilder application via the Start>Programs>Mincom LinkOne Publisher menu, and set the Source: to “My Document\Source Books\RealCast\S1000M\Book.inf” using the [Browse…] button

  37. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 9– Building a LinkOne Book Change the “Build Mode” to “Release” and perform a [Total] build.

  38. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 10 – Viewing the Book Start LinkOne WinView via the Start>Programs>Mincom LinkOne menu And open the RealCast Fishing Equipment > Reels > S1000D Spinning Reel Maintenance

  39. Publishing Process • Enhancing Books • Books can be enhanced by adding additional functionality • Some of the functionality that can be added is: • Serial Number Breaks • Filters (e.g. With or Without Air conditioning) • Additional Fields (e.g. Stock Code) • Security • Notes • Print and Screen Layouts • It is beyond the scope of the course to teach each of these, but we will cover adding serial ranges and publisher supplied notes.

  40. Publishing Process Task: In the parts list Item 39 Washer for the spool assembly was only used on the first nine reels – Serial number 100001-100009. We need to indicate this usage in our parts book.

  41. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 11 – Adding a Serial Number Break Start Hotpoint via the Start>Programs>Mincom LinkOne Publisher menu, and open “My Documents\Source Books\RealCast\S1000P\S-00001.LDF”. Select View > List Only to make it easier to edit our parts details.

  42. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 11 – Adding a Serial Number Break Click the <Options> tab and in the “Name” Combo select “SN”, in “From” type: 100002 and “To” 100009. Select Item ID 39 in the parts list and click the [ Add] button.

  43. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 11 – Adding a Serial Number Break Your screen should now look like this. Save the LDF file and build the book.

  44. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 12 – Viewing the book and setting a Filter Open the book in WinView we just modified.

  45. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 12 – Viewing the book and setting a Filter Set a filter Click Edit > Temporary Filters. Select “SN” and type 100015 and Click [OK]

  46. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 12 – Viewing the book and setting a Filter Since Item 39 does not meet the serial number criteria it is no longer displayed.

  47. Publishing Process Task: When a user clicks on the spool assembly we want to be able to jump to the maintenance procedure for the reel.

  48. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 13 – Adding a supplied note to a parts book Open the Reel parts book in WinView and open the spool page.

  49. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 13 – Adding a supplied note to a parts book Right click on Item 2 Spool Assembly and Select Create Cross Reference Note…

  50. Publishing Process Practical Exercise 13 – Adding a supplied note to a parts book We will now fill out the note data as shown and click the [OK] button

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