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C hi r ag E nt e r t ai n me n t

Chirag Entertainment specializes in capturing the beautiful moments of your wedding, engagement, birthday, and other events. We use candid and out-of-the-box techniques to create stories that will be cherished for years to come. Visit our website for photography, videography, and other services.

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C hi r ag E nt e r t ai n me n t

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  1. Chirag Entertainment

  2. PreserveyourweddingmemoriesforeverandcherishthatmomentsforaslongPreserveyourweddingmemoriesforeverandcherishthatmomentsforaslong asyou want.Chirag Entertainment, Trivandrumspecializesin themostfun-filled, candid style and out-of-the-boxtechniquesfor capturing all thebeautifulmomentsofyour wedding, engagement,birthday,housewarming oranyeventyouwanttoname.Welove crafting the storiesof yourwedding orbirthdayeventsbystitchingtogetherstillpicturesandmovie, that willbound tobeapartofyour family,foryearsandyearstocome.Welovetoseizetheright momentsattherighttimeandconvertthemtocontemporarygenresandfurnisheverything to makeyour most favored momentseternalfor theeyes.Wewholeheartedlywelcomeyou to our website, ChiragEntertainment,Trivandrum,whereyou can rely on uscompletelyfor capturingexquisite shots and candid framesof the event that you lookforward tothe most.

  3. SERVICES Photography Wedding Engagement Birthday House Warming RitualCeremony Industrial/Productshoots Portfolio/Portraits DigitalPhoto Re-touching& Restoration. Videography WeddingVideography FunctionShoots Videoeditingin DV, HDand Blurayformats Photoprinting& Lamination DigitalAlbumprinting Photoframingetc Corporate meetings, Seminars, Exhibitions, Conference, Fashion Show, Celebration Parties, SchoolEvents,OfficialFunctions Fashion & Interior picture shooting. Projection Screensand Plasma for live display. our weddingplanningincludes Venue Booking Designingand PrintingWeddingCards Brideand GroomMake Over Photographyand Videography Decorations Entertainment Hospitalityfor outof town guests Transportation OnsiteSupervision and Co-ordination. Light andSound                               

  4. Welovetoshootweddings.ItgivesusimmensesatisfactiontocapturetheWelovetoshootweddings.Itgivesusimmensesatisfactiontocapturethe weddingmomentsanddeliverittoourclientsandattheendofthedaytoseethesparkand happinessontheirfaces.That’swhat today’sstylish bridesand grooms. our Aim iswe bring today’s finest photographers to Afteryour weddingwewillcreate your imagestellingyour weddingstory and expressthe beautyof your most specialmoments. Thisdynamiccollection isthen made intoyour albumand cinematicvideo depends on package choosen byclients.You willreceive allof your imageson DVD-ROMs.You will also receive your videointhreeparts:rawfootage, the 3to 5minuteCinematicEdit, and the customedited fulllength SignatureEdit.Quality Guaranteestands behind theentireprocessand eachproduct we deliver.

  5. CANDIDWEDDINGPHOTOGRAPHY Whetherornotcandidweddingphotographersarenecessaryforyourwedding dependson your expectation fromyour wedding photographs.Ifallthatyou wantis, therebe somepicturesofalltheguests,especiallywhentheyareparticipatinginrituals,andyouare nottoo worried aboutthe‘visualquality’ofpictures, youdon’thaveto belooking for anyof the candid weddingphotographersIndia has.Anystudiophotographer will do.However, if you wantvisually stunningpictures thatportrayemotions,feelings,energy,chaosfromoneof the mostspecialdaysofyourlife,thenyoubetterhaveanartisticphotographer(whotypically takecandid shotsand notinstructed /posed pictures). ContactusNow: +919447930260 (Trivandrum), 9645086013( Banglore) Loveis themaster key thatopensthegatesofhappiness,ofhatred,ofjealousy, and, most easilyof all, thegate offear.

  6. Therealact of marriagetakes placeintheheart,notin theballroom or church orsynagogue.It'sachoiceyoumake-notjustonyourweddingday,butoverandoveragain- and thatchoiceisreflectedin the wayyou treat your husband or wife.

  7. CHRISTIANWEDDINGPHOTOGRAPHY ChiragEntertainment,Trivandrumisallreadytobesetandclickyouramazing weddingmoments in themost traditionalandfollowed through themanyyears of Christian weddingceremonies.Beitatthechurch’saltarorwhilethebrideandgroomexchanges sweets for the start of a happy married life, weturn out those beautiful momentsinto somethingyoucankeepin yourmemories,foralifetime,in HDperfection.Getin touchwith ChiragEntertainment,Trivandrumtobook usforcapturingyourChristianWeddingceremony moments. Everylovestoryis beautiful, but oursismyfavorite.

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