2. 1. Who kills Macbeth ? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
5. 2. How many men reign as king of Scotland throughout the play? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
8. 3. Whom does Lady Macbeth frame for the murder of Duncan? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
11. 4. Who kills Banquo? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
14. 5. Which of the following best describes Lady Macbeth’s death? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
17. 6. Who discovers Duncan’s body? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
20. 7. Whom does Macbeth see sitting in his chair during the banquet? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
23. 8. What vision does Macbeth have before he kills Duncan? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
26. 9. With whom are the Scots at war at the beginning of the play? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
29. 10. Which nation’s army invades Scotland at the end of the play? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
32. 11. Who is the goddess of witchcraft in the play? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
35. 12. Who kills Donalbain? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
38. 13. What happens to Lady Macbeth before she dies? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
41. 14. Who kills Lord Siward’s son? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
44. 15. Where are Scottish kings crowned? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
47. 16. Why is Macduff able to kill Macbeth despite the witches’ prophecy? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
50. 17. Where is Duncan killed? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
53. 18. Who flees Scotland to join Malcolm in England? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
56. 19. What was the weather like the night Duncan was murdered? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
59. 20. Who kills Lady Macbeth? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
62. 21. Who flees Scotland immediately after Duncan’s death? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
65. 22. Who jokes that he works at “hell gate”? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
68. 23. What title is Macbeth given after his victory described in Act I? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
71. 24. Who tells Macduff that his family has been killed? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.
74. 25. How does Birnam Wood come to Dunsinane? Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.Enter the text for the question.
Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘.
Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide.
You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show.
If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices.
After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects.