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D 0 K - , + reconstruction with CBM STS detector

D 0 K - , + reconstruction with CBM STS detector. I.Vassiliev (GSI) CBM collaboration meeting 06-Oct-04. Simulation tools (cbmroot) & geometry Signal and Background simulation Tracking & Vertexing Variables and cuts. Cuts optimisation Trigger feasibility study Outline.

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D 0 K - , + reconstruction with CBM STS detector

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  1. D0 K-,+ reconstructionwith CBM STS detector I.Vassiliev (GSI) CBM collaboration meeting 06-Oct-04 Simulation tools (cbmroot) & geometry Signal and Background simulation Tracking & Vertexing Variables and cuts. Cuts optimisation Trigger feasibility study Outline

  2. Simulation tools (cbmroot) & geometry SBM framework last edition (3 first Sts in vacuum); "standard" and 700 m thickness STS geometry; 7 stations at 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 cm; stations at 5 and10 cm - 100 m others 200 m single Au target 500 m,  = 10 m (double) hit displacement (Gaussian smearing) at CbmStsDoubleHitProducer.cxx GEANT3, UrQmd (25 Gev) and D0 K-,+(by V.Friese) generators; no Magnetic Field, but dP/P = 1%

  3. Signal and Background simulation Signal - 105 events D0 K-,+ Background – 104 UrQmd events mixed 103 events IM(GeV/c2)

  4. Tracking & Vertexing Tracking & Vertexing developed by I.Kisel: CbmITrack, CbmStsmctracks2rsegs,CbmStsRefit CbmStsPerformance; CbmStsPrimaryVertex, StsSecondaryVertex    CbmStsAnalysis: Event Topology (MC), RSEGs analysis K (K0S;0;  -;  -;D0) K0S  - 0 IM (GeV/c2)

  5. Tracking & Vertexing  = 57 m Zv (cm) MC Zv – RECO Zv (cm)

  6. Variables and cuts. Cuts optimisation Impact Parameter (IP > 80 m); Z-vertex for D0 K-,+ (Z2 > 250 m); P D0 pointing to the Primary Vertex; PtK-,+ > 0.5 (0.45) GeV; P K-,+ >1.5 GeV; 2 < 5 for the Secondary vertex (cm)

  7. Variables and cuts. Cuts optimisation PtK-,+ and P K-,+ cuts optimisation Signal Background Signal Background (GeV)

  8. Variables and cuts. Cuts optimisation  P D0 pointing to the Primary Vertex cut optimisation Signal Background (cm)

  9. Trigger feasibility study Background 104 events IP,P,Pt Vz • No Particle ID • realistic tracking • and vertexing • ~400 reduction factor • ~10-3 D0 per event with • BR~3.65% • ~900 charged hadrons per event all cuts D0pont;2 11 events IM (GeV/c2)

  10. Trigger feasibility study 103 mix events: Urqmd+D0 K-,+ MC MC IP,P,Pt cuts Reco IP,P,Pt cuts Reco all cuts IM (GeV/c2)

  11. Outline • MC simulation shows feasibility to measure • D0K- + + withCBM STS "standard" detector geometry • Developed cuts allows to create Trigger model with • RF ~ 600 and S/B ratio ~ 0.8 (more with PID) • 700 m thickness STS stations study is going on • Magnetic Field

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