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The Disguise from The Girl-Son Genre: Historical Fiction Author’s Purpose: Entertain Skill: Summarizing By: Anne E. Neuberger Illustrated by: Cheryl Kirk Noll. Compiled by Terry Sams, Piedmont. Summary.
The Disguise from The Girl-Son Genre: Historical Fiction Author’s Purpose: Entertain Skill: Summarizing By: Anne E. Neuberger Illustrated by: Cheryl Kirk Noll Compiled by Terry Sams, Piedmont
Summary There was a time in Korea when school was for boys only. Imduk's mother knew her daughter could learn as well as a boy, so she thought of a way to send her. How? She disguised Imduk as a boy! Imduk learned everything that was expected of her. She made lots of friends at school too. Being a boy wasn't so bad.
Genre: Historical Fiction • Historical Fictionisfiction that takes place in the past. • The author makes up the characters and events, but the characters and events seem real. • The setting is important, and the problems and events are based on things that really did or could have happened during the time period.
Comprehension Skill - Summarizing • A summary is a short statement that tells the main ideas of a selection. • A story summary should tell the goals of the characters, how they try to reach them, and whether they reach them. • A summary of an article should tell the main idea, leaving out unnecessary details. Tips on Summarizing
Practice Summarizing Review the events that lead to Imduk and her mother’s goal in the story. Imduk learns the Korean alphabet. Imduk and her mother move to a new village. Imduk dresses as a boy and enrolls in school. Imduk works hard and excels at learning. Imduk gets an education.
Vocabulary Skill – Antonyms • Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. • Many writers create sentences in which a known word may be used as a clue to the meaning of an antonym. • Examples : I’m not happy, I’m distraught. She waded through the shallow creed because it wasn’t too deep to cross.
Comprehension Review Skill: Predicting • To predict means to tell what you think might happen next in a story or article based on what has already happened. • Your prediction is what you say will happen next. • When you make predictions, you also use your personal knowledge about a topic to help you. • Predicting is a process of checking and changing your predictions as you read based on new information.
SymbolismTE 429j • A symbol is a person, place, event, or thing that stands for something besides itself. (A topknot is a way to wear hair, but it also a sign of an educated person.) • Some symbols pertain only to a particular story, (Imduk receives the new name Induk as a symbol of new new life.) • Other symbols, such as a heart for love, are generally known. • Can you name other symbols in this story?
Research Skill - Alphabetical Order TE 429j • Words in glossaries and indexes are organized in alphabetical order to make them easier to find. • To find an entry, start by looking for the first letter of the word you wish to find. • If there are multiples entries with the same first letter, look for the second letter, the third letter, and so on. • ABC order is used in telephone books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and fiction books in a library. Teacher tip – use the computer and show students how to “sort” in ABC order.
Weekly Fluency Check -Read with Accuracy TE 429d • Students should practice reading difficult names and other words so that reading is smooth. • Pay attention to the proper pronunciation of the difficult Korean words in this story. • Go to pages 411 or 414, beginning at the top of the page. • See also the slide of Korean names.
Writing Assignment Choose one of the following and write a paragraph: • What might have happened if the boys found out that Induk was really a girl? Write a story that tells how the outcome might have been different if she had been caught. • In Induk’s culture in 1896, only boys attended school. Today, both boys and girls participate in most things. List ten things in which both boys and girls participate.
More Good Stuff • Tour of Korea • Learn about traditions around the world • Lesson Plan • Summarizing, Paraphrasing, Quoting • More on Summarizing • Reading Test • Spelling Test
Say It! cautious chanting dangerous disguise principal recite squatted suspected
More Words to Know cross-legged embarrassment methodically reputation
Korean words and names: • Imduk/Induk • podari (po da re) backpack • Han gul (hang gul) Korean written language • Dukdong (duk dong) place name • Kim Sung-No (Kim song no) • Monyangtul (mon yang tul) • Kim Hyun Duk (kim hyun duk) • (Young) Jin (yung jin) • Jung Dae (chung de) • Induk Pahk(in duk pak)
cautious • very careful; not taking chances
chanting • singing on one tune
dangerous • likely to cause harm
disguise • to make a thing seem like something else
principal • the head of a school
recite • to say over; repeat
squatted • crouched on the heels
suspected • believed to be guilty, false, or bad without proof
cross-legged • with one leg bent or folded over or under the other
embarrassment • shame; an uneasy feeling
methodically • according to a method
reputation • one's character, in the opinion of others
Induk’s classmates never suspected she was a girl.
Induk’s classmates never suspected she was a girl.
The principal of the school was very strict.