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Professionalism. Assoc . Prof. Dr. Şehnaz Şahinkarakaş. Philosophy of ethics ( Bishop , 2004). Two modes of actions in Greek philosophy ( Aristotle ) i) do the right thing , in the right way at the right time
Professionalism Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şehnaz Şahinkarakaş
Philosophy of ethics (Bishop, 2004) • Twomodes of actions in Greekphilosophy (Aristotle) i) do therightthing, in therightwayat theright time • pros: weunderstandthatethicaldecisionsarecomplex: not onlydoing it right but alsotimingandmanner of action is important • cons: we don’t know how to figure out what is right; right manner or time ii) act the way a good or virtuous person would act in a given situation • pros: it guides us to imagine a good person • cons: how to pick out a good person
Philosophy of ethics (Bishop, 2004) • Twotraditionsfromearly modern developments • i) satisfaction / utilitarianism: Weactconsideringthegreatestamount of satisfactionorutilityoveranyonethat is affected(achievingmaximumsatisfaction) • pros: comfortableto talk aboutthesatisfactionorutilities (they can be measuredandquantified) than talk aboutrightsorfreedomviolated) • cons: (a) success is not measuredonlybysatisfaction, but measuredbyachievingtheworthyends (b) allsatisfactionsareacceptedto be equal; i.e., dominatingothers is not differentfromhelpingothers (e.g. a marriedcouple’spreferenceforprivacy is acceptedto be thesame as a gascompany’spreferencetopollute) (c) has a narrowview of equality: distributionorresourcesareconsideredaccordingtothesatisfaction a person has, not thecapacities of separatepersons
Philosophy of ethics (Bishop, 2004) • ii) Kantianism: determining ethical conducts not assatisfaction, but as ideals of universal law and respect for others; i.e., trying to see the rightness or wrongness of an act in itself • pros: acceptedto be pioneer in modern ethicalthinking • cons: not instrumental in developing an adequateprofessionalethics • BUT, Kant’sethicalthoughtsareimportantwhilethinkingabout a professionalethics
Kantianismand Language Testing • Tworeasons/minds: • Theoreticalreason: understandingobjects as theyaregivento us; it assessesthewaysthingsare • Practicalreason: constructingobjectsaccordingto a conception of them; it decides how theworldshould be andwhatindividualsshould do (constructivism) • For language testers • Theoretical reason: measuring the degree of language competence as it is given to them (a reliable and valid test) • (WHAT to measure?) • Practical reason: thinking about how to construct objects according to a certain conception; i.e., thinking of a way to measure that language competence and the appropriate uses of those measures (responsible and ethical use of tests) • (HOW to measure it?)
Whyareobjectsconstructedbypracticalreason? (Bishop, 2004) • 1. Theyare not foundordiscovered in theworld: we form an idea andweconstruct a system • 2. Theyaffectthewayinstitutionsandpeopledevelopandtheyareboundtochange • 3. Theyhavecertaincontentsthat limit what can count an ethicalvalue
Discussion • For Kant, guidestoethicalactionsareconstructed (Constructivism) • Then can we say that ethics is constructed? • And can we say standardized tests, although valid and reliable, are ethical?
Professional morality • A professional morality provides ‘a contract for the profession and the individual with the public’ (Davies, 1997) • What are the three moralities (Davies, 1997; Hamp-Lyons, 2000) • Public/Social (largesocialissues; e.g. Capitalpunisment) • Professional (codes, contracts, professionaltraining) • Individual (issues of conscience)
Professionalism as a community of practitioners TestingPractitioners!! • ‘Eachindividualtestercountshimself/herself as part of a community of practitioners, andsoengages in discussion, debateandresearchthatleadstoprogress’ (coursebook, p. 138) • Do youagree?
Individuality (1) • ‘Eachindividual has a critical role tochallengethecommunitytoquestionitscurrentlyacceptedposition’ (coursebook, p. 140) • In an ethicalcommunity, individualsquestiontheirpositionsconstantly (instead of acceptingthings as theyare) • i.e. They listen to OTHERS! Andconsiderseriouslywhat THEY THINK!
Individuality (2) • Thenwhat is the role of a languagetester in theprofessionalcommunity? • Beingneither ‘subservienttonorindependentfromthesociety’ (coursebook, p. 141) • ‘What is public (or indeed professional) and what is individual is not stable: what for me my well be a matter of individual ethics (or morality) may for others…be a matter of public concern’ (Davies, 1997) • Then, is it possible to say that ethics is bound to change in time?
Language testersshouldensure a balancebetweentheprofessionalethicalcodeandtheindividual moral conscience. • Is it possibletohave a conflictbetweenindividualmoralityandprofessionalethics? Givereasons • Haveyou ever beenbotheredbyconflictbetween a professionalethicandyourown moral consciousness? Discusswithyourfriends. Whatdidyou do? How didyoufeel? …
Write 1-2 paragraphs in whichyou define what Professional Ethics is in LTA